Description of the Total Heap Usage Across All Server Chart

This image is a screen capture of the Total Heap Usage Across Servers chart. The x-axis shows the dates from 28 January to 27 February 2018. The y-axis is the Gigabytes, in increments of 200, from 0 (zero) to 600 Gigabytes. Heap Size After GC (GB) appears as a solid blue line, Heap Usage (GB) appears as a solid orange line, and Maximum Heap Size (GB) appears as a solid pink line.

The trend Heap Size After GC is a straight line (with minor variations) between 0 (zero) and 100 Gigabytes from 14 to 19 February. Heap Usage is a straight line (with minor variations) between 100 and 200 Gigabytes from 14 to 19 February. The Maximum Heap Size line shows a downward trend from 700 to 200 Gigabytes from 14 to 21 February.