Remove Credentials

Remove credentials:

  1. Login as the user who installed the agent.

    $ su oracle
  2. Navigate to the omcli directory location.

    $ cd <AGENT_BASE_DIR>/agent_inst/bin
  3. Start the agent if it’s not already running.

    $ omcli start agent
  4. Remove a credential by using:

    $ omcli remove_credential agent CREDENTIAL_NAME [ TARGETNAME:TARGETTYPE | -global ]

    The command removes a credential from the agent with name CREDENTIAL_NAME.


    • CREDENTIAL_NAME: is the credential name.

    • TARGETNAME:TARGETTYPE: is the entity name. You want to remove a credential from the agent with the specific entity name: TARGETNAME:TARGETTYPE.

      TARGETNAME is the name part of the target id of the credential definition.

      TARGETTYPE is the type part of the target id of the credential definition.

    • —global: removes a credential from the agent with global name CREDENTIAL_NAME.