Description of the Trend and Forecast Chart for Interconnect Activity

This image is a screen capture of the Trend and Forecast chart for interconnect activity. A Filters field at the top left of the page shows the selected database - RideDB. The Settings button appears above the chart on the right. The x-axis shows the months from April 2015 to January 2016. The y-axis is the MB per sec, in increments of 4, from 0 (zero) to 12 MB per sec.

Bytes sent appears as a solid blue line and Bytes sent - Linear appears as a green and gray dotted line. A gray dotted vertical line indicates today. The Bytes sent line before today shows an upward trend between 8 and 12MBps, exceeding 12MBps by close to mid-June, falls to 0 (zero) MBps, and then shows an upward trend between 0 (zero) and 3MBps until mid-August. The trend again falls to 0 (zero) MBps and shows an upward trend between 0 (zero) and 3MBps from mid-August to October.

The Bytes sent - Linear line before today shows a decline from 12 MBps, gradually falls to 0 (zero) MBps by September and remains at 0 (zero) until January 2016.