Analyze Page Performance

Using Application Performance Analytics, you can analyze the performance of the different pages of your application.

From the main application page, you can view the following:
  • Total page views and the percentage increase or decrease in the number of page views during the current time period. A decrease in total page views indicates that either users are viewing the page less or fewer users are accessing your page. If the change in page views is a cause for concern, then the application will present it to you as a finding and lets you view detailed information.

  • Page load time and the percentage increase or decrease in the page load time during the current time period. An increase in the page load time indicates that users have a longer wait before the page loads and they can see the information that they want. If the change in page load time is a cause for concern, then the application will present it to you as a finding and let you view detailed information.

  • Total page errors and the increase or decrease in page errors during the current time period. If the change in page errors is a cause for concern, then the application presents it to you as a finding and lets you view detailed information.


By default, the page details are displayed for the last 30 days. You can use the date-time list to select a different time window for your analysis. The specified date range applies to all the data that is displayed on the page. You can use one of the following options as the time period for the analysis:
  • Last 24 hours

  • Last 7 days

  • Last 14 days

  • Last 30 days

  • Last 90 days

  • Last 12 months

  • Custom: Select a start date and end date for the analysis period.

Clicking a finding lets you view detailed information related to the finding.

For example, if your finding is that a page contributed to 80% and more of your total pages during the selected time period, then you can view a summary of the information related to the following in the Summary tab of the Application Performance Analytics > Page Performance page:

  • General statistics related to total page views, page errors, load time, first byte time, and document interactive time, along with the percentage change since the previous time period for each. This information is similar to the information in the main page of the application.

  • Trend for the page views, page errors, load time, first byte time, and interactive time for the page. The trend lets you identify time periods during which the values were unusually high or unusually low. From here, you can identify whether the change in page view percentage from the previous time period was due to consistently high or low values.

  • User profile according to the region, browser used, and the operating system of the device used to access the application. From here, you can identify whether the increase or decrease in page performance was across regions, operating systems, and browsers, or whether specific regions, operating systems and browsers see a decrease in page performance.

This information lets you identify possible reasons for decreased page performance.

You can select a different finding from the drop-down list to view information specific to that finding.

In addition, the Percentage Findings option lets you check the details of pages that contribute towards a specific percentage of page views. For example, you may want to check the details of the four pages that have contributed towards 60% of the total page views. You can select the required parameter from the drop-down list. You can also perform a page-wise analysis. The Select Pages option lets you select the required pages from a heat map. Select the pages and click Analyze.

You can also perform a detailed analysis in the Advanced tab of the Page Performance page:
  • View data distributed according to time, to identify specific days on which the application was accessed more than usual. With this information, the application owner can work with the capacity planner to ensure that the necessary resources are in place to handle the increased traffic on those days.


    To perform a categorical analysis, you can also group data by different dimensions including time, browser, geographical region, and operating system.
  • Identify correlation between the different metrics (for example, page views and first byte time) related to page performance.

  • Forecast future metrics (such as page views) to decide whether to expand available resources to ensure that the application performs well.

In the Report tab of the Page Performance page, you can view the details of the analysis presented in a tabular format.