Generate Log Metrics

Identify the key performance indicators from your logs to monitor automatically and generate metrics with them for ready access. These metrics can be stored longer than the original logs to save cost.

  1. From Oracle Log Analytics, click the OMC Navigation open menu icon icon on the top left corner of the interface. In the OMC Navigation bar, click Log Admin, and click Log Metrics.

  2. In the Log Metrics section, click Create. The Create Log Metric page is displayed.

  3. Select the Entity Type of your logs. You can define up to 25 metrics for each entity type.
  4. Optionally, select the Log Source to refine the set of logs to generate the metric.
  5. Enter a Metric Name and optionally, provide a description to help you identify the metric from the list at a later point.
  6. To enable the metric collection, check the status Enabled check box.
  7. To define the aggregation function that must be employed to generate the metric, under the Metric is calculated as...,
    • Aggregation Function: From the menu, select Count, Sum, or Average. This is the operation that must be performed on the selected set of logs.
    • Aggregation Interval: Enter a number between 60 and 600 seconds to define the interval.
    • Metric Unit: Select the unit of measurement that must be used while displaying the metric in a visualization.
    • Does this metric need to be grouped: Select the Yes button if you want the metric to be grouped by a field, and select the field from the menu.
  8. You can optionally define a condition that must be recorded as an event in the metric, by specifying the Field, Operator, and Condition. Each time the condition is satisfied, the event is recorded on the metric.
  9. Click Save.

    The log metric page opens and the new metric that you created is displayed in the table.

  10. To view the visualization of the metric, click the open menu icon icon next to the metric name and select View in Log Explorer.

You can edit or delete a metric at any point in time by clicking the open menu icon icon next to the metric name.