B Monitoring New Entity Types

Oracle Management Cloud (OMC) provides flexibility when monitoring new entity types. These types could be traditional on-premises entity types (e.g. PostgreSQL) or cloud-based services (e.g. Oracle Analytics Cloud).

On-premises Entity Types

  • Custom Scripts: You can create custom scripts to collect metric data for an entity type, and then upload the metric data to Oracle Management Cloud using REST APIs. <link to both RAOMC and MOS note for REST API>. ( Once the data is in OMC, you can use OMC's homepages and dashboards, and other monitoring features such as alerts and notifications.

  • collectd/Telegraf: If an entity type can be monitored by collectd or Telegraf, then you can use OMC’s integration with collectd/Telegraf to monitor the entities. See Expand Monitoring with collectd and Expand Monitoring with Telegraf for more information.
  • Logs: Custom parser and Log sources can be created and associated with any entity, including the host entity if an agent can be deployed. If agents can’t be deployed, you can use syslog or APIs to collect the logs. Once data is in OMC, use Log Analytics capabilities to analyze errors, create metrics, create alerts, etc.

Cloud-based Services

  • There are different methods for monitoring new entity types which can be found in OMC documentation (shown below), however, there may be non-technical reasons for not supporting the monitoring of an entity type, such as licensing.

    Ensure you fully comply with other service agreements especially for stress, performance, or vulnerability monitoring of certain applications. For example, be sure to check your Oracle Cloud Services Agreement for the monitoring terms of Oracle Cloud Services.

  • If the Cloud Service exposes REST APIs for its metric data, you can create custom scripts to query the data using their REST APIs, and then use OMC's REST APIs to upload to OMC. Once the data is in OMC, you can use OMC's homepages and dashboards, and other monitoring features such as alerts and notifications.
  • Synthetics (see below)
  • Options for collecting logs from Cloud Services:
    • If the Cloud Service has an endpoint to retrieve logs, you can then send these to OMC using the OMC APIs.
    • Some Cloud Services also have instrumentation to send logs to a syslog server, which can be used in conjunction with the OMC Syslog Listener on an agent to listen for logs.
    • Additionally, if the Cloud Service can send logs to Object Storage, OMC can pick up logs from there.

Checking for Entity Support

The following process should be followed to determine whether an entity type is supported by OMC.

  1. Check the documentation for supported entities:
  2. Use Synthetic Monitoring to script or record user paths, and use this to simulate user transactions on the application. These paths can be continuously monitored through Application Performance Monitoring, and potential issues can be caught early, before the end-user experiences it. See Monitor Application Performance through Synthetic Tests.
  3. If there is NO APM agent, see Entity Conversion Formulas.
  4. Check the most recent MOS Notes.