Add a Credential Store

Add an agent credential store:

  1. Login as the user who installed the agent.

    $ su oracle
  2. Navigate to the omcli directory location.

    $ cd <AGENT_BASE_DIR>/agent_inst/bin
  3. Stop the agent.

    $ omcli stop agent
  4. Add a wallet-based credential store to an agent by using:

    $ omcli add_credential_store agent [ wallet-file ] [ -no_password ]

    The command configures the agent to use a wallet-based credential store.


    • wallet—file: the filename location of the wallet-based credential store. The wallet can be a pre-existing file or a new file.

      If wallet-file is not specified, the default wallet file: cwallet.sso will be created under <AGENT_BASE_DIR>/agent_inst/sysman/config/creds directory.

    • -no_password: no password will be used in the wallet and an SSO wallet (protected only by file permissions) will be created/used.

      If -no_password is not specified, the user will be prompted for a password to use in the wallet.

    All sensitive credential data will reside in the wallet.

    For example, you can run the following:

    $ omcli add_credential_store agent -no_password
    Oracle Management Cloud Agent
    Copyright (c) 1996, 2018 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Wallet-based credential store was added successfully.

    A filename: cwallet.sso is created under <AGENT_BASE_DIR>/agent_inst/sysman/config/creds directory.

  5. Restart the agent.

    $ omcli start agent