Set Up Autonomous Database Audit Log Collection

The Autonomous Database can be discovered from the Oracle Management Cloud discovery UI. If the log collection is enabled for the tenant, then the database logs begin to collect in Oracle Log Analytics.

Required Role: To complete these tasks, you must have the Oracle Management Cloud Administrator role. See About Oracle Log Analytics Roles and Users.

  1. Access the Oracle Management Cloud. See Access Oracle Management Cloud in Getting Started with Oracle Management Cloud.

  2. Click OMC Navigation open menu icon icon > Navigate to Administration > Entity Configuration > Licensing. The Licensing page is displayed. Ensure that the Log Collection toggle button is ENABLED.

    See Enable License Editions in Getting Started with Oracle Management Cloud.

  3. Discover Autonomous Database entity from the Oracle Management Cloud discovery UI.

    See Discover Autonomous Databases in Using Oracle Database Management for Autonomous Databases.

    After the discovery process is complete, Oracle Management Cloud associates that Autonomous Database entity automatically with the log source Oracle Unified Audit Trail Stored in Cloud Database. Also, the Standard Edition license is auto-assigned to the Autonomous Database entity during discovery.

After the entity association, the log collection begins in Oracle Log Analytics, with the oldest logs collected first. So, ensure that the time range in the log explorer is sufficiently large to view the data from all the logs.

To disable the log collection from your Autonomous Database entity, delete the association of the entity with the log source Oracle Unified Audit Trail Stored in Cloud Database. To enable the log collection, you can create the association again.

To disable the log collection from all the entities for the tenant, disable the Log Collection toggle button in the Oracle Management Cloud Licensing page. This effectively stalls the log collection on the tenant from all the entities.

For an example of how to collect logs from Oracle Autonomous Database user tables, see Collect Logs from Oracle Autonomous Database User Tables (Tutorial icon Tutorial).