Check Submission Status of an Upload

You can use the status command to obtain the submission status of the upload that was initiated earlier. When you trigger an upload of the log files, the upload request is submitted to the processing engine on Oracle Management Cloud. The authentication information that's submitted with the upload command is stored on the local database, and is reused by ODU client for the status command.

Command Syntax

odu-client status [optional_arguments]

Optional Arguments

The following optional arguments are specific to this command:

Arguments Description

-r Run_ID, --runId Run_ID

The run ID of an upload that was initiated earlier. Each upload request is provided with a unique run ID which can be later used to obtain submission status of the request.

-b Data_Directory, --datadir Data_Directory

The directory with write permission where the ODU client will store the information about the processing done on the log files. The default location is <USER_HOME>/.odu-client.

--pageSize Page_Size

The number of rows in a page when the ODU client display the result of the status command. By default, the page size is set to 20 rows.


  • Command to show high-level submission status of all the upload requests:

    odu-client status

    An example output of this command is:

    Page 1 of 4 Total Records:80
    RunId CreatedOn                         CreatedBy         UploadName           Source             Total-Files       Submitted    Failure
    83 Tue Apr 02 14:32:34 PST 2019         myUserName        testUpload          Linux Syslog Logs        10              10          0
    82 Tue Apr 02 14:32:01 PST 2019         myUserName        testUpload          Linux Syslog Logs        10              10          0
    81 Tue Apr 02 14:31:27 PST 2019         myUserName        testUpload          Linux Syslog Logs        10              10          0
    64 Tue Apr 02 14:21:22 PST 2019         myUserName        testUpload          Linux Syslog Logs        10              10          0
    Search for matches or Enter <runId> OR Enter n to see next items OR Enter p to see previous items OR Enter q to quit

    From the above output, you can use the RunId to search and navigate within pages. You can specify the RunId to view the corresponding details.

  • Command to check the submission status of an upload request that has run ID 1:

    odu-client status --runId 1

    An example output of this command is:

    Status RunId: 1
    Upload Inputs:
         --uploadName    :"testUpload"
         --domainURL     :"https://myDomainURL"
         --username      :"myUserName"
         --logSource     :"Linux Syslog Logs"
    Status Summary: Total-Files:2 Pending:0 Initiated:0 Submitted:2 Failure:0
    Log Files
    Page 1 of 1              Total Records:2
        No. File                                                         Status        Note
         1. \.odu-client\bin\MySysLogFile1                                Submitted
         2. \.odu-client\bin\MySysLogFile2                                Submitted
    Search for matches OR Enter n to see next items OR Enter p to see previous items OR Enter q to quit

    In case of failure, the details of the failure are available under the Note section.

  • Command to check the submission status of an upload request that has run ID 5 for a modified page size that has 30 rows:

    odu-client status --runId 5 --pageSize 30