Modify the Data Collector Connect String or SSH Port After Deployment

This section discusses modifying the data collector connect string or SSH port after deployment.

Modify the Data Collector Connect String or SSH Port After Deployment

If you want to change the connect string or any other details in the connect string for a data collector that was already deployed to the same Oracle Management Repository (OMR), then follow these steps:

  1. Stop the data collector.

    <AGENT_BASE_DIRECTORY>/agent_inst/bin/omcli stop agent

  2. Create a file with name FILENAME:

    <AGENT_BASE_DIRECTORY>/agent_inst/bin/omcli config_datacollector agent FILENAME

    This file must contain the following details:
    UserName: username of the datacollector user.
    UserNamePriv: username of a privileged user.
    UserRolePriv: userrole of a privileged user. Default SYSDBA.
    HarvestHostUserName: username of an OS user for fetching datacollector files.
    StageDir: absolute directory path for staging datacollector files on the OMR host.
    ConnectDescriptor: Connect descriptor for the OMR.
    Host: host of the OMR. (Not required if ConnectDescriptor is specified)
    Port: port of the OMR. (Not required if ConnectDescriptor is specified)
    Service: service name of the OMR. (Not required if ConnectDescriptor is specified)
    Sid: SID of the OMR. (Not required if ConnectDescriptor or Service is specified)

    Sample File

    UserName     : omc_collector
    UserNamePriv : sys
    UserRolePriv : SYSDBA
    HarvestHostUserName : oracle
    StageDir : /u01/OMCStageDir
    Host :
    Port : 1521
    Service :
  3. Start the data collector.

    <AGENT_BASE_DIRECTORY>/agent_inst/bin/omcli start agent

To modify the SSH port after the data collector has been installed, follow these steps:

  1. Stop the data collector.

    <AGENT_BASE_DIRECTORY>/agent_inst/bin/omcli stop agent

  2. Create a file with name FILENAME:

    <AGENT_BASE_DIRECTORY>/agent_inst/bin/omcli config_datacollector agent FILENAME

    This file must contain the following details:
    UserName: username of the datacollector user.
    StageDir: absolute directory path for staging datacollector files on the OMR host.
    HarvestHostUserName: username of an OS user for fetching datacollector files.
    Sid: SID of the OMR. (Not required if ConnectDescriptor or Service is specified)
    UserNamePriv: username of a privileged user.
    Host: host of the OMR. (Not required if ConnectDescriptor is specified)
    OMR_HOST_SSH_PORT: SSH Port Number (For any port change)
    Port: port of the OMR. (Not required if ConnectDescriptor is specified)

    Sample File

    UserName     : omc_collector
    StageDir : /u01/OMCStageDir
    HarvestHostUserName : oracle
    UserNamePriv : sys
    SID: host
    Host :
    Port : 1111
  3. Start the data collector.

    <AGENT_BASE_DIRECTORY>/agent_inst/bin/omcli start agent


You can’t use these steps to redirect the data collector to a different Oracle Management Repository.