Before You Begin with Oracle IT Analytics

Here are some basic terminologies about Oracle Management Cloud.

Term Definition


Oracle Management Cloud agents collect configuration, performance, availability, and log data from monitored entities and make this information available in Oracle Management Cloud.


Information generated in response to an availability issue or when a metric crosses its thresholds. Conditions for generating alerts are defined in Alert Rules. Alerts sent to administrators by using various channels, such as, email and SMS are known as notifications.

Alert Rules A set of rules that define the conditions under which alerts are generated and notifications sent when an alert is raised. Alert conditions consist of a metric, a comparison operator, and thresholds against which metric values are evaluated.


Associations (association instances) define a relationship between two managed entities. The association type that you define, either via the user interface or based on a written document Oracle provides, determines how data is correlated and visualized in Oracle Management Cloud. In many cases, associations are defined automatically by Oracle Management Cloud.


Entities are monitored resources such as databases, host servers, compute resources, or application servers.

Entity Types

Entity types are a type of monitored resource, such as a host or database, which define where that entity fits in the Oracle Management Cloud hierarchical structure. In Oracle Management Cloud, each entity is defined by a set of characteristics, it has a parent and may have other children. For example, a generic host is an operating system (OS) independent target and it has children entities that are specific OS hosts, such as Linux and Windows. The metrics collection functionality takes advantage of this inheritance model so each monitored entity has entity-specific metrics as well as metrics inherited from each level it descended from. For example, Oracle Management Cloud collects metrics at level three that are common to all generic hosts, independent of the vendor. A Linux host, since its parent is a generic host, inherits all the metrics collected for generic hosts and its ancestors, as well as Linux-specific ones, if any.


JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) allows data to be concisely and precisely defined in a format that is both human and machine-readable. Oracle provides sample JSON files for defining entities. JSON files are then edited with your own custom parameters and are passed on to agents. This configuration step defines the entities with that agent and Oracle Management Cloud.

License Editions

License editions are pre-defined categories of Oracle Management Cloud offerings.


Oracle Management Cloud agent control command line interface utility (omcli) is used to interface with Cloud agents and define entities using customized JSON files.

Data Collector

A Data Collector agent collects data from your on-premises OMR and uploads it to Oracle Management Cloud.


A Gateway agent acts as a channel between Oracle Management Cloud and other Cloud agents. Multiple Data Collector or Cloud agents can communicate with Oracle Management Cloud through a single Gateway.

Cloud Agent

A Cloud agent collects the host, entity, and log data from the host where you deploy the Cloud agent. It can connect to Oracle Management Cloud directly or through a Gateway.

Oracle Management Repository (OMR)

OMR is a schema in an Oracle Database where all the information collected by Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Management Agents is stored. It consists of objects such as database jobs, packages, procedures, tables, views, tablespaces, and so on.