Description of the Aggregate Forecast Chart for Memory Usage

This image is a screen capture of the Aggregate Forecast View chart for memory usage. The x-axis shows the dates from 28 January to 17 March 2018. The y-axis is the GB, in increments of 2K, from 0 (zero) to 12K. Available Memory appears as a solid red line, Used Memory appears as a blue solid line, and Used Memory - Linear appears as a green and gray dotted line. A gray vertical line indicates today.

The Available CPU - Threshold is between 9 and 11K. The trend Used Memory before today is a straight line constant at 4K until 13 February, falls to 0 (zero), and remains at this value till 26 February.

The forecast Used Memory - Linear starting today (27 February) is a straight line at 0 (zero) until 17 March.