Analyze Resource Usage Across Application Server Instances

  1. Click the Overview tab in the left pane.

  2. Select an application server or an entity from the drop-down list and choose a time period to narrow down your analysis. You can also specify a custom time period.

    The memory utilization is displayed under three categories:

    • Heap Usage: The histogram shows the distribution of the instances for the selected app servers or entities in terms of their heap usage. The height of the bars indicates the number of app server deployments in the respective category for the selected time period.
    • Host Memory Usage: The histogram shows the categorization of hosts for app server instances in terms of their memory usage. The height of the bars indicates the number of the app server hosts in the respective category for the selected time period.
    • Application Server CPU Usage: The histogram shows the categorization of app server instances in terms of their CPU usage. The height of the bars indicates the number of app server instances in the respective category for the selected time period.

Click a bar or a group name to drill down to the respective usage page and view the usage details, and to forecast the usage for that group of app server instances. When you drill down from the histogram, a page level filter is set. You can clear this filter from the Filters option.