Install the Cloud Agent from a Shared Location

This section discusses installing the cloud agent from a shared location.

Install the Cloud Agent from a Shared Location

You can download the agent software ZIP file in a shared location and use it to install cloud agents on multiple hosts. This saves space on the host where you are installing the agent and ease of use in multi-host environments.

The agent software ZIP file required to install the agents can be saved and unzipped in a shared location. You can then install agents on multiple hosts that have access to this shared location.

Follow these steps to download the software ZIP file in a shared location.

As an administrator with full access to a shared location, perform the following:
  1. Create or identify an existing shared directory. This will be referred to as AGENT_IMAGE_LOCATION.

  2. Download and unzip the agent software ZIP file in this shared directory.

    unzip <your zip file name> -d <shared directory location>

    For example, unzip -d /net/cloud_agent_bundle

On the host(s) where you want to install the agents, perform the following:
  1. Log in as the agent installation user (typically oracle).

  2. Create a new local directory with write privileges. For example, /u01/my_agent_install

  3. Copy the script file from the shared location to a local directory on your host or run it from the shared location. You can have different possible scenarios for files location. See below for details of some example scenarios.

The install command format is the following:

<agent_image_location>/ [AGENT_IMAGE_LOCATION=<your shared directory full path>] [EXTRACTION_LOCATION=<local temp directory>] [AGENT_RSP_FILE=<full path to the agent.rsp, local or on the shared location>]

For example,

/net/cloud_agent_bundle/ AGENT_IMAGE_LOCATION=/net/cloud_agent_bundle EXTRACTION_LOCATION=/tmp AGENT_RSP_FILE=/u01/my_agent_install/agent.rsp

  • The values for AGENT_IMAGE_LOCATION, EXTRACTION_LOCATION, and AGENT_RSP_FILE parameters are passed through the command line only.

  • If EXTRACTION_LOCATION is not specified, it defaults to AGENT_IMAGE_LOCATION.

  • If the AGENT_IMAGE_LOCATION is not specified, it defaults to the directory where the script resides.

  • If AGENT_IMAGE_LOCATION is not writable, then the AGENT_IMAGE_LOCATION will be set to the current (.) directory. For Windows, the length of the directory path including the drive letter for the AGENT_IMAGE_LOCATION should be less than 23 characters.

  • AGENT_RSP_FILE is the full path to the agent response file, agent.rsp. This file can be local or in the shared location. The shared location can be the same location as the shared software bundle or any other shared location. If the AGENT_RSP_FILE is not mentioned on the command line, then the script looks for it in the AGENT_IMAGE_LOCATION. Typically, if installing on multiple hosts you will want a local response file for each host. Copy the original agent.rsp file from the shared location to a local directory and customize it per your environment. For details on customizing your response file, see Parameters for Installing a Cloud Agent.

  • If the response file and the script are not co-located, then you must pass the AGENT_RSP_FILE=<absolute path to the agent.rsp file> parameter in the command line when you run the script.

When you run the installer (, by default, it checks for the in the same location where the shell script is present. If the is placed in another location, you have to specify the path to the directory where the agent software ZIP file is extracted. Edit the response file to pass the respective parameters to the installer. Specify the directory of the unzipped agent software bundle on the shared location. This directory should have read permission for the agent installation user and should be accessible from the host where the agent is being installed. The is extracted in the same location where the agent software ZIP file is extracted. If you want to extract the zip file on a different location, you must provide the extraction location.

The following are some example scenarios:

Scenario 1:

The software bundle (agent image) is on a shared location (host2). The script and the response file (agent.rsp) are on the installation host (host1). The AGENT_IMAGE_LOCATION and EXTRACTION_LOCATION parameter values are provided. For example,

cd <directory where resides>

./ AGENT_IMAGE_LOCATION=<your shared directory full path on host2> EXTRACTION_LOCATION=<local temp directory on host2> AGENT_RSP_FILE=<directory path to host1>/agent.rsp

Scenario 2:

The software bundle (agent image) is on a shared location (host2). The script is on the installation host (host1). The AGENT_IMAGE_LOCATION, EXTRACTION_LOCATION, and AGENT_RSP_FILE parameter values that point to host2 are provided.

For example,

cd <directory where resides>

./ EXTRACTION_LOCATION=<local temp directory on host2> AGENT_IMAGE_LOCATION=<your shared directory full path on host2> AGENT_RSP_FILE=<directory path to host2>/agent.rsp

Scenario 3:

The software bundle (agent image) and the script are on a shared location (host2). The has execute permission set for “others” (to provide execute permission: chmod 777 The AGENT_IMAGE_LOCATION and EXTRACTION_LOCATION parameter values are not provided.

For example,

cd <shared directory on host2 where resides>


In this case, the EXTRACTION_LOCATION will first default to AGENT_IMAGE_LOCATION. If AGENT_IMAGE_LOCATION is not writable, then the EXTRACTION_LOCATION will be set to the current directory. The agent installation user must have write permission in the current directory.

Scenario 4:

The software bundle (agent image) is on a shared location (host2). The script is on host1. The AGENT_IMAGE_LOCATION and EXTRACTION_LOCATION parameter values that point to host2 are provided. The response file (agent.rsp) is on a different location, host3.

For example,

cd <directory where resides>

./ EXTRACTION_LOCATION=<local temp directory on host2> AGENT_IMAGE_LOCATION=<your shared directory full path on host2> AGENT_RSP_FILE=<directory path to host3>/agent.rsp

Scenario 5:

The software bundle (agent image) and the script are on a shared location (host2). The has execute permission for “others”(to provide execute permission: chmod 777 Only the EXTRACTION_LOCATION parameter value is provided. Ensure that the EXTRACTION_LOCATION is writable by "others" (chmod 777 local temp directory).

For example,

cd <shared directory on host2 where resides>

./ EXTRACTION_LOCATION=<local temp directory on host2>/tmp

In this case, the default value for AGENT_IMAGE_LOCATION is the directory in which the agent installation script resides.