Description of the Response Time Breakdown Chart

This image is a screen capture of the Response Time Breakdown chart by Plan. The x-axis represents the Plan. The y-axis on the left shows the Average Response Time (secs) in increments of 0.5, from 0.0 to 5.0 secs. The y-axis on the right shows the Execution Count, in increments of 1K, from 0 to 10K. The category 'I/O Wait' is indicated by blue color, 'CPU' wait is indicated by green color, and 'Other Wait' is indicated by orange color.

This chart shows that the SQL used a single execution Plan '2576331556' and most of its executions (1.5 to 9K) spent a high time in the ‘Other Wait Time’ category while comparatively smaller portions of the executions were spent in the ‘CPU’ (execution count in the range '0 to 0.5K') and ‘I/O’ (execution count in the range '0.5 to 1.5K') categories.