Analyze Current Storage Trend and Forecast Utilization

From the Trend/Forecast across databases chart, you can view the current trend of storage utilization, and use this trend to forecast future resource utilization.

  1. In the Trend/Forecast across databases section, in the Filters field, enter the name of the database. You can enter up to five databases in the Filters field.
    Alternatively, you can select the database in the Storage breakdown by individual databases section.
    The data for the selected database loads in the Trend/Forecast across databases section.
  2. To set the Regression Model, Forecast Period, and Confidence (%), click Settings.
  3. Click Run.
    The information loads in the Trend/Forecast across databases section.
For the application to forecast your resource utilization for a year, there must be at least 13 months of data stored in the Oracle IT Analytics warehouse. The forecast value is more accurate when there’s more data stored in the Oracle IT Analytics warehouse.

You can use the current and forecast storage utilization to plan your database capacity.

Figure 3-7 Trend/Forecast Across Databases Chart

Description of Figure 3-7 follows
Description of "Figure 3-7 Trend/Forecast Across Databases Chart"

For example, if according to the forecast storage space utilization, the storage requirements will gradually increase, then you need to expand your storage capacity to allow for this forecast increase in storage needs.