Use Comparison Operators

Comparison operators are conditions you specify to establish a relationship between a field and its value. Fields without values are considered to be null.

The following table lists the supported comparison operators and provides a brief description of each.

Comparison Operator Description
< If you use this operator in your query, then all log entries with a value, for the corresponding field, of less than the specified value are returned.
<= If you use this operator in your query, then all log entries with a value, for the corresponding field, of less than or equal to the specified value are returned.
> If you use this operator in your query, then all log entries with a value, for the corresponding field, of greater than the specified value are returned.
>= If you use this operator in your query, then all log entries with a value, for the corresponding field, of greater than or equal to the specified value are returned.
= If you specify this operator in your query, then all log entries with a value, for the corresponding field, of equal to the specified value are returned.
!= If you specify this operator in your query, then all log entries with a value, for the corresponding field, of not equal to the specified value are returned.

Use these operators to find logs with fields having specific values. For example, specify Severity=’ERROR’ to search through the available logs where the value of the field Severity is ERROR. Similarly, Severity!=NULL returns all logs where the value of the Severity field is not null (in other words, where severity has been specified).


The value to the right of the comparison operator must be specified within quotes if the value is not numeric or NULL.