Description of the Trend and Forecast Chart for CPU Usage

This image is a screen capture of the Trend and Forecast chart for CPU usage. A Filters field appears at the top left of the page the Settings button appears above the chart on the right. The x-axis shows the dates from 28 January to 28 May, in increments of 5 days. The y-axis shows the Percentage, in increments of 10, from 0 (zero) to 60. Application Server CPU Usage (%) appears as a solid blue line, Host CPU Usage (%) appears as a solid pink line, and Application Server CPU Usage (%) - Linear appears as a green and gray dotted line.

The trend Application Server CPU Usage appears as a dotted blue line at 40%. The trend Host CPU Usage is at 5% on 28 January; goes up to 10% and continues as a straight line (with minor variations) at 10% until 12 February. The line shows an upward trend touching 30% on 12 February and appears as a straight line (with minor variations) at 30% until 19 February. On 19 February, it again falls to 10% and continues as a straight line at this value until 27 February. The forecast Application Server CPU Usage (%) - Linear before today is a straight line at 40% and continues as a straight line at 40%, after today.