B Syntax for Using the APM Java Agent Installation Script

Here’s the syntax for using the ProvisionApmJavaAsAgent.sh script:

ProvisionApmJavaAsAgent.sh -d  <domain_home> [ -h <hostname> ]	
						[ -no-prompt [-overwrite]] [ -no-wallet ]
						[ -ph proxy_host> -pp proxy_port> [ -pt proxy_auth_token> ] ] 
						[ -c client_collector_url> ] [ -regkey-file ] [ -classifications ]

The following table describes the parameters of the ProvisionApmJavaAsAgent.sh script.

Parameters Description
-d <domain_home> Specify the absolute path of the home directory of your application server. This should be the absolute path of the home directory. The APM Java Agent software will be installed under this directory.
-h <hostname> (Optional) Specify a valid fully qualified host name of your application server. By default, the installation script determines the hostname of the machine. Specify this parameter to override this value with another hostname.
-no-prompt (Optional)

Do not prompt for confirmation.

Usually, the ProvisionApmJavaAsAgent.sh script displays various pieces of information that is either supplied to it, or that it derives. Further, the script asks you to confirm the values. When -no-prompt parameter is used, the values are displayed, but you will not be prompted before proceeding.

-overwrite (Optional)

Deploy APM Agent and overwrite existing APM Agent, if any.

This parameter works with the -no-prompt parameter.

  • Specify -overwrite with -no-prompt to overwrite APM Java Agent installation without confirmation.

  • Use -no-prompt without -overwriteto upgrade the existing installation. With upgrade, all customized properties are retained.

-no-wallet (Optional)

Do not use Oracle Wallet.

The ProvisionApmJavaAsAgent.sh script assumes that the AgentInstall.sh script specified an Oracle auto-login wallet containing the APM Java Agent's authorization token. This authorization token allows the APM Java Agent to contact the cloud services that it uses. Oracle Wallet is provisioned as the APM Java Agent's credential store. This option supports an environment which does not have the capability to use Oracle Wallet.

If the AgentInstall.sh script does not specify an Oracle Wallet, then the provisioning script looks for the authorization token in the properties file that is also specified by the AgentInstall.sh script.

If the -no-wallet parameter is specified, then while running the provisioning script, this flag ensures that the provisioning script does not use Oracle Wallet, even if one was provided by the AgentInstall.sh script.

Instead, the authorization token of the APM Java Agent will be taken from the properties file specified by the AgentInstall.sh script, and provisioned in an alternative (non-wallet) credential store for the APM Java Agent to use.

-ph <proxy host> (Optional) Specify the proxy host name if the APM Java Agent uses an HTTP proxy.
-pp <proxy port> (Optional) Specify the proxy port if the APM Java Agent uses an HTTP proxy.
-pt <proxy token> (Optional) Specify the proxy authorization token if the APM Java Agent is using HTTP proxy that requires authentication. The token is added to the credential store of the APM Java Agent. The token is either an Oracle auto-login wallet or the alternative credential store if a wallet is not being used.
-regkey-file <path-to-regkey> (Optional) Specify the location of the file that contains your registration key. For more information on Registration Keys, go to Managing Registration keys in Installing and Managing Oracle Management Cloud Agents.
-classifications <classifications string> (Optional) Specify a classifications string that will be set in AgentStartup.properties file. This string is used to tag all requests related to a certain application.

Sample Command

Following is a sample command that is used to run the ProvisionApmJavaAsAgent.sh script.

./ProvisionApmJavaAsAgent.sh -d /WLS12.1.3/oracle_home/user_projects/domains/acme_domain

Use of Outbound Proxy

Optionally, you can use an outbound proxy as the communication channel for the application. If your environment uses an outbound proxy, then when you provision your APM Java Agent, there are extra parameters in the ProvisionApmJavaAsAgent.sh script to specify the proxy host and port. For more information, run the ProvisionApmJavaAsAgent.sh script with the -help option.

Proxy Authentication

Use of proxy authentication is dependent on your environment. If you configured the proxy to require authentication, there are additional parameters you must specify while running the ProvisionApmJavaAsAgent.sh script. For more information, run the ProvisionApmJavaAsAgent.sh script with the -help option.