Classify Command

Use classify command to cluster properties of groups identified by the link command. This command returns the following details and the minimum and maximum range of the properties analyzed:

  • Id – Cluster identifier
  • Group Count – Number of groups within a cluster
  • Percentage - Percentage of a cluster relative to the cluster distribution
  • Distance - Distance of a cluster relative to the cluster distribution
  • Anomaly - Whether a cluster is an anomaly relative to the cluster distribution
  • Anomaly Baseline - Baselines used for identifying a cluster as an anomaly


* | link <field_name> | classify [<classify_options>] <field_name> [, <field_name>] [as


The following table lists the parameters used in this command, along with their descriptions.

Parameter Description


Syntax: [topcount = <count>] [bottomcount = <count>]

where count is the maximum number of clusters to return.

For examples of using this command in typical scenarios, see:

The following command returns an analysis of severity versus count for every transaction:

* | link 'Transaction ID' | classify Severity, Count as 'Severity Analysis'