Edit Property Values for Existing Entities

You can edit property values of existing entities in the Administration console in Oracle Management Cloud.

For example, your service is monitoring an entity such as a WebLogic Administration Server, and for that service, the entity requires two mandatory properties to be set. At the time of adding the entity, you had specified some values for the mandatory properties and now you want to change the value of one of the mandatory properties (say Server Names).
To edit property values:
  1. Select Administration in the Management Cloud navigation menu.
  2. Select Entity Configuration in the Administration navigation menu, then click Configure Entities.
  3. In the Select Entities dialog box, select the entity whose property values you want to change and click Select.
    The Configure Entities page now displays the list of mandatory properties for the selected entity for each service (considering the entity is monitored by a different Oracle Management Cloud service).
  4. In the Configuration Properties section, select the service for which you want to change the property values from the service name drop-down list.
    A list of the service-specific properties for the selected entity is displayed. Note that the property listing changes based on the service that you select, because different services may require a different set of mandatory properties for the same entity.
  5. Edit the required property values, and click Save.


If the selected entity doesn’t have mandatory properties, then the following message is displayed in the Configuration Properties section:

There are no configuration properties for selected entity