B Entity Attributes and Properties

For first time discovery of your entities, the following tables provide details on the various entity properties (JSON properties/UI fields) you will need to customize. The entity properties listed are the minimum required for successful discovery of your entities.

Oracle JVM Runtime

Oracle JVM Runtime JSON Files and Properties
Definition File: omc_jvm_sample_creds.json
  • JVM host name (hostname) - the host where is the JVM application is running. It is specified during discovery in the discovery JSON or discovery UI. The value populated during discovery is the value specified by the user in discovery parameters
  • JVM application JMX port (omc_jmx_port) - the JMX port where the JVM application is running. It is specified during discovery in the discovery JSON or discovery UI. The value populated during discovery is the value specified by the user in discovery parameters
  • JVM runtime name (omc_runtime_name) - value determined by querying runtime MBean value Name (. The format of the value is <pid>@hostname.
  • JVM application JMX service URL (omc_jmx_service_url) - This values is calculated from the typical remote JMX service URL format -
    where the hostname and jmx port is determined from the values specified by the user in the discovery parameters.
  • JVM application class name - (omc_jvm_application_class_name) - value determined by querying runtime MBean value SystemProperties. The value is located by the key "sun.java.command" in the list of system properties.
  • JVM application instance command line arguments (omc_jvm_app_command_line_args) - value determined by querying runtime MBean value InputArguments. The value retuned by the MBean is formatted from an array to space delimted string. This is the command line arguments specified by the user when the JVM application is started
Identifying properties

The identifying properties specified in the target model for reconciliation purposes are the following:

  • host_name
  • omc_jmx_port
  • omc_jvm_application_class_name

Credential File: omc_jvm_sample_creds.json

  • user_name: JVM username.
  • password: JVM password.
Oracle JVM Runtime UI Properties
  • Discover Using Credentials: Discover JVM Runtime using JVM credentials (on by default).
  • Entity Name: Name of the JVM Runtitme entity appearing in the UI.
  • Host Name: The host where is the JVM application is running.
  • JMX Port Number: The JMX port where the JVM application is running.
  • Cloud Agent: The cloud agent monitoring the JVM application.

Monitoring Credentials

  • JMX Remote Access Username: JVM username.
  • JMX Remote Access Password: JVM password.

Oracle VM Manager

Oracle VM Manager JSON Files and Properties
Definition File: omc_oracle_vm_manager.json
  • name: Your Oracle VM Manager name. This needs to be unique across OVM Managers used
  • display name: Name displayed in the Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring Service User Interface.
  • timezoneRegion:Time zone of your entity. It is recommended that you use the long values IANA-maintained TZ database time zones. For example:
  • omc_ovmm_console_url: Under “value”, provide the Oracle VM Manager console URL used to connect to the installed Oracle VM Manager. The URL follows the format: https://<ovm_host_name>:<port>/ovm where ovm_host_name is a fully-qualified host name where Oracle VM Manager is installed and port refers to the port number on which Oracle VM Manager is listening.
Credential File: omc_oracle_vm_manager_creds.json
  • OVMUsername: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the Oracle VM Manager console user name(default admin) to be used for monitoring.
  • OVMPassword: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the Oracle VM Manager console monitoring user's password.

Do not remove the square brackets.

Oracle VM Manager UI Properties
  • Entity Name: Name appearing in the UI.
  • Oracle VM Manager Console URL: Oracle VM Manager console URL used to connect to the installed Oracle VM Manager. The URL follows the format: https://<ovm_host_name>:<port>/ovm where ovm_host_name is a fully-qualified host name where Oracle VM Manager is installed and port refers to the port number on which Oracle VM Manager is listening.
  • Cloud Agent: The cloud agent monitoring the Oracle VM Manager application.

Monitoring Credentials

  • Admin Username: Oracle VM Manager username.
  • Admin Password: Oracle VM Manager password.

Apache HTTP Server

Apache HTTP Server JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_generic_apache_sample.json

  • host_name: Host Name of the Apache HTTP Server.
  • omc_listen_port: Listen Port of the Apache HTTP Server.
  • omc_httpd_conf_path: Absolute Path of httpd.conf
  • omc_protocol: Protocol for connection to the Apache HTTP Server.
  • omc_server_root: Server Root of the Apache HTTP Server.
  • omc_is_remote: Indicates whether the HTTP Apache Server is local(NO) or remote(YES) - possible values: yes / no.
  • omc_binary_home: Absolute path of the httpd binary (Optional - default value, if not provided: $omc_server_root/bin)
  • omc_access_log_path: Access Log Path (Optional)
  • omc_error_log_path: Error Log Path (Optional)
  • omc_server_status_connect_host: Server-status (Optional). This property specifies the value for the Host Name configured for /server-status connection (if different than FQDN - e.g., localhost). This needs to be specified if the connection-string (host:port) has a different host-name value than the value specified for host_name property. If specified, this value will be used to connect to Apache and retrieve data from the URI /server-status. If this property value is not specified, the default value will be the same as the host_name property value. (Optional)
Apache HTTP Server UI Properties
  • Entity Name: Name of the Apache HTTP Server entity appearing in the UI. .
  • Host Name: Host Name of the Apache HTTP Server.
  • Server Root: Server Root of the Apache HTTP Server.
  • Absolute Path of httpd.conf: Absolute path of the Apache httpd.conf file. Note: Filename needs to be appended.
  • Is Remote: Is the Apache installation host different from the agent host? Yes/No
  • Binary Home: Absolute path of the httpd binary (Optional - default value, if not provided: <Apache Home>/bin or /usr/bin)
  • Protocol: Protocol for connection to the Apache HTTP Server.
  • Listen Port: Listen Port of the Apache HTTP Server.
  • Server Status Connection Hostname: Server-status (Optional). This property specifies the value for the Host Name configured for /server-status connection (if different than FQDN - e.g., localhost). This needs to be specified if the connection-string (host:port) has a different host-name value than the value specified for host_name property. If specified, this value will be used to connect to Apache and retrieve data from the URI /server-status. If this property value is not specified, the default value will be the same as the host_name property value. (Optional)
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the Apache HTTP Server.

MySQL Database

MySQL Database JSON Properties and Files

Definition File: omc_mysql_db_sample.json

  • name: Your MySQL database name.

  • display name: Name displayed in the Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring Service User Interface.

  • timezoneRegion:Time zone of your entity. It is recommended that you use the long values IANA-maintained TZ database time zones. For example: America/New_York

  • url: Under “value”, provide the connection URL used to connect to the installed MySQL database. The URL follows the format:

    jdbc:mysql://<host_name>:<port>/mysql where host_name is a fully-qualified host name where MySQL Database is installed and port is the MySQL Database port defined at installation time.

  • hostname: Under “value”, provide the fully-qualified host name where MySQL Database is installed.

  • is_cluster: (TRUE/FALSE) Specifies whether or not you are adding a MySQL Cluster Database.

Definition File: omc_mysql_db_cluster_sample.json

  • url



    • Host 1 and Host 2 would be same in case of Single Host Cluster

    • Instance 1 / Node 1

      instance_name: <host1>.mycompany.com:<port1>

    • Instance 2 / Node 2

      instance_name: <host2>.mycompany.com:<port2>

  • jdbcdriver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
  • MachineName: Your MySQL Database Host Name
  • Is Cluster: true/false
  • capability: monitoring

Credential File: omc_mysql_creds.json

  • DBUserName: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the MySQL database user name to be used for monitoring. You must have defined this user in the Prerequisite Tasks step.

  • DBPassword: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the MySQL database monitoring user's password.

Do not remove the square brackets.

MySQL Database UI Properties
  • Entity Name: Name displayed in the Oracle Management Cloud console.
  • JDBC URL: The connection URL for the MySQL Database. The URL follows the format: jdbc:mysql://<host_name>:<port>/mysql where host_name is a fully-qualified host name where MySQL Database is installed and port is the MySQL Database port defined at installation time.
  • Host Name: The fully-qualified host name where MySQL Database is installed.
  • Cloud Agent: Agent monitoring the host on which the database is installed.

Monitoring Credentials

  • Username: MySQL Database user name to be used for monitoring.
  • Password: MySQL Database user password.

Oracle Database System (single instance)

Oracle Database System (single instance) JSON Properties and Files

Definition File: omc_oracle_db_system_SI.json

  • name: Your Oracle Database Entity Name. Will also be used for the Database System name
  • displayName: Your Oracle Database Entity Display Name. Will also be used for the Database System display name.
  • timezoneRegion: Your timezone
  • omc_dbsys_config: Configuration for DB System. Here, it is SI.
  • omc_dbsys_name_qualifier: Name that will be used to de-duplicate, if needed, the auto-generated names for the Listener and Cluster (SCAN) Listener. Generated name will be hostname-of-listener_Listener Alias
  • host_name:Name of the listener host that will be used to create the connect string to the database (host:port:SID or host:port:ServiceName)
  • omc_dbsys_port: Listener port number used for connection requests
  • omc_dbsys_connect_type: Specify type of connection: SID or Service Name
  • omc_dbsys_connect_value: The value of the SID or Service Name
  • omc_dbsys_lsnr_alias: Value of Listener Alias
  • omc_dbsys_home: Oracle Home directory of the Listener
  • capability: monitoring

Credential File: omc_oracle_db_system_creds_SI_local.json

  • DBUserName : Your Database User Name
  • DBPassword : Your Database Password
  • DBRole : Your Database User Role. Default : Normal
  • If Remote:

Credential File: omc_oracle_db_system_creds_SI_with_SSH.json

  • SSHUserName: Your SSH user used to remotely logon to the listener host
  • SSHUserPassword : Your SSH host Password
  • SSH_PVT_KEY: Path of your private key file. This private key is optional if the keys are generated at default location <user home>/.ssh
  • sshdPort: SSH port
Oracle Database System (single instance) UI Property Fields
  • Entity Name: Your Oracle Database entity name. This name will also be used for the database system name
  • Configuration: Configuration for database system: Single Instance or RAC
  • Name Prefix: Name that will be used to de-duplicate, if needed, the auto-generated names for the Listener and Cluster (SCAN) Listener. Generated name will be hostname-of-listener_Listener Alias
  • Host Name:Name of the listener host that will be used to create the connect string to the database (host:port:SID or host:port:ServiceName)
  • Port: Listener port number used for connection requests
  • Connect Type: Type of connection: SID or Service Name
  • Connect Value: The value of the SID or Service Name
  • Listener Alias: Value of Listener Alias
  • Listener Oracle Home: Oracle Home directory of the Listener

    The Listener Oracle Home field in the UI is the Oracle Home of the listener configured for that database. The Oracle Home for the listener may or may not be the same Oracle Home as the database as illustrated by the following example.

    The following example shows two discrete database instances (prod_1 and test_1) in two separate Oracle Homes:

    Oracle Home 1: /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/prod_1

    Oracle Home 2: /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/test_1

    Because both instances are configured with the listener in Oracle Home 1, to discover the test_1 instance (in Oracle Home 2) you would enter /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/prod_1 in the Listener Oracle Home field.

  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the database system.

Monitoring Credentials

  • Username: Your Database User Name.
  • Password: Your Database Password.
  • Database Role: Your Database User Role (NORMAL/SYSDBA). Default is Normal.

SI with ASM (ASM Credentials)

  • Username: Database user (ASM user name) that will be used by the cloud agent to connect to ASM.
  • Password: Your ASM Password
  • Role: Your ASM User role

Cloud Agent is not on the Cluster Host (Host SSH Credentials)

  • SSH Username: Your SSH user used to remotely log on to the listener host.
  • SSH Password: Your SSH host Password.
  • SSH Private Key: Path of your private key file.
  • SSH Port: Your SSH port.

Oracle Database System (RAC)

Oracle Database System (RAC) JSON Properties and Files

Definition File: omc_oracle_db_system_RAC.json

  • name: Your Oracle Database Entity Name. Will also be used for the Database System name
  • displayName: Your Oracle Database Entity Display Name. Will also be used for the Database System display name.
  • timezoneRegion: Your timezone.
  • omc_dbsys_config: Configuration for DB System. Here, it is RAC.
  • omc_dbsys_name_qualifier: Name that will be used to de-duplicate, if needed, the auto-generated names for the Listener and Cluster (SCAN) Listener. Generated name will be hostname-of-listener_Listener Alias
  • omc_db_system_scan_name:Name of the SCAN Listener or SCAN VIP
  • omc_dbsys_port: Port number on which the SCAN listener is listening for connections
  • omc_dbsys_connect_type: Service Name
  • omc_dbsys_connect_value: Service Name registered with the listener which is used to connect to the database
  • omc_dbsys_home: Oracle home directory for the Oracle Grid Infrastructure
  • capability: monitoring

Credential Files





Credential properties:

  • DBUserName : Your Database User Name
  • DBPassword : Your Database Password
  • DBRole : Your Database User Role. Default : Normal

If ASM is also to be discovered:

  • user_name: Your ASM User Name
  • password: Your ASM Password
  • role: Your ASM User role

If Remote:

  • SSHUserName: Your SSH user used to remotely log onto the listener host
  • SSHUserPassword : Your SSH host Password. Optional , if there is a passwordless SSH setup. In this case, provide a private key field
  • SSH_PVT_KEY: Path of your private key file. This private key is optional if the keys are generated at default location <user home>/.ssh
  • sshdHost: Your Cluster Host Name
  • sshdPort: SSH port
Oracle Database System (RAC) UI Fields
  • Entity Name: Your Oracle Database Entity Name. Will also be used for the Database System name.
  • Name Prefix: Name that will be used to de-duplicate, if needed, the auto-generated names for the Listener and Cluster (SCAN) Listener. Generated name will be hostname-of-listener_Listener Alias
  • SCAN Name: Name of the SCAN Listener or SCAN VIP.
  • SCAN Port: Port number on which the SCAN listener is listening for connections.
  • Service Name: Service Name registered with the listener which is used to connect to the database.
  • Grid Home: Oracle home directory for the Oracle Grid Infrastructure.
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent used to monitor the cluster.

Monitoring Credentials

  • Username: Your Database User Name.
  • Password: Your Database Password.
  • Database Role: Your Database User Role (NORMAL/SYSDBA). Default is Normal.

RAC with ASM (ASM Credentials)

  • Username: Database user (ASM user name) that will be used by the cloud agent to connect to ASM.
  • Password: Your ASM Password
  • Role: Your ASM User role

Cloud Agent is not on the Cluster Host (Host SSH Credentials)

  • SSH Username: Your SSH user used to remotely log on to the listener host.
  • SSH Password: Your SSH host Password.
  • SSH Private Key: Path of your private key file.
  • SSH Public Key: Path of your public key file.
  • SSH Host Name: Your Cluster Host Name.
  • SSH Port: Your SSH port.

Oracle Database (Single Instance)

Oracle Database (Single Instance) JSON Properties and Files

Definition File: omc_oracle_db_sample.json

  • name: Your Oracle database name.
  • display name: Name displayed in the Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring Service User Interface.
  • timezoneRegion: Time zone of your entity. It is recommended that you use the long values IANA-maintained TZ database time zones. For example: America/New_York
  • host name: Under “value”, provide the fully-qualified host name where the Oracle Database is installed.
  • port: The port that the listener is using. Check the listener.ora file or output of lsnrctl status <listener name>. For example, “1521”.

    Under “value”, list the Oracle database port.

  • sid: The instance name of the database. You can determine the SID using the following command:

    ps -ef | grep pmon orshow parameter instance_name if using SQL*Plus. For example, “instance_name” could be orcl.

    Under “value”, list the Oracle database SID.

Credential File: omc_oracle_db_creds.json

IMPORTANT! Only change the properties in the bulleted list below. DO NOTchange the values for id, name, or credType. Values for these parameters should be SQLCreds, SQLCreds, and DBCreds respectively.

  • DBUserName: The name of a database user who has the necessary privileges on the underlying V$views such as moncs, or the monitoring user.

    Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the Oracle database user name to be used for monitoring. You must have defined this user in the Prerequisite Tasks step.

  • DBPassword: The password of your monitoring user.

    Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the Oracle database monitoring user's password. Do not remove the square brackets.

  • DBRole: The role that the MONCS user will use when logging into the database (eg. Normal, Sysdba, Sysasm etc. Under normal circumstances, Normal should be enough. However, SYSDBA might be required for a Dataguard database.


CDB/PDB also applies to single instance databases.

Oracle Pluggable Database (PDB) (Standalone)

Oracle Pluggable Database (PDB) (Standalone) JSON Properties and Files

Definition File: omc_oracle_pdb_sample.json

  • displayName: This is Oracle Pluggable Database (PDB) Entity Display Name which is displayed on Infrastructure Monitoring UI
  • timezoneRegion: Time Zone Example: PDT, GMT etc
  • host_name : Fully-qualified Host Name for the Oracle Pluggable Database (PDB)
  • omc_pdb_tbsp_port: Oracle Pluggable Database (PDB) port
  • omc_pdb_tbsp_service_name: Oracle Pluggable Database (PDB) Service Name

Credential File: omc_oracle_pdb_cred_sample.json

  • DBUserName: Oracle Pluggable Database (PDB)username
  • DBPassword: Oracle Pluggable Database (PDB) user's password

Oracle Database (Real Application Clusters)

Oracle Database (Real Application Clusters) JSON Properties and Files

Definition File: omc_oracle_dbRAC_sample.json

  • name: Your Oracle database name.
  • display name: Name displayed in the Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring User Interface.
  • timezoneRegion: Time zone of your entity. It is recommended that you use the long values IANA-maintained TZ database time zones. For example: America/New_York
  • host name: Under “value”, provide the fully-qualified host name where the Oracle Database is installed.
  • port: Under “value”, list the Oracle database port.
  • service_name: Under “value”, list the Oracle database service name.


CDB/PDB also applies to RAC databases.

Credential File: omc_oracle_dbRAC_sample_creds.json

  • DBUserName: The name of a database user who has the necessary privileges on the underlying V$views such as dbsnmp, or the monitoring user.

    Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the Oracle database user name to be used for monitoring. You must have defined this user in the Prerequisite Tasks step.

  • DBPassword: The password of your monitoring user.

    Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the Oracle database monitoring user's password. Do not remove the square brackets.

Oracle Automation Storage Management

Oracle Automation Storage Management JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_oracle_asm_sample.json

  • name: Your Oracle ASM entity name.
  • displayName: Your Oracle ASM entity display name which is displayed on the Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring user interface.
  • timezoneRegion: Time zone of your entity. It is recommended that you use the long values IANA-maintained TZ database time zones. For example: America/New_York
  • machine_name: Under “value”, provide the fully-qualified machine name where the Oracle ASM is installed.
  • host_name: Under “value”, provide the fully-qualified host name where the Oracle ASM is installed.
  • port: Under “value”, list the Oracle ASM port.
  • sid: Under “value”, list the Oracle ASM SID.

Credential File: omc_oracle_asm_sample_creds.json

  • user_name: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the Oracle ASM user name to be used for monitoring.
  • password: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the Oracle ASM monitoring user's password.

Do not remove the square brackets.

Oracle Database Listener

Oracle Database Listener JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_oracle_db_listener_sample.json

  • displayName: This is Oracle Database Listener Name displayed in the Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring User Interface.
  • timezoneRegion: Time zone of your entity. It is recommended that you use the long values IANA-maintained TZ database time zones. For example: America/New_York
  • host_name: Fully-qualified Host Name where the Oracle Database Listener is installed.
  • port: Oracle Database Listener port.
  • trace_dir_path: Trace Log Files directory absolute path; optional parameter, define it if you are also using Oracle Log Analytics.
  • log_dir_path: Alert Log Files directory absolute path; optional parameter, define it if you are also using Oracle Log Analytics.
  • lsnr_alias: Oracle Database Listener Alias.

Credential Files:





  • displayName: This is Oracle Database Listener Name displayed in the Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring User Interface.
  • timezoneRegion: Time zone of your entity. It is recommended that you use the long values IANA-maintained TZ database time zones. For example: America/New_York
  • use_ssh: Use Secure Shell protocol. (true/false).

    True :- Set to true when performing remote monitoring.

    False:- Set to false when performing local monitoring (agents 1.30 and lower). For agents 1.31 and greater, the use_ssh property is optional for local monitoring.

  • lsnr_port: Your Oracle Database Listener Port.
  • lsnr_protocol: Your Listener Protocol
  • oracle_home: Your Oracle Listener ORACLE_HOME.
  • log_dir_path: Alert Log Files directory absolute path; optional parameter, define it if you are also using Oracle Log Analytics.
  • trace_dir_path: Trace Files directory absolute path.
  • lsnr_alias: Your Oracle Database Listener Alias.
  • SSHUserName: SSH host user name, on the host where the listener is installed.
  • SSHUserPassword: SSH host user password
  • SSH_PVT_KEY:Path of your private key file - Not required if a password is provided or SSH keys are available in the default location.
  • sshdPort: SSH port.


You must use a host user with SSH configured and enabled. Only password-based SSH is supported.

Oracle Database Listener Cluster

Oracle Database Listener Cluster JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_oracle_db_listener_cluster_sample.json

  • displayName: This is Oracle Database Listener Cluster Entity Display Name which is displayed on Infrastructure Monitoring UItimezoneRegion: Time Zone Example: PDT, GMT
  • host_name: : Fully-qualified Host Name where the Oracle Database Listener Cluster is installed.
  • lsnr_alias : Oracle Database Listener Cluster Alias
  • crs_home : Absolute Path of the CRS HOME / GRID HOME

Credential Files



  • sshdPort: SSHD Port on Remote host to Listen to Remote Cluster Listener
  • SSHUserName: SSH Host User Name
  • SSHUserPassword: SSH Host User Password
  • SSH_PVT_KEY : Location of the SSH private key copied from the remote machine where Cluster Listener is installed.
  • SSH_PUB_KEY : Location of the SSH public key copied from the remote machine where Cluster Listener is installed.
  • sshdHost : Host Name where Oracle Database Listener Cluster is installed.

Microsoft SQL Server Database

Microsoft SQL Server Database JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_sqlserver_db_sample.json

  • name: Your Microsoft SQL Server database name.
  • displayName: Name displayed in the Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring User Interface.
  • timezoneRegion: Time zone of your entity. It is recommended that you use the long values IANA-maintained TZ database time zones. For example: America/New_York
  • url: Under “value”, provide the connection URL for the MS SQL Server database. The URL follows the formats:
    • Connect to default instance.
      jdbc:sqlserver://<Fully-qualified SQL Server Database Host Name>
    • Connect to named instance.
      jdbc:sqlserver://<Fully-qualified SQL Server Database Host Name>\\<Instance Name> (or)
      jdbc:sqlserver://<Fully-qualified SQL Server Database Host Name>;instanceName=<instance-name>
    • Connect to instance by specifying port.
      jdbc:sqlserver://<Fully-qualified SQL Server Database Host Name>:<SQL Server Database Port>
    • Connecting with SSL encryption.
      jdbc:sqlserver://<Fully-qualified SQL Server Database Host Name>\\<Instance Name>;encrypt=true;trustServerCertificate=false;trustStore=<Path to trust store file>;trustStorePassword=<trust store password>

      See the prerequisites section for details on setting up the certificates and trust store.

Credential File: omc_sqlserver_creds.json

  • DBUserName: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the MS SQL Server database user name to be used for monitoring. You must have defined this user in the Prerequisite Tasks step.
  • DBPassword: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the MS SQL Server database monitoring user's password.

Do not remove the square brackets.

Microsoft SQL Server Database UI Fields
  • Entity Name: Name displayed in the Oracle Management Cloud console.
  • JDBC URL: The connection URL for the MS SQL Server database. The URL follows the formats:
    • Connect to default instance.
      jdbc:sqlserver://<Fully-qualified SQL Server Database Host Name>
    • Connect to named instance.
      jdbc:sqlserver://<Fully-qualified SQL Server Database Host Name>\<Instance Name> (or)
      jdbc:sqlserver://<Fully-qualified SQL Server Database Host Name>;instanceName=<instance-name>
    • Connect to instance by specifying port.
      jdbc:sqlserver://<Fully-qualified SQL Server Database Host Name>:<SQL Server Database Port>
    • Connecting with SSL encryption.
      jdbc:sqlserver://<Fully-qualified SQL Server Database Host Name>\<Instance Name>;encrypt=true;trustServerCertificate=false;trustStore=<Path to trust store file>;trustStorePassword=<trust store password>

      See the prerequisites section for details on setting up the certificates and trust store.

  • Cloud Agent: Agent monitoring the host on which the database is installed.

Monitoring Credentials

  • Username: MS SQL Server database user name to be used for monitoring.
  • Password: MS SQL Server database monitoring user's password.

Oracle NoSQL

Oracle NoSQL JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_nosql_db_sample.json

  • name: Your Oracle NoSQL Database entity name.
  • displayName: This is Oracle NoSQL Database Entity Display Name which is displayed on Infrastructure Monitoring UI.
  • timezoneRegion: Time zone of your entity. It is recommended that you use the long values IANA-maintained TZ database time zones. For example: America/New_York
  • host_name: Under “value”, provide the fully-qualified host name where the Oracle NoSQL Database is installed.
  • omc_port: Under “value”, list the NoSQL Database port.
  • omc_url: Connection URL to connect to the installed Oracle NoSQL database. Comma separated host:port of all Nosql nodes of a store. example: <host_name>:<port>,<host_name>:<port>
  • omc_nosql_java_home: Under “value”, list the Java home of NoSQL database or any Java home of version above 1.8 .
  • omc_kv_home: Under “value”, list the KV home of the NoSQL database.
Oracle NoSQL UI Fields
  • Entity Name: Your Oracle NoSQL Database entity name.
  • Host Name: Name displayed in the Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring User Interface.
  • URL: The NoSQL database connection URL.
  • Port: The NoSQL database port.
  • Store Name: Oracle NoSQL Database store name.
  • NoSQL Java Home: Java home of NoSQL database or any Java home of version above 1.8 .
  • KV Home Location: KV home of the NoSQL database.
  • Cloud Agent: Agent monitoring the host on which the database is installed.

MongoDB Database

MongoDB Database JSON Files and Properties

Desription File: omc_mongodb_sample.json

  • name: Your MongoDB database name.
  • displayName: Name displayed in the Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring User Interface.
  • timezoneRegion: Time zone of your entity. It is recommended that you use the long values IANA-maintained TZ database time zones. For example: America/New_York
  • host_name: Under “value”, provide the fully-qualified host name where the MongoDB Database is installed.
  • port: Under “value”, list the MongoDB database port.
  • database_name: Under “value”, list the MongoDB database name.

Credential File: omc_mongodb_creds.json

  • DBUserName: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the MongoDB database user name to be used for monitoring. You must have defined this user in the Prerequisite Tasks step.
  • DBPassword: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the MongoDB database monitoring user's password.

Do not remove the square brackets.

MongoDB Database UI Fields
  • Entity Name: Your MongoDB database name.
  • Host Name: the fully-qualified host name where the MongoDB Database is installed.
  • Port: MongoDB database port.
  • Database Name: MongoDB database name.
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host on which MongoDB is installed.

Monitoring Credentials

  • Username: MongoDB database user name to be used for monitoring.
  • Password: MongoDB database monitoring user's password.


Tomcat JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_tomcat_secure_sample.json

  • name: Your Tomcat name.
  • displayName: Name displayed in the Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring User Interface.
  • timezoneRegion: Time zone of your entity. It is recommended that you use the long values IANA-maintained TZ database time zones. For example: America/New_York
  • host_name: Under “value”, provide the fully-qualified Tomcat host name where the Tomcat entity is installed.
  • jmx_port: Under “value”, provide the JMX port used by the Tomcat entity.

Credential Files


  • jmx_username: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the Tomcat user name. Leave this field blank and still include the credential JSON file for credential-less discovery. Do not remove the square brackets.
  • jmx_password: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the Tomcat user name password. Leave this field blank and still include the credential JSON file for credential-less discovery.


  • ssl_trust_store: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the full path to the Cloud Agent truststore, AgentTrust.jks. For example, <agent base directory>/sysman/config/montrust/AgentTrust.jks
  • ssl_trust_store_password: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the Cloud Agent truststore password, the default is "welcome".

Do not remove the square brackets.


To add a Tomcat entity that does not require credentials, simply add the entity without any credentials. And, if you do not provide any credentials, make sure input JSON file also does not contain any references to credentials.

To add a Tomcat entity without credentials, you will still need to provide the credentials file (omc_tomcat_secure_creds.json) but keep the jmx_username value blank, as shown in the following example.

 "credentials": [{
 "id": "TomcatCredsNormal",
 "name": "tomcat_creds",
 "credType": "TomcatCreds ",
 "properties": [{
 "name": "jmx_username",
 "value": "CLEAR[]"
 }, {
 "name": "jmx_password",
 "value": "CLEAR[]"


Beginning with Oracle Management Cloud 1.30, Tomcat discovery will always use the Agent Trust Store. User-provided SSL Trust Store will no longer be accepted.
Tomcat UI Fields
  • Discover Using Credentials: Discover Tomcat using Tomcat credentials (on by default).
  • Entity Name: Name of this entity displayed in the Oracle Management Cloud console.
  • Host Name: The fully-qualified host name where the Tomcat entity is installed.
  • JMX Port Number: The JMX port used by the Tomcat entity.
  • Cloud Agent: The cloud agent monitoring the host where Tomcat is installed.

Monitoring Credentials

  • JMX Username: The Tomcat user name.
  • JMX Password: The Tomcat user name password.

WebLogic Domain /WebLogic Server

WebLogic Domain /WebLogic Server JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_weblogic_domain_sample.json


When you add a WebLogic Domain entity (requiring credentials), because Oracle Management Cloud connects to the WebLogic Admin Server, all WebLogic Clusters and WebLogic Servers that are part of that domain are automatically discovered. There’s no need to add them separately.
  • name: Your WebLogic Domain name.
  • displayName: Name displayed in the Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring User Interface.
  • timezoneRegion: Time zone of your entity. It is recommended that you use the long values IANA-maintained TZ database time zones. For example: America/New_York
  • port: Under “value”, provide the port used for WebLogic Admin Server(Console).
  • protocol: Under “value”, provide the protocol used for WebLogic Server - For example: t3
  • admin_server_host: Under “value”, provide the fully-qualified host name where the WebLogic Admin Server is installed.

Credential File: omc_weblogic_domain_sample_creds.json

  • username: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the WebLogic Domain monitoring user name. You must have defined this user in the Prerequisite Tasks step.
  • password: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the WebLogic Domain monitoring user’s password.

Do not remove the square brackets.

WebLogic Domain /WebLogic Server UI Fields
  • Entity Name: Your WebLogic Domain name.
  • Port: The port used for WebLogic Admin Server(Console).
  • Protocol: The protocol used for WebLogic Server - For example: t3
  • Administration Server Host: the fully-qualified host name where the WebLogic Admin Server is installed.
  • Discover Coherence: (True/False) Specify whether Coherence Clusters deployed on the Weblogic domain should discovered. This option is set to True by default. Turn this option off when discovering a SOA Suite domain.
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where WebLogic is installed.

Monitoring Credentials (WebLogic Server Credentials)

  • Username: WebLogic Server user name.
  • Password: WebLogic Server username password.

Docker Engine/Docker Container

Docker Engine/Docker Container JSON Files and Properties

Definition Files

omc_docker_engine_sample.json (used without the omc_docker_engine_sample_creds.json)

omc_docker_engine_secure_sample.json (used with the omc_docker_engine_sample_creds.json)

  • name: Your Docker Engine name.
  • displayName: Name displayed in the Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring User Interface.
  • timezoneRegion: Time zone of your entity. It is recommended that you use the long values IANA-maintained TZ database time zones. For example: America/New_York
  • BaseURI: Under “value”, provide the base URL for REST API invocations.
  • host_name: Under “value”, provide the fully-qualified host name where the Docker Engine is installed.

Credential File: omc_docker_engine_sample_creds.json

  • StoreLocation: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the full path to the location of the keystore file. You must have configured this entity security in the Prerequisite Tasks step. For example, <agent home>/sysman/config/montrust/AgentTrust.jks

    Note that in this release only jks file types are supported.

  • StorePassword: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the keystore password to access the jks file.

    Note that in this release only jksfile types are supported.

Do not remove the square brackets.

Docker Engine/Docker Worker UI Fields
  • Discover Using Credentials: Discover using Docker Engine credentials (on by default).
  • Entity Name: Your Docker Engine/Container name.
  • Base URL: The base URL for REST API invocations.
  • Host Name: The fully-qualified host name where the Docker Engine/Container is installed.
  • Swarm ID: Unique identifier of the Docker Swarm containing the Docker Engine/Container.
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where the Docker Engine/Container is running.

Monitoring Credentials (Docker Engine Credentials)

  • Store Location: The full path to the location of the keystore file.
  • Store Password: The keystore password to access the jks file.
  • Store Type: Currently, only JKS is supported.

Docker Swarm

Docker Swarm and Worker JSON Files and Properties

Entity JSONs for Docker Swarm:

Adding Non Secure Docker Swarm Target

Definition File: Add_Entity_Docker_Swarm_Non_Secure.json

Adding 1WAY Docker Swarm Target

Definition File: Add_Entity_Docker_Swarm_1way_SSL.json

Adding 2WAY Docker Swarm Target

Definition File: Add_Entity_Docker_Swarm_2way_SSL.json

Credential File:Docker_Swarm_Secure_Credentials.json

Entity JSONs for Docker Worker Engines:

Adding Non Secure Docker Worker Engine

Definition File: Add_Entity_Worker_Docker_Engine_Non_Secure.json

Adding 1WAY Docker Worker Engine

Definition File: Add_Entity_Worker_Docker_Engine_1way_SSL.json

Adding 2WAY Docker Worker Engine

Definition: Add_Entity_Worker_Docker_Engine_2way_SSL.json

Credential File: omc_docker_engine_sample_creds.json

For properties that should be updated, replace any text inside brackets <> excluding these brackets with your values according the legend inside <>

Examples of Base URLs:

NON SECURE MODE - http://<hostname>:<port>/ (Rest API URL for Invocation)

SECURE MODE- https://<hostname>:<port>/ (Rest API URL for Invocation)

For Basic Authentication:



The same Docker Engine credential JSON is used for Worker Engines.

For secure mode, in addition to configuring the JSONS, you need to add the Docker truststore certificate(CA ceritificate) to the Cloud Agent default truststore ($EMSTATE/sysman/config/montrust/AgentTrust.jks). To do so, run the following command:

omcli secure add_trust_cert_to_jks -password welcome -trust_certs_loc <certificate location> -alias dockercertificate


In the following example, slce03.cer is the CA certificate.

omcli secure add_trust_cert_to_jks -password welcome -trust_certs_loc /home/sandepai/slce03.cert -alias dockercertificate

To fetch the Docker Swarm ID, do a GET on LEADER_BASE_URL/swarm

For example, do a GET onhttp://myserver.mycompany.com:4243/swarm

Docker Swarm UI Fields
  • Discover Using Credentials: Discover using Docker Swarm credentials (on by default).
  • Entity Name: Your Docker Swarm name.
  • Base URL of Swarm Leader: The base URL of the Swarm Leader for REST API invocations.
  • Host Name: The fully-qualified host name where the Docker Swarm is installed.
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where the Docker Swarm is running.
Monitoring Credentials (Docker Swarm Credentials)
  • Store Location: The full path to the location of the keystore file.
  • Store Password: The keystore password to access the JKS file.
  • Store Type: Currently, only JKS is supported.

Xen Virtual Platform/Xen Virtual Server

Xen Virtual Platform/Xen Virtual Server JSON Files and Properties

The Xen Virtual Server is automatically discovered when you discover a Xen Virtual Platform.

Definition File: omc_xen_virtual_platform_sample.json

  • name: Your Xen Server name.
  • displayName: Name displayed in the Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring User Interface.
  • timezoneRegion: Time zone of your entity. It is recommended that you use the long values IANA-maintained TZ database time zones. For example: America/New_York
  • host_name: Under“value”, provide the fully-qualified host name where the Xen Server is installed.

Credential Files


Use this credentials JSON file if using root as a monitoring user.

  • password: Under“value”, within the square brackets, provide the root password.


Use this credentials JSON file if using a user with SUDO privileges as a monitoring user.

  • username: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the user name with SUDO privileges to be used for monitoring. You must have defined this user in a previous step.
  • password: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the monitoring SUDO user password.


Use this credentials JSON file if using SSH keys credentials.

  • SshPublicKey: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the Public Key.
  • SshPrivateKey: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the Private Key.


Use this credentials JSON file if using a user with SUDO privileges as a monitoring user as well as SSH keys.

  • username: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the user name with SUDO privileges to be used for monitoring. You must have defined this user in a previous step.
  • password: Under“value”, within the square brackets, provide the monitoring SUDO user password.
  • SshPublicKey: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the Public Key.
  • SshPrivateKey: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the Private Key.

Do not remove the square brackets.

Leave the rest of the fields unchanged.

Xen Virtual Platform/Xen Virtual Server UI Fields
  • Entity Name: Your Xen Server name.
  • Host Name: The fully-qualified host name where the Xen Server is installed.
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where the Xen Server is running.

Monitoring Credentials

Host Credentials

  • Username: Your XEN username.
  • Password: Your XEN User Password
  • Privilege Type: Your privilege type.
  • Privileged User: Is this a privileged user. True/False

Host Credentials with Sudo Privileges

  • Username: The user name with SUDO privileges to be used for monitoring.
  • Password: The monitoring SUDO user password.
  • Privilege Type: Your host login privilege type. Sudo is set by default.
  • Privileged User: Is this a privileged user. True/False
  • Privilege Command:
  • Run As: Your RunAs Username
  • Is requiretty enabled for the user: Enable pseudo terminal.

SSH Key Credentials

  • Username: Your Xen username.
  • SSH Public Key: Your public SSH key.
  • SSH Private Key: Your private SSH key.
  • Passphrase: Your SSH key passphrase.
  • Privilege Type: Your privilege type.
  • Privileged User: Is this a privileged user. True/False

SSH Key Credentials with Sudo Privileges

  • Username: Your SUDO username.
  • Password: Your SUDO user password
  • SSH Public Key: Your public SSH key.
  • SSH Private Key: Your private SSH key.
  • Passphrase: Your SSH key passphrase
  • Privilege Type Your privilege type.
  • Privileged User: Is this a privileged user. True/False
  • Privilege Command
  • Run As: Your RunAs Username
  • Is requiretty enabled for the user: Enable pseudo terminal.

Traffic Director Instance (OTD)

Traffic Director Instance (OTD) JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_oracle_otd_cluster_sample.json


This applies specifically for OTD 11. For OTD 12, OTD will be automatically discovered as part of the WebLogic Domain discovery
  • name: Your OTD 11g name.
  • displayName: Name displayed in the Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring User Interface.
  • timezoneRegion: Time zone of your entity. It is recommended that you use the long values IANA-maintained TZ database time zones. For example: America/New_York
  • admin_host: Under “value”, provide the fully-qualified Host Name where the OTD 11g Administration Server is installed.
  • admin_port: Under “value”, provide the OTD 11g Administration Server listening port.
  • admin_oracle_home: Under “value”, provide the absolute path of the OTD 11g Administration Server Oracle Home location.
  • config_name: Under “value”, provide the OTD 11g configuration name.

Credential File: omc_oracle_otd_cluster_sample_creds.json


This applies specifically for OTD 11. For OTD 12, OTD will be automatically discovered as part of the WebLogic Domain discovery.
  • admin_user_name: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the OTD 11g Administration Server user name. You must have identified this user in the Prerequisite Tasks step.
  • admin_password: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the OTD 11g Administration Server password.
  • snmp_comm_string: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the community string used in SNMP subagent. The default value is "public".

Do not remove the square brackets.

Traffic Director Instance (OTD) UI Fields

12c or later

  • Entity Name: The OTD entity name that is displayed on Infrastructure Monitoring UI.
  • Port: OTD Administration Server listening port
  • Protocol: t3 or t3s
  • Administration Server Host: Fully-qualified host name where the OTD Administration Server is installed.
  • Discover Coherence: Coherence Clusters deployed on the domain will be discovered. Turn this option off when discovering a SOA Suite Domain.
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where the OTD Administration Server is installed.

Monitoring Credentials (WebLogic Server Credentials)

  • Username: OTD Administration Server username.
  • Password: OTD Administration Server password.


  • Entity Name: OTD 11g Entity Display Name which is displayed on Infrastructure Monitoring UI
  • Administration Server Host Name: Fully-qualified Host Name where the OTD 11g Administration Server is installed.
  • Administration Server Listen Port: OTD 11g Administration Server listening port.
  • Configuration Name: OTD 11g configuration name
  • Administration Server Oracle Home: Absolute path of the OTD 11g Administration Server oracle home location
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where the OTD 11g Administration Server is running.

Monitoring Credentials (OTD 11g Administration Server Credentials)

  • Administration Username: OTD 11g Administration Server username
  • Administration Password: OTD 11g Administration Server password
  • SNMP Community String: Community string used in SNMP aubagent. Default value is "public".

Oracle HTTP Server (OHS)

Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_oracle_apache_sample.json

  • host_name: Host Name of the Oracle HTTP Server
  • port: Port of the Oracle HTTP Server
  • ohs_home: Absolute path of the Instance Home (11g)/ Absolute Path of the Domain Home (12c)
  • component_name: Component Name
  • protocol: Protocol for connecting to the Oracle HTTP Server
  • config_path: httpd.conf file directory path - file name not to be appended.
  • oracle_home: Absolute path of the Oracle Home
  • version: Version of OHS installed.

Credential Files


Use this credential JSON file if you are running OHS 12

  • nm_user_name: Node Manager username
  • nm_password: Node Manager password


Use this credential JSON file if you are running OHS 11 (optional)

  • HostUserName: Host username
  • HostPassword: Host password
Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) UI Fields
  • Entity Name: Name of your Oracl HTTP Server.
  • Host Name: Host Name of the Oracle HTTP Server
  • Oracle Home: Absolute path of the Oracle Home.
  • Instance Home(11g) / Domain Home: Absolute pathe of the Instance Home (11g)/Absolute pathe of the Domain Home (12c and later)
  • Component Name: Oracle HTTP Server component name.
  • Version: Oracle HTTP Server installed version.
  • Configuration Path: httpd:conf file directory path.
  • Listen Port: Port of the Oracle HTTP Server.
  • Protocol: Protocol used to connect to the Oracle HTTP Server. (HTTP/HTTPS)
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the hoste where Oracle HTTP Server is installed.

Cisco Catalyst Ethernet Switch

Cisco Catalyst Ethernet Switch JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_cisco_eth_switch_sample.json

  • name: Your Cisco Ethernet (Catalyst) Switch entity name.
  • displayName: Your Cisco Ethernet (Catalyst) Switch entity display name.
  • timezoneRegion: Time zone of your entity. It is recommended that you use the long values IANA-maintained TZ database time zones. For example: America/New_York
  • omc_dispatch_url: Under “value”, following the string snmp://, provide the fully qualified hostname or IP address of the Cisco Ethernet (Catalyst) Switch.
  • omc_snmp_port: Under “value”, provide the port where the Cisco Ethernet (Catalyst) Switch listens for SNMP requests, 161 by default.
  • omc_snmp_timeout: Under “value”, provide the timeout for SNMP requests in seconds, 10 by default.
  • omc_snmp_version: Under “value”, provide the SNMP version used to monitor the Cisco Ethernet (Catalyst) Switch.


    This is an optional property which is used only with SNMPV1Creds and allowed values are "1" or "2c". The default value is "2c".

Do not remove the square brackets.

Credential Files

Choose the creds json file according to what SNMP credentials you'd like to use - SNMP v2c or SNMP v3.


  • COMMUNITY: SNMPv2c community string


  • authUser: SNMPv3 username
  • authPwd: password used for authentication
  • authProtocol: protocol used for authentication - supply either MD5 or SHA
  • privPwd: password used for encryption

Cisco Catalyst Ethernet Switch UI Fields
  • Entity Name: Name of your Cisco Catalyst Ethernet Switch in Oracle Management Cloud
  • Dispatch URL: snmp://<Fully qualified host name or IP address of Cisco Catalyst Ethernet Switch>
  • SNMP Port: Port where Cisco Catalyst Ethernet Switch listens for SNMP requests - 161 by default (optional)
  • SNMP Timeout: Timeout for SNMP requests in seconds - 30 secs by default (optional)
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where Cisco Catalyst Ethernet Switch is installed.

Monitoring Credentials


  • Community String: The SNMPv2c community string.


  • Username: SNMPv3 username.
  • Authorization Password: Password used for authentication.
  • Authorization Protocol: Protocol used for authentication (MD5 or SHA)
  • Privacy Password: Password used for encryption.

Cisco Nexus Ethernet Switch

Cisco Nexus Ethernet Switch JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_cisco_nexus_eth_switch_sample.json

  • name: Your Cisco Nexus Ethernet Switch entity name.
  • displayName: Your Cisco Nexus Ethernet Switch entity display name.
  • timezoneRegion: Time zone of your entity. It is recommended that you use the long values IANA-maintained TZ database time zones. For example: America/New_York
  • omc_dispatch_url: Under “value”, following the string snmp://, provide the fully qualified hostname or IP address of the Cisco Nexus Ethernet Switch.
  • omc_snmp_port: Under “value”, provide the port where the Cisco Nexus Ethernet Switch listens for SNMP requests, 161 by default.
  • omc_snmp_timeout: Under “value”, provide the timeout for SNMP requests in seconds, 10 by default.
  • omc_snmp_version: Under “value”, provide the SNMP version used to monitor the Cisco Nexus Ethernet Switch.


    This is an optional property which is used only with SNMPV1Creds and allowed values are "1" or "2c". The default value is "2c".

Credential Files


  • COMMUNITY: Use this credential file if you have configured your switch with SNMPv1/v2.


Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the SNMPv3 user name.

  • authPwd: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the auth password or empty out the field.
  • authProtocol: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the auth-method (SHA or MD5).
  • privPwd: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the priv method password, if priv is used. Only the DES priv method is supported.

Do not remove the square brackets.

Cisco Nexus Ethernet Switch UI Fields
  • Entity Name: Name of your Cisco Nexus Ethernet Switch in Oracle Management Cloud.
  • Dispatch URL: snmp://<Fully qualified host name or IP address of Cisco Nexus Ethernet Switch>
  • SNMP Port: Port where Cisco Nexus Ethernet Switch listens for SNMP requests - 161 by default (optional)
  • SNMP Timeout: Timeout for SNMP requests in seconds - 30 secs by default (optional)
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where Cisco Nexus Ethernet Switch is installed.

Monitoring Credentials


  • Community String: SNMPv2c community string


  • Username: SNMPv3 username
  • Authorization Password: Password used for authentication
  • Authorization Protocol: Protocol used for authentication - supply either MD5 or SHA
  • Privacy Password: Password used for encryption.

Oracle Power Distribution Unit (PDU)

Oracle Power Distribution Unit (PDU) Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_oracle_pdu_sample.json

  • name: Your PDU entity name.
  • displayName: Your PDU entity display name.
  • timezoneRegion: Time zone of your entity. It is recommended that you use the long values IANA-maintained TZ database time zones. For example: America/New_York
  • omc_dispatch_url: Under “value”, provide your PDU HTTP URL.
  • omc_snmp_port: Under “value”, provide your SNMP port, default is 161.
  • omc_snmp_timeout: Under “value”, provide the timeout for SNMP requests in seconds, 10 by default.
  • omc_snmp_version: Under “value”, provide the SNMP version used to monitor PDU. Valid values are 1, 2 or 3.

Credential Files

You need to use HTTP credentials along with one of the SNMP credentials (v2c or v3)

HTTP credentials - part of SNMPv1 and SNMPv3 json
  • username: User name for HTTP communication.
  • password: Password for user in HTTP communication.



  • COMMUNITY: Community String for SNMP communication



Use this credentials JSON file if using SNMP v3.

  • authUser: Name of priviliged user for SNMP communication
  • authPwd: Password for priviliged user for SNMP communication
  • authProtocol: Encryption protocol to be used for SNMP communication
  • privPwd: Password for SNMP communication

Do not remove the square brackets.

Arista Ethernet Switch

Arista Ethernet Switch JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_arista_eth_switch_sample.json

  • omc_dispatch_url: snmp://<Fully qualified host name or IP address of Arista Ethernet Switch>
  • omc_snmp_port: Port where Arista Ethernet Switch listens for SNMP requests - 161 by default (optional)
  • omc_snmp_timeout: Timeout for SNMP requests in seconds - 30 secs by default (optional)
  • omc_snmp_version: SNMP version used to monitor Arista Ethernet Switch (2c or 3) - 2c by default (optional)

Credential Files

Choose the credential json file according to what SNMP credentials you'd like to use - SNMP v2c or SNMP v3. SNMP v2c


Use this credential file if you have configured your switch with SNMPv1/v2. Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the SNMPv2c community string used during the Arista Ethernet Switch configuration.

  • COMMUNITY: SNMPv2c community string.


Use this credential file if you have configured your switch with SNMPv3

  • authUser: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide provide SNMPv3 user name.
  • authPwd: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the auth password or empty out the field.
  • authProtocol: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the auth-method (SHA or MD5).
  • privPwd: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the privilege method password, if privilege is used. Only the DES privilege method is supported.
Arista Ethernet Switch UI Fields
  • Entity Name: Name of your Arista Ethernet Switch in Oracle Management Cloud
  • Dispatch URL: snmp://<Fully qualified host name or IP address of Arista Ethernet Switch>
  • SNMP Port: Port where Arista Ethernet Switch listens for SNMP requests - 161 by default (optional)
  • SNMP Timeout: Timeout for SNMP requests in seconds - 30 secs by default (optional)
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where Arista Ethernet Switch is installed.

Monitoring Credentials


  • COMMUNITY: Community String for SNMP communication


  • Username: SNMPv3 username.
  • Authorization Password: Password used for authentication
  • Authorization Protocol: Protocol used for authentication - supply either MD5 or SHA
  • Privacy Password: Password used for encryption.

Juniper Ethernet Switch

Juniper Ethernet Switch JSON Files and Properties

Credential File: omc_juniper_eth_switch_sample.json

  • name: Your Juniper Switch entity name.
  • displayName: Your Juniper Switch entity display name.
  • timezoneRegion: Time zone of your entity. It is recommended that you use the long values IANA-maintained TZ database time zones. For example: America/New_York
  • host_name: Under “value”, provide fully qualified host name or IP address of Juniper Switch
  • omc_dispatch_url: Under “value”, following the string snmp://, provide the fully qualified hostname or IP address of Juniper Switch.
  • omc_snmp_port: Under “value”, provide your SNMP port, default is 161.
  • omc_snmp_timeout: Under “value”, provide the timeout for SNMP requests in seconds, 10 by default.
  • omc_snmp_version: Under “value”, provide the SNMP version used to monitor Juniper Switch, 2c by default.

Credential Files


Use this credential file if you have configured your switch with SNMPv1/v2.

  • COMMUNITY: Use this credential file if you have configured your switch with SNMPv1/v2.


Use this credential file if you have configured your switch with SNMPv3

  • authUser: Use this credential file if you have configured your switch with SNMPv3

    Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide provide SNMPv3 user name.

  • authPwd: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the auth password or empty out the field.
  • authProtocol: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the auth-method (SHA or MD5).
  • privPwd: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the priv method password, if priv is used. Only the DES priv method is supported.

Do not remove the square brackets.

Juniper Ethernet Switch UI Fields
  • Entity Name: Name of your Juniper Ethernet Switch in Oracle Management Cloud.
  • Dispatch URL: snmp://<Fully qualified host name or IP address of Juniper Ethernet Switch>
  • SNMP Port: Port where Juniper Ethernet Switch listens for SNMP requests - 161 by default (optional)
  • SNMP Timeout: Timeout for SNMP requests in seconds - 30 secs by default (optional)
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring Juniper Ethernet Switch.

Monitoring Credentials

Choose the credential JSON file according to what SNMP credentials you'd like to use - SNMP v2c or SNMP v3.


  • Community String: SNMPv2c community string.


  • Username: SNMPv3 username.
  • Authorization Password: Password used for authentication
  • Authorization Protocol: Protocol used for authentication. (MD5 or SHA)
  • Privacy Password: password used for encryption

Oracle Infiniband Switch

Oracle Infiniband Switch JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_oracle_ib_switch_sample.json

  • name: Your InfiniBand Switch entity name.
  • displayName: Your InfiniBand Switch entity display name.
  • timezoneRegion: Time zone of your entity. It is recommended that you use the long values IANA-maintained TZ database time zones. For example: America/New_York
  • host_name: Under “value”, provide fully qualified host name or IP address of InfiniBand Switch
  • omc_dispatch_url: Under “value”, following the string snmp://, provide the fully qualified hostname or IP address of InfiniBand Switch.
  • omc_snmp_port: Under “value”, provide your SNMP port, default is 161.
  • omc_snmp_timeout: Under “value”, provide the timeout for SNMP requests in seconds, 10 by default.
  • omc_snmp_version: Under “value”, provide the SNMP version used to monitor InfiniBand Switch, 2c by default.

Credential Files


Use this credential file if you have configured your switch with SNMPv1/v2.

  • COMMUNITY: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the SNMPv2c community string used during the InfiniBand Switch configuration.


Use this credential file if you have configured your switch with SNMPv3

  • authUser: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide provide SNMPv3 user name.
  • authPwd: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the auth password or empty out the field.
  • authProtocol: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the auth-method (SHA or MD5).
  • privPwd: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the priv method password, if priv is used.

Do not remove the square brackets.

Oracle Infiniband Switch UI Fields
  • Entity Name: Name of your Oracle Infiniband Switch in Oracle Management Cloud.
  • Dispatch URL: snmp://<Fully qualified host name or IP address of Oracle InfiniBand Switch>
  • SNMP Port: Port where Oracle InfiniBand Switch listens for SNMP requests - 161 by default (optional)
  • SNMP Timeout: Timeout for SNMP requests in seconds - 30 secs by default (optional)
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring your Oracle Infiniband Switch.

Monitoring Credentials


  • Community String: SNMPv2c community string.


  • Username: SNMPv3 username.
  • Authorization Password: Password used for authentication
  • Authorization Protocol: Protocol used for authentication. (MD5 or SHA)
  • Privacy Password: password used for encryption

Oracle Fabric Manager / Virtual Networking / Xsigo

Oracle Fabric Manager / Virtual Networking / Xsigo JSON Files and Properties


ONLY proper SSL certificates of OVN/OFM are supported. For self-signed certificates, manual addition to the agent keystore is required. To manually add a self-signed certificate to the agent keystore, run the following command:
omcli secure add_trust_cert_to_jks -password <ask_oracle_support> -trust_certs_loc </path/to/certificateOfOFMServer.crt> -alias <hostname_of_OFM>


  • name: Your OFM/OVN entity name.
  • displayName: Your OFM/OVN entity display name.
  • timezoneRegion: Time zone of your entity. It is recommended that you use the long values IANA-maintained TZ database time zones. For example: America/New_York
  • omc_ovn_hostname: Under “value”, provide fully qualified host name or IP address of the OFM/OVM host.
  • omc_ovn_rest_port: Under “value”, provide your OFM/OVN REST port, default is 8443.

Credential File: omc_oracle_ovn_sample_creds.json

  • username: Under “value”, provide fully qualified host name or IP address of the OFM/OVM host.
  • password: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the OFM/OVN user password.

Do not remove the square brackets.

Oracle Fabric Manager / Virtual Networking / Xsigo UI Fields
  • Entity Name: Your OFM/OVN entity name.
  • Host Name: The fully qualified host name or IP address of the OFM/OVM host.
  • REST Port: The OFM/OVN REST port, default is 8443.
  • Trust Any Server Certificate: False is recommended. You must import the storage server SSL certificate into the selected could agent before discovery. If you choose True instead, discovery will occur even for an untrusted or expired certificate.
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where OFM/OVM is installed.

Monitoring Credentials

  • Username: The OFM/OVN user.
  • Password: The OFM/OVM user password.

Brocade Fiber Channel Switch

Brocade Fiber Channel Switch JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_brocade_fc_switch_sample.json

  • name: Your Brocade Fibre Channel Switch entity name.
  • displayName: Your Brocade Fibre Channel Switch entity display name.
  • timezoneRegion: Time zone of your entity. It is recommended that you use the long values IANA-maintained TZ database time zones. For example: America/New_York
  • host_name: Under “value”, provide fully qualified host name or IP address of the Brocade Fibre Channel Switch
  • omc_dispatch_url: Under “value”, following the string snmp://, provide the fully qualified hostname or IP address of the Brocade Fibre Channel Switch.
  • omc_snmp_port: Under “value”, provide the port where the Brocade Fibre Channel Switch listens for SNMP requests. The default is 161.
  • omc_snmp_timeout: Under “value”, provide the timeout for SNMP requests in seconds, 10 by default.
  • omc_snmp_version: Under “value”, provide the SNMP version used to monitor the Brocade Fibre Channel Switch.

Credential Files


Use this credential file if you have configured your switch with SNMPv1/v2.

  • community: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the SNMPv2c community string used during the Brocade Fibre Channel Switch configuration.


Use this credential file if you have configured your switch with SNMPv3.

  • authUser: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the SNMPv3 username.
  • authPwd: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the authorization password or empty out the field. .
  • authProtocol: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the authorization method (SHA or MD5).
  • privPwd: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the privilege method password, if privilege is used. Only the DES privilege method is supported.
Brocade Fiber Channel Switch UI Fields
  • Entity Name: Name of your Brocade Fiber Channel Switch in Oracle Management Cloud.
  • Dispatch URL: snmp://<Fully qualified host name or IP address of Brocade Fiber Channel Switch>
  • SNMP Port: Port where Brocade Fiber Channel Switch listens for SNMP requests - 161 by default (optional)
  • SNMP Timeout: Timeout for SNMP requests in seconds - 30 secs by default (optional)
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring your Brocade Fiber Channel Switch.

Monitoring Credentials


  • Community String: SNMPv1/v2c community string.


  • Username: SNMPv3 username.
  • Authorization Password: Password used for authentication
  • Authorization Protocol: Protocol used for authentication. (MD5 or SHA)
  • Privacy Password: password used for encryption

SCOM (System Center Operations Manager)

SCOM (System Center Operations Manager) JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_microsoft_scom_example.json

  • name: Your SCOM entity name.
  • displayName: Your SCOM entity display name.
  • timezoneRegion: Time zone of your entity. It is recommended that you use the long values IANA-maintained TZ database time zones. For example: America/New_York
  • omc_sdk_host: Fully qualified host name or IP address of the server which hosts SCOM.

Credential File: omc_microsoft_scom_creds.json

  • username: Username of the account which has access to SCOM..
  • password: Password of the account which has access to SCOM.
  • domain: Windows domain of the account which has access to SCOM.
SCOM (System Center Operations Manager) UI Fields
  • Entity Name: Your SCOM entity name in Oracle Management Cloud.
  • SCOM SDK Host: Host name or IP address of an SCOM SDK Host.
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where SCOM is installed.

Monitoring Credentials (SCOM Credentials)

  • Username: Username of the account which has access to SCOM..
  • Password: Password of the account which has access to SCOM.
  • Domain: Windows domain of the account which has access to SCOM.

Juniper SRX Firewall

Juniper SRX Firewall JSON Files and Properties


  • name: Your Juniper SRX Firewall entity name.
  • displayName: Your Juniper SRX Firewall entity display name.
  • timezoneRegion: Time zone of your entity. It is recommended that you use the long values IANA-maintained TZ database time zones. For example: America/New_York
  • host_name: Under “value”, provide fully qualified host name or IP address of the Juniper SRX Firewall.
  • omc_dispatch_url: Under “value”, following the string snmp://, provide the fully qualified hostname or IP address of the Juniper SRX Firewall.
  • omc_snmp_port: Under “value”, provide the port where the Juniper SRX Firewall listens for SNMP requests. The default is 161.
  • omc_snmp_timeout: Under “value”, provide the timeout for SNMP requests in seconds, 10 by default.
  • omc_snmp_version: Under “value”, provide the SNMP version used to monitor the Juniper SRX Firewall.

Credential Files


Use this credential file if you have configured your switch with SNMPv1/v2.

  • community: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the SNMPv2c community string used during the Juniper SRX Firewall configuration.


Use this credential file if you have configured your switch with SNMPv3.

  • authUser: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the SNMPv3 username.
  • authPwd: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the authorization password or empty out the field. .
  • authProtocol: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the authorization method (SHA or MD5).
  • privPwd: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the privilege method password, if privilege is used. Only the DES privilege method is supported.
Juniper SRX Firewall UI Fields
  • Entity Name: Name of your Juniper SRX Firewall in Oracle Management Cloud.
  • Dispatch URL: snmp://<Fully qualified host name or IP address of Juniper SRX Firewall>
  • SNMP Port: Port where Juniper SRX Firewall listens for SNMP requests - 161 by default (optional)
  • SNMP Timeout: Timeout for SNMP requests in seconds - 30 secs by default (optional)
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring your Juniper SRX Firewall.

Monitoring Credentials


  • Community String: SNMPv1/v2c community string.


  • Username: SNMPv3 username.
  • Authorization Password: Password used for authentication
  • Authorization Protocol: Protocol used for authentication. (MD5 or SHA)
  • Privacy Password: password used for encryption

Oracle SOA Infrastructure

Oracle SOA Infrastructure JSON Files and Properties

Oracle SOA Infrastructure entities are automatically discovered as part of the WebLogic Domain discovery.


When you add a WebLogic Domain entity (requiring credentials), because Oracle Management Cloud connects to the WebLogic Admin Server, all WebLogic Clusters and WebLogic Servers that are part of that domain are automatically discovered. There’s no need to add them separately.

Oracle Service Bus

Oracle Service Bus JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_oracle_servicebus_sample.json

  • name: Your WebLogic Domain name.
  • displayName: Name displayed in the Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring User Interface.
  • timezoneRegion: Time zone of your entity. It is recommended that you use the long values IANA-maintained TZ database time zones. For example: America/New_York
  • port: Under “value”, provide the port used for WebLogic Admin Server(Console).
  • protocol: Under “value”, provide the protocol used for WebLogic Server - For example: t3
  • admin_server_host: Under “value”, provide the fully-qualified host name where the WebLogic Admin Server is installed.

Credential File: omc_oracle_servicebus_sample_creds.json

  • username: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the WebLogic Domain monitoring user name.
  • password: Under “value”, within the square brackets, provide the WebLogic Domain monitoring user’s password.


Multi-Entity JSON Files and Properties

Use the multi-entity JSON files to add multiple entities of various types at the same time. These JSON files include entries for all entities. Edit all field values for the entities you are adding and remove all other entries in the files that you aren’t using. See more details in the Oracle by Example (OBE) tutorial on Adding Multiple Entities With a Single JSON File

Definition File: omc_add_multi_entities.json

Credential File: omc_add_multi_entities_creds.json

Fujitsu Computers

Fujitsu Computers JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_fujitsu_server_sample.json

  • omc_dispatch_url: snmp://<Fully qualified host name or IP address of Fujitsu Server>
  • omc_snmp_port: Port where Fujitsu Server listens for SNMP requests (default 161)
  • omg_snmp_timeout:Timeout for SNMP requests in seconds (default 20)
  • omc_snmp_version:SNMP version used to monitor Fujitsu Server (2c or 3) (default 3)

Credential File: omc_fujitsu_server_creds_sample.json

SNMP v2c

  • COMMUNITY: SNMPv2c community string


  • authUser: SNMPv3 username.
  • authPwd: Password used for authentication.
  • authProtocol: protocol used for authentication - supply MD5
  • privPwd: password used for encryption
  • privProtocol: Protocol used for encryption - supply DES
Fujitsu Computer UI Fields
  • Entity Name: Name of your Fujitsu Server in Oracle Management Cloud.
  • Dispatch URL: snmp://<Fully qualified host name or IP address of the Fujitsu Server.>
  • SNMP Port: Port where the Fujitsu Server listens for SNMP requests - 161 by default (optional)
  • SNMP Timeout: Timeout for SNMP requests in seconds - 30 secs by default (optional)
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring your Fujitsu Server.

Monitoring Credentials


  • Community String: SNMPv1/v2c community string.


  • Username: SNMPv3 username.
  • Authorization Password: Password used for authentication
  • Authorization Protocol: Protocol used for authentication. (MD5 or SHA)
  • Privacy Password: password used for encryption

Intel/SPARC Computers

Intel/SPARC Computers JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_ilom_server.json

  • omc_dispatch_url: ilom-ssh://<fully qualified host name or IP address of ILOM Server>

Credential File: omc_ilom_server_creds.json

  • username: ILOM Server username (use Administrator role).
  • password: ILOM Server password (use Administrator role).

VMware vCenter

VMware vCenter JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_vmware_vcenter_sample.json

  • omc_virtual_mgmt_system_id: VMware vCenter Server Instance UUID
  • omc_virtual_type: VMware
  • omc_dispatch_url: vmware-https://<Fully qualified host name or IP address of vCenter>/sdk/vimservice

Credential File: omc_vmware_vcenter_sample_creds.json

  • username: VMware vCenter username (use Administrator role).
  • password: VMware vCenter password (use Administrator role).


NGINX Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_nginx.json

  • host_name: Host Name of the Nginx Target
  • listen_port: Nginx Server Port Number for connection to Nginx Status page
  • install_home: Nginx Server install directory
  • Entity Name: Name of your NGINX entity in Oracle Management Cloud.
  • Host Name: Host where the NGINX server is running.
  • Nginx Listen Port: NGINX Server Port Number for connection to NGINX Status page.
  • Nginx Binary File Path: Full path to the NGINX binary file.
  • Nginx PID File Path: Full path to the NGINX PID file.
  • Nginx Status Page URL: URL used to access the NGINX status page.
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where the NGINX server is installed.

Apache SOLR

Apache SOLR JSON Files and Properties

Definition Files:





Credential Files:




Replace any text inside brackets <> excluding these brackets with your values according the legend inside <>


  1. Credential JSONs are same for both standalone (omc_solr_instance) & solrcloud (omc_solrcloud)
  2. For secure solr standalone & solrcloud (with or without creds), server certificates for all the instances need to be added to the agent keystore using following command omcli secure add_trust_cert_to_jks -password welcome -trust_certs_loc <certificate location> -alias <alias>
  3. For client authentication the type of the agent keystore is JKS keystore

Examples of Base URLs:

non secure – http://<hostname>:<port>/solr/

secure — https://<hostname>:<port>/solr/

Example of credentialRefs in the entity JSONs:

"credentialRefs" : ["SolrKeyStoreCredRef"] ---- for client authentication

"credentialRefs" : ["SolrBasicCredRef"] ---- for basic authentication

"credentialRefs" : ["SolrBasicCredRef","SolrKeyStoreCredRef"] ---- for client with basic authentication

Apache SOLR UI Fields
  • Discover Using Credentials: Discover Apache SOLR using Apache SOLR credentials (on by default).
  • Entity Name: Name of this entity displayed in the Oracle Management Cloud console.
  • Base URL: The base URL for REST API invocations.
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where the Apache SOLR is installed.

Monitoring Credentials

Basic Authentication

  • Username: Apache SOLR username.
  • Password: Apache SOLR password.

Client Authentication

  • Keystore Location: Full path to the location of the keystore file.
  • Keystore Password: Keystore authentication password.


Basic Authentication

  • Username: Apache SOLR username.
  • Password: Apache SOLR password.

Client Authentication

  • Keystore Location: full path to the location of the keystore file.
  • Keystore Password: Keystore authentication password.


Hadoop JSON Files and Properties


Hadoop uses primary and secondary nodes to maintain availability. If one node goes down, the secondary node is used to fetch information. For both nodes, the primary and secondary roles can be switched at any given time. For this reason, you specify two nodes and two Resource Manager URLs without specifying whether they are primary or secondary.

Definition File: hadoop_credless.json

Use this file if Hadoop was configured with no credentials.

  • Name: Hadoop entity name.
  • displayName: Hadoop entity display name.
  • omc_nn1_metric_url (Name Node 1): Name Node 1 URL with port.
  • omc_nn2_metric_url (Name Node 2): Name Node 2 URL with port.
  • omc_rm1_metric_url (Resource Manager 1): Resource Manager Node 1 URL with port.
  • omc_rm2_metric_url (Resource Manager 2): ResourceManager Node 2 URL with port.

Example URL

http://<HOSTNAME>:<PORT>/ (Rest API URL for

Definition File:hadoop_creds.json

  • name: Hadoop entity name.
  • displayName: Hadoop entity display name.
  • credentialRefs: Hadoop credential information (hadoopTrustStore and hadoopSPNEGOCredentials) defined in the hadoop_credentials_input.json file.
  • omc_nn1_metric_url: (Name Node 1): Name Node 1 URL with port.
  • omc_nn2_metric_url: (Name Node 2): Name Node 2 URL with port.
  • omc_rm1_metric_ur:l (Resource Manager 1): Resource Manager Node 1 URL with port.
  • omc_rm2_metric_ur:l (Resource Manager 2): ResourceManager Node 2 URL with port.

Example URL

http://<HOSTNAME>:<PORT>/ (Rest API URL for Invocation)

Credential File:hadoop_credentials_input.json

  • hadoopTrustStore consists of the following user-defined properties:
    • StoreLocation: Path of Truststore file.
    • StorePassword: Truststore Password
  • hadoopSPNEGOCredentialsconsists of the following user-defined properties:
    • Alias: Alias name.
    • Password: Alias password.
    • KRB5Conf: Path of krb5.conf file.
Hadoop UI Fields
  • Discover Using Credentials: Discover Hadoop using Hadoop credentials (on by default).
  • Entity Name: Name of this entity displayed in the Oracle Management Cloud console.
  • Metric URL for NameNode 1: Name Node 1 URL with port..
  • Metric URL for NameNode 2: Name Node 2 URL with port.
  • Metric URL for Resource Manager 1: Resource Manager Node 1 URL with port.
  • Metric URL for Resource Manager 2: ResourceManager Node 2 URL with port.
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where Hadoop is installed.

Monitoring Credentials

SSL Trust Store

  • Store Location: Path of the Truststore file.
  • Store Password: The keystore password to access the JKS file.
  • Store Type: Currently, only JKS is supported.


  • Alias Name: Your alias name.
  • Password: Your alias password.
  • Path of krb5.conf file: Full path to the krb5.conf file.

Arbor TMS Firewall

Arbor TMS Firewall JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_arbor_tms_sample.json

  • omc_dispatch_url: snmp://<Fully qualified host name or IP address of the Arbor TMS Firewall>
  • omc_snmp_port: Port where the Arbor TMS Firewall listens for SNMP requests - 161 by default (optional)
  • omc_snmp_timeout: Timeout for SNMP requests in seconds - 30 secs by default (optional)
  • omc_snmp_version: SNMP version used to monitor the Arbor TMS Firewall (2c or 3) - 2c by default (optional)

Credential Files


SNMP v2c

  • COMMUNITY: SNMPv2c community string



  • authUser: SNMPv3 username.
  • authPwd: Password used for authentication.
  • authProtocol: Protocol used for authentication (MD5 or SHA).
  • privPwd: Password used for encryption.
Arbor TMS Firewall UI Fields
  • Entity Name: Name of this entity displayed in the Oracle Management Cloud console.
  • Dispatch URL: snmp://<Fully qualified host name or IP address of the Arbor TMS Firewall>
  • SNMP Port: Port where the Arbor TMS Firewall listens for SNMP requests - 161 by default (optional)
  • SNMP Timeout: Timeout for SNMP requests in seconds - 30 secs by default (optional)
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where Arbor TMS Firewall is installed.

Monitoring Credentials


  • Community String: Community String for SNMP communication


  • Username: SNMPv3 username.
  • Authorization Password: Password used for authentication
  • Authorization Protocol: Protocol used for authentication. (MD5 or SHA)
  • Privacy Password: password used for encryption

Arbor CP Firewall

Arbor CP Firewall JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_arbor_cp_sample.json

  • omc_dispatch_url: snmp://<Fully qualified host name or IP address of the Arbor CP Firewall>
  • omc_snmp_port: Port where the Arbor CP Firewall listens for SNMP requests - 161 by default (optional)
  • omc_snmp_timeout: Timeout for SNMP requests in seconds - 30 seconds by default (optional)
  • omc_snmp_version: SNMP version used to monitor the Arbor CP Firewall (2c or 3) - 2c by default (optional)

Credential Files


SNMP v2c

  • COMMUNITY: SNMPv2c community string



  • authUser: SNMPv3 username.
  • authPwd: Password used for authentication.
  • authProtocol: Protocol used for authentication (MD5 or SHA).
  • privPwd: Password used for encryption.
Arbor CP Firewall UI Fields
  • Entity Name: Name of this entity displayed in the Oracle Management Cloud console.
  • Dispatch URL: snmp://<Fully qualified host name or IP address of the Arbor CP Firewall>
  • SNMP Port: Port where the Arbor CP Firewall listens for SNMP requests - 161 by default (optional)
  • SNMP Timeout: Timeout for SNMP requests in seconds - 30 seconds by default (optional)
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where Arbor CP Firewall is installed.

Monitoring Credentials


  • Community String: Community String for SNMP communication


  • Username: SNMPv3 username.
  • Authorization Password: Password used for authentication
  • Authorization Protocol: Protocol used for authentication. (MD5 or SHA)
  • Privacy Password: password used for encryption

Juniper Netscreen Firewall

Juniper Netscreen Firewall JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_juniper_netscreen_sample.json

  • omc_dispatch_url: snmp://<Fully qualified host name or IP address of Juniper Netscreen Firewall>
  • omc_snmp_port: Port where Juniper Netscreen Firewall listens for SNMP requests - 161 by default (optional)
  • omc_snmp_timeout: Timeout for SNMP requests in seconds - 30 seconds by default (optional)
  • omc_snmp_version: SNMP version used to monitor Juniper Netscreen Firewall (2c or 3) - 2c by default (optional)

Credential Files


SNMP v2c

  • COMMUNITY: SNMPv2c community string



  • authUser: SNMPv3 username
  • authPwd: Password used for authentication
  • authProtocol: Protocol used for authentication - supply either MD5 or SHA
  • privPwd: password used for encryption
Juniper Netscreen Firewall UI Fields
  • Entity Name: Name of this entity displayed in the Oracle Management Cloud console.
  • Dispatch URL: snmp://<Fully qualified host name or IP address of Juniper Netscreen Firewall>
  • SNMP Port: Port where Juniper Netscreen Firewall listens for SNMP requests - 161 by default (optional)
  • SNMP Timeout: Timeout for SNMP requests in seconds - 30 seconds by default (optional)
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where Juniper Netscreen Firewall is installed.

Monitoring Credentials


  • Community String: Community String for SNMP communication


  • Username: SNMPv3 username.
  • Authorization Password: Password used for authentication
  • Authorization Protocol: Protocol used for authentication. (MD5 or SHA)
  • Privacy Password: password used for encryption

Juniper MX Router

Juniper MX Router JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_juniper_mx_sample.json

  • omc_dispatch_url: snmp://<Fully qualified host name or IP address of Juniper MX Router>
  • omc_snmp_port: Port where Juniper MX Router listens for SNMP requests - 161 by default (optional)
  • omc_snmp_timeout: Timeout for SNMP requests in seconds - 30 seconds by default (optional)
  • omc_snmp_version: SNMP version used to monitor Juniper MX Router (2c or 3) - 2c by default (optional)

Credential Files


SNMP v2c

  • COMMUNITY: SNMPv2c community string



  • authUser: SNMPv3 username.
  • authPwd: Password used for authentication.
  • authProtocol: Protocol used for authentication - supply either MD5 or SHA.
  • privPwd: Password used for encryption.
Juniper MX Router UI Fields
  • Entity Name: Name of this entity displayed in the Oracle Management Cloud console.
  • Dispatch URL: snmp://<Fully qualified host name or IP address of Juniper MX Router>
  • SNMP Port: Port where Juniper MX Router listens for SNMP requests - 161 by default (optional)
  • SNMP Timeout: Timeout for SNMP requests in seconds - 30 seconds by default (optional)
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where the Juniper MX Router is installed.

Monitoring Credentials


  • Community String: Community String for SNMP communication


  • Username: SNMPv3 username.
  • Authorization Password: Password used for authentication
  • Authorization Protocol: Protocol used for authentication. (MD5 or SHA)
  • Privacy Password: password used for encryption


F5 BIG-IP LTM JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_f5_bigip_ltm_sample.json

  • omc_dispatch_url: snmp://<Fully qualified host name or IP address of F5 BIG-IP LTM>
  • omc_snmp_port: Port where F5 BIG-IP LTM listens for SNMP requests - 161 by default (optional)
  • omc_snmp_timeout: Timeout for SNMP requests in seconds - 30 secs by default (optional)
  • omc_snmp_version: SNMP version used to monitor F5 BIG-IP LTM (2c or 3) - 2c by default (optional)

Credential Files


SNMP v2c

  • COMMUNITY: SNMPv2c community string



  • authUser: SNMPv3 username.
  • authPwd: Password used for authentication.
  • authProtocol: Protocol used for authentication - supply either MD5 or SHA.
  • privPwd: Password used for encryption.
  • Entity Name: Name of this entity displayed in the Oracle Management Cloud console.
  • Dispatch URL: snmp://<Fully qualified host name or IP address of F5 BIG-IP LTM>
  • SNMP Port: Port where F5 BIG-IP LTM listens for SNMP requests - 161 by default (optional)
  • SNMP Timeout: Timeout for SNMP requests in seconds - 30 secs by default (optional)
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where F5 BIG-IP LTM is installed.

Monitoring Credentials


  • Community String: Community String for SNMP communication


  • Username: SNMPv3 username.
  • Authorization Password: Password used for authentication
  • Authorization Protocol: Protocol used for authentication. (MD5 or SHA)
  • Privacy Password: password used for encryption


F5 BIG-IP DNS JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_f5_bigip_dns_sample.json

  • omc_dispatch_url: snmp://<Fully qualified host name or IP address of F5 BIG-IP DNS>
  • omc_snmp_port: Port where F5 BIG-IP DNS listens for SNMP requests - 161 by default (optional)
  • omc_snmp_timeout: Timeout for SNMP requests in seconds - 30 seconds by default (optional)
  • omc_snmp_version: SNMP version used to monitor F5 BIG-IP DNS (2c or 3) - 2c by default (optional)

Credential Files


SNMP v2c

  • COMMUNITY: SNMPv2c community string



  • authUser: SNMPv3 username.
  • authPwd: Password used for authentication.
  • authProtocol: Protocol used for authentication - supply either MD5 or SHA.
  • privPwd: Password used for encryption.
  • Entity Name: Name of this entity displayed in the Oracle Management Cloud console.
  • Dispatch URL: snmp://<Fully qualified host name or IP address of F5 BIG-IP DNS>
  • SNMP Port: Port where F5 BIG-IP DNS listens for SNMP requests - 161 by default (optional)
  • SNMP Timeout: Timeout for SNMP requests in seconds - 30 seconds by default (optional)
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where F5 BIG-IP DNS is installed.

Monitoring Credentials


  • Community String: Community String for SNMP communication


  • Username: SNMPv3 username.
  • Authorization Password: Password used for authentication
  • Authorization Protocol: Protocol used for authentication. (MD5 or SHA)
  • Privacy Password: password used for encryption

NetApp FAS

NetApp FAS JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_netapp_fas_sample.json

  • host_name: Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or IP of the NetApp storage.
  • omc_snmp_port: Port to use for SNMP communication with NetApp storage.
  • omc_snmp_timeout: Timeout for SNMP communication with NetApp storage.
  • omc_snmp_version: Version of SNMP protocol to use for communication with NetApp storage.
  • omc_snmp_community: SNMP community string to use for communication with NetApp storage.

Credential File: omc_netapp_fas_snmp_sample_creds.json

  • authUser: Name of a privileged user for SNMP communication.
  • authPwd: Password for a privileged user for SNMP communication.
  • authProtocol: Encryption protocol to be used for SNMP communication.
  • privPwd: Password for SNMP communication.
NetApp FAS UI Fields
  • Entity Name: Name of this entity displayed in the Oracle Management Cloud console.
  • Host Name: Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or IP of the NetApp storage.
  • SNMP Port: Port to use for SNMP communication with NetApp storage.
  • SNMP Timeout: Timeout for SNMP communication with NetApp storage.
  • SNMP Version: Version of SNMP protocol to use for communication with NetApp storage.
  • SNMP Community: SNMP community string to use for communication with NetApp storage.
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where NetApp FAS is installed.

ZFS Storage Appliance

ZFS Storage Appliance JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_oracle_zfs_storage_appliance_sample.json

  • omc_zfssa_hostname: ONLY IP of the ZFS Storage Appliance (if you use hostname/fully qualified domain name, you will trigger a REST fetchlet problem with certificate validation: (javax.net.ssl.SSLProtocolException: handshake alert: unrecognized_name ))
  • omc_zfssa_port: Port to use for REST API communication with ZFS Storage Appliance storage
  • omc_ssl_trust_server_cert: Flag indicating whether to trust self-signed certificates.

Credential File: omc_oracle_zfs_storage_appliance_sample_creds.json

  • Alias: Alias (username/login name) to be used for the ZFS Storage Appliance REST API
  • Password: Password for the ZFS Storage Appliance REST API alias.
ZFS Storage Appliance UI Fields
  • Entity Name: Name of this entity displayed in the Oracle Management Cloud console.
  • ZFFSA IP Address: IP address of the ZFS storage appliance with REST API.
  • ZFFSA Port: Port of the storage appliance REST API.
  • Trust Any Server Certificate: False is recommended. You must import the storage server SSL certificate into the selected could agent before discovery. If you choose True instead, discovery will occur even for an untrusted or expired certificate.
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where the ZFS Storage Appliance is installed.

Monitoring Credentials (ZFFSA Credentials)

  • Username: Storage appliance username.
  • Password: Storage appliance password.

Kubernetes Cluster

Kubernetes Cluster JSON Files and Properties

Replace any text inside brackets <> excluding these brackets with your values according the legend within the brackets <>.

See Kubernetes Cluster for property descriptions.

Definition Files



Credential Files




Kubernetes Cluster UI Fields
  • Discover Using Credentials: Discover Kubernetes Cluster using Kubernetes Cluster credentials (on by default).
  • Entity Name: Name of this entity displayed in the Oracle Management Cloud console.
  • Kubernetes Master URL: Base URL of the API Server on the Kubernetes Master Node. The URL is of the form http(s)://<hostname>:<port>
  • Host Name: Hostname of the Kubernetes master node
  • Heapster URL: Base URL of Heapster. This needs to be specified if the performance metrics are to be collected from Heapster. If heapster is running inside Kubernetes as a cluster service the Base URL is of the form http(s)://<host>:<port>/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/heapster/proxy Here, the host & port are same as in omc_kubernetes_master_url
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where the Kubernetes Cluster is installed.

Monitoring Credentials

Token Credentials

  • Token: Token of the user going to discover Kubernetes
  • Keystore Certificate: Certificate of Kubernetes API Server on Master Node. Users need to specify the text inside the certificate file if added from UI. In omcli, users need to create a Java Keystore, add certificate to that and specify the file path.
  • Certificate Alias: Alias for the Certificate. This should be unique alphanumeric string
  • Trust Store Password: Password of agent's Trust Store. This password is "welcome"

Basic Credentials

  • Username: Username of the user going to discover Kubernetes
  • Password: Password used for authentication.
  • Keystore Certificate: Certificate of Kubernetes API Server on Master Node. Users need to specify the text inside the certificate file if added from UI. In omcli, users need to create a Java Keystore, add certificate to that and specify the file path.
  • Certificate Alias: Alias for the Certificate. This should be unique alphanumeric string
  • Trust Store Password: Password of agent's Trust Store. This password is "welcome"

Keystore Credentials

  • Store Location: Location of Client keystore. This Java Keystore file (JKS) should contain client's certificate.
  • Store Type: Store type. This value is always set to "JKS"
  • Store Password: The keystore password to access the JKS file.
  • Keystore Certificate: Certificate of Kubernetes API Server on Master Node. Users need to specify the text inside the certificate file if added from UI. In omcli, users need to create a Java Keystore, add certificate to that and specify the file path.
  • Certificate Alias: Alias for the Certificate. This should be unique alphanumeric string
  • Trust Store Password: Password of agent's Trust Store. This password is "welcome"

Oracle ES2 Ethernet Switch

Oracle ES2 Ethernet Switch JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_es2_sample.json

  • omc_dispatch_url: snmp://<Fully qualified host name or IP address of Oracle ES2 Ethernet Switch>
  • omc_snmp_port: Port where Oracle ES-2 Ethernet Switch listens for SNMP requests - 161 by default (optional)
  • omc_snmp_timeout: Timeout for SNMP requests in seconds - 30 secs by default (optional)
  • omc_snmp_version: SNMP version used to monitor Oracle ES-2 Ethernet Switch (2c or 3) - 2c by default (optional)

Credential Files

Choose the credential JSON file according to the SNMP version credentials you’re using (SNMP v2c or SNMP v3).


SNMP v2c

  • COMMUNITY: SNMPv2c community string.



  • authUser: SNMPv3 username.
  • authPwd: Password used for authentication.
  • authProtocol: Protocol used for authentication - supply either MD5 or SHA.
  • privPwd: Password used for encryption.
Oracle ES2 Ethernet Switch UI Fields
  • Entity Name: Name of this entity displayed in the Oracle Management Cloud console.
  • Dispatch URL: snmp://<Fully qualified host name or IP address of Oracle ES2 Ethernet Switch>
  • SNMP Port: Port where Oracle ES-2 Ethernet Switch listens for SNMP requests - 161 by default (optional)
  • SNMP Timeout: Timeout for SNMP requests in seconds - 30 secs by default (optional)
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where the Oracle ES2 Ethernet Switch is installed.

Monitoring Credentials


  • Community String: Community String for SNMP communication


  • Username: SNMPv3 username.
  • Authorization Password: Password used for authentication
  • Authorization Protocol: Protocol used for authentication. (MD5 or SHA)
  • Privacy Password: password used for encryption

Oracle Flash Storage

Oracle Flash Storage JSON Files and Properties


Self-signed Certificate Limited Support: ONLY proper SSL certificates of Oracle Flash Storage are supported out-of-box. Self-signed certificates need to be added manually to agent keystore using the following command:
omcli secure add_trust_cert_to_jks -password <ask_oracle_support> -trust_certs_loc </path/to/certificateOfFS.crt> -alias <ideally_hostname_of_FS>

Definition File: omc_oracle_flash_storage_sample.json

  • omc_oracle_flash_storage_hostname: Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or IP of the Oracle Flash Storage.
  • omc_oracle_flash_storage_port: Port to use for REST API communication with Oracle Flash Storage.
  • omc_oracle_flash_storage_ssl_trust_server_cert: Name of the certificate for REST API communication with Oracle Flash Storage.

Credential File: omc_oracle_flash_storage_creds_sample.json

  • Alias: Alias (username) to be used for Oracle Flash Storage REST API
  • Password: Password for alias for Oracle Flash Storage REST API

Apache Cassandra DB

Apache Cassandra DB JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_cassandra_db.json

  • displayName: This is Apache Cassandra Database Entity Display Name which is displayed in the Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring UI
  • timezoneRegion: Time Zone Example: PDT, GMT
  • omc_url: connection url to connect to the installed Apache Cassandra database; host:port
  • host_name : Fully-qualified Host Name where Cassandra database is installed.
  • omc_port : Apache Cassandra Database port.
  • cassandra_home: Location of the Cassandra Installation directory.

Credential File: omc_cassandra_db_creds.json

  • DBUserName: Cassandra DB username.
  • DBPassword: Cassandra DB user password.
Apache Cassandra DB UI Fields
  • Entity Name: Name of this entity displayed in the Oracle Management Cloud console.
  • Host Name: Fully-qualified Host Name where Cassandra database is installed.
  • Port: Apache Cassandra Database port.
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where the Apache Cassandra DB is installed.

Monitoring Credentials (Cassandra JMX Credentials)

  • Username: Cassandra DB username.
  • Password: Password used for authentication.

EMC VMAX Storage

EMC VMAX Storage JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_emc_vmax_sample.json

  • symmetrix_id: Symmetrix ID for the Storage Array (storage array identifier)
  • omc_emc_vmax_univmax_hostname: Fully qualified domain name or IP of EMC VMAX Unisphere for storage.
  • omc_emc_vmax_univmax_port: Port to use for REST API communication with EMC VMAX Unisphere for storage.
  • omc_emc_vmax_ssl_trust_server_cert: Name of the certificate for REST API communication with EMC VMAX Unisphere for storage.

Credential File: omc_emc_vmax_creds_sample.json

  • Alias: Alias (username) to be used for EMC VMAX REST API.
  • Password: Password for the EMC VMAX REST API alias.

EMC VNX Storage

EMC VNX Storage JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_emc_vnx_instance_sample.json

  • omc_emc_vnx_block_storage_binary: Path to the navseccli binary on the remote host (including binary name).
  • omc_emc_vnx_binary_hostname_url: SSH connection string such as "ssh://hostname", to the remote host where navseccli is installed.
  • omc_emc_vnx_binary_hostname_tmp: Location for temporary files on the remote host where naviseccli is installed (including trailing path separator). Example: "/tmp/"
  • omc_emc_vnx_storage_processor_a: IP address of Storage Processor A for a discovered storage array.
  • omc_emc_vnx_storage_processor_b: IP address of Storage Processor B for a discovered storage array.

Credential File: omc_emc_vnx_creds_sample.json

  • username: Username used for an SSH connection to a remote host where naviseccli is installed,
  • userpass: Password of the user making an SSH connection to the remote host where naviseccli is installed,
  • cmdusername: Username of the user running the navisecclicommand.
  • cmduserpass: Password for the user running the navisecclicommand,
  • cmduserscope: Scope of the user for the command: 0,1,2 (global, local,, LDAP).
EMC VNX Storage UI Fields
  • Entity Name: Name of this entity displayed in the Oracle Management Cloud console.
  • NaviSecCli binary path: Path to the navseccli binary on the remote host (including binary name).
  • NaviSecCli hostname URL: SSH connection string such as "ssh://hostname", to the remote host where navseccli is installed.
  • Storage Processor A: IP address of Storage Processor A for a discovered storage array.
  • Storage Processor B: IP address of Storage Processor B for a discovered storage array.
  • NaviSecCli Temp Files: Location for temporary files on the remote host where naviseccli is installed (including trailing path separator). Example: "/tmp/"
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where EMC VNX Storage is installed.

Monitoring Credentials

  • Username: Username used for an SSH connection to a remote host where naviseccli is installed,
  • Password: Password of the user making an SSH connection to the remote host where naviseccli is installed,
  • CMD Username: Username of the user running the navisecclicommand.
  • CMD Password: Password for the user running the navisecclicommand,
  • User Scope: Scope of the user for the command: 0,1,2 (global, local,, LDAP).

Oracle VM Server for SPARC (LDoms)

Oracle VM Server for SPARC (LDoms) JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_sparc_ldoms_sample.json

  • omc_virtual_platform_id: LDoms Control Domain UUID
  • omc_virtual_type: LDoms
  • omc_dispatch_url: local://localhost

Apache Zookeeper

Apache Zookeeper JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_apache_zookeeper.json

  • listen_port: Zookeeper port used to listen for client connections.
  • host_name: Zookeeper host name.
Apache Zookeeper UI Fields
  • Entity Name: Name of this entity displayed in the Oracle Management Cloud console.
  • Host Name: Zookeeper host name.
  • Zookeeper listening port: Zookeeper port used to listen for client connections.
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where Apache Zookeeper is installed.

L2/L3 Generic Network Node

L2/L3 Generic Network Node JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_network_node_sample.json

  • omc_node_id: The string to be used as the identifying property for the hardware.
  • omc_hw_vendor: The vendor name that will be exposed in the Product metric group
  • omc_hw_product : The product name that will be exposed in the Product metric group
  • omc_hw_version : The product version that will be exposed in the Product metric group
  • omc_dispatch_url: snmp://<Fully qualified host name or IP address of network node>
  • omc_snmp_port: Port where network hardware listens for SNMP requests - 161 by default (optional)
  • omc_snmp_timeout: Timeout for SNMP requests in seconds - 30 secs by default (optional)
  • omc_snmp_version: SNMP version used to monitor the network node (2c or 3) - 2c by default (optional)

Credential Files

Choose the creds JSON file according to what SNMP credentials you'd like to use - SNMP v2c or SNMP v3.


SNMP v2c

  • COMMUNITY: SNMPv2c community string



  • authUser: SNMPv3 username
  • authPwd: Password used for authentication
  • authProtocol: Protocol used for authentication - supply either MD5 or SHA
  • privPwd: Password used for encryption
L2/L3 Generic Network Node UI Fields
  • Entity Name: Name of this entity displayed in the Oracle Management Cloud console.
  • Network Node ID: The string to be used as the identifying property for the hardware.
  • Vendor: The vendor name that will be exposed in the Product metric group
  • Product : The product name that will be exposed in the Product metric group
  • Version: The product version that will be exposed in the Product metric group
  • Dispatch URL: snmp://<Fully qualified host name or IP address of network node>
  • SNMP Port: Port where network hardware listens for SNMP requests - 161 by default (optional)
  • SNMP Timeout: Timeout for SNMP requests in seconds - 30 secs by default (optional)
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where the L2/L3 Generic Network Node is installed.

Monitoring Credentials


  • Community String: Community String for SNMP communication


  • Username: SNMPv3 username.
  • Authorization Password: Password used for authentication
  • Authorization Protocol: Protocol used for authentication. (MD5 or SHA)
  • Privacy Password: password used for encryption

JBoss Server/Domain

JBoss Server/Domain JSON Files and Properties

Definition Files



Credential Files



JBoss Standalone Server:

  • host_name: Your Fully-qualified JBoss Standalone J2EE Server Host Name
  • omc_management_port: Your JBoss Management Console Port

For Non-Secure (no-SSL):

  • CredType:MonitorCreds


  • user_name: Your JBoss Management User Name
  • password: Your JBoss Management User Password

For Secure (SSL):

  • CredType:MonitorCreds


  • user_name: Your JBoss Management User Name
  • password: Your JBoss Management User Password
  • ssl_trust_store: Your OMC Cloud Agent Truststore Location
  • ssl_trust_store_password: Your OMC Cloud Agent Truststore Password

JBoss Domain:

  • omc_host_name: Your Fully-qualified JBoss Domain Controller Host Name
  • omc_management_port: Your JBoss Management Console Port

For Non-Secure (no-SSL):

  • CredType:MonitorCreds


  • user_name:Your JBoss Management User Name
  • password:Your JBoss Management User Password
  • app_user_name: Your JBoss Application User Name
  • app_user_password: Your JBoss Application User Password
  • CredType:AliasCredential
  • Alias: Your JBoss Management User Name
  • Password: Your JBoss Application User Password

For Secure (SSL):

  • CredType:MonitorCreds


  • user_name: Your JBoss Management User Name
  • password: Your JBoss Application User Password
  • app_user_name: Your JBoss Application User Name
  • app_user_password: Your JBoss Application User Password
  • ssl_trust_store: Your cloud agent Truststore Location
  • ssl_trust_store_password: Your cloud agent Truststore password.
  • CredType:AliasCredential
  • Alias: Your JBoss Management User Name
  • Password: Your JBoss Application User Password
  • CredType: Store Credential
  • StoreLocation: Your OMC Cloud Agent Truststore Location
  • StorePassword: Your OMC Cloud Agent Truststore Password
JBoss Server/Domain UI Fields

JBoss Server

  • Entity Name: Name of this entity displayed in the Oracle Management Cloud console.
  • Host Name: Your Fully-qualified JBoss Standalone J2EE Server Host Name
  • JBoss Management Port: Your JBoss Management Console Port
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the JBoss Server/Domain.

Monitoring Credentials (JBoss Credentials)

  • Username: Your JBoss Management User Name
  • Password: Password used for authentication.

Oracle Coherence

Oracle Coherence JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_oracle_coherence.json

  • omc_jmx_port - Coherence JMX port
  • omc_machine_name - Coherence management node host.
  • omc_skip_cache_discovery - Specify that Coherence

Credential Files



If Coherence is configured using a secured JMX connection, then a credentials file has to be passed as an input argument.

  • omc_username - JMX connection username.
  • omc_password - JMX connection password.
Oracle Coherence UI Fields
  • Entity Name: Name of this entity displayed in the Oracle Management Cloud console.
  • JMX Remote Port: Coherence JMX port
  • JMX Management Server Machine Name: Coherence management node host.
  • Do not discover caches: If set to True, new Coherence cache targets will not be discovered. This is recommended for clusters with a very large number of caches (over 1000).
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where Oracle Coherence is installed.

Monitoring Credentials (Coherence Credentials)

  • Username: JMX connection username.
  • Password: JMX connection password.

Microsoft Internet Information Services

Microsoft Internet Information Services JSON Files and Properties

Definition Files


  • host_name: Hostname of Microsoft IIS Server
  • install_dir: Absolute installation path of the Microsoft IIS Server. You need to specify the path using double backslashes ( \\).

    Example: C:\\Windows\\system32\\inetsrv


  • omc_is_remote: Property to indicate if the Microsoft IIS Server is local(no) or remote(yes)

Credential File: omc_microsoft_iis_server_remote_creds_sample.json

Credential properties (Applicable for remote monitoring via WMI)

  • wbem_username: Windows user on the Microsoft IIS Server host
  • wbem_password: Password for the Windows user
Microsoft Internet Information Services UI Fields
  • Entity Name: Name of this entity displayed in the Oracle Management Cloud console.
  • Host Name: Hostname of Microsoft IIS Server
  • Installation Directory: Absolute installation path of the Microsoft IIS Server. You need to specify the path using double backslashes ( \\).

    Example: C:\\Windows\\system32\\inetsrv

  • Logging Directory: Absolute path to log file directory.
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where Microsoft Internet Information Services is installed.

Monitoring Credentials

  • Host Username: Windows user on the Microsoft IIS Server host
  • Host Password: Password for the Windows user

Oracle Unified Directory

Oracle Unified Directory JSON Files and Properties

i) OUD Server

ii) OUD Proxy Server

Definition Files



Credential File: omc_oud_creds.json

Replace any text inside brackets <> excluding these brackets with your values according the legend inside <>

  • Administration Port: The administration port of the target server instance.
  • Directory Server Host: The fully qualified domain name of the target server instance. For replicated servers, you must provide the same host name that was used when replication was configured.
  • Trust All : Set to true by default. This implies that all the certificates that are presented by the server (or servers, in the case of replication) will be accepted automatically. Change this setting if you want to specify different behavior. (Optional)

    If you have changed the default setting for the Trust All field, enter a path in the Trust Store Path field..

    The agent will use the trust store located in this path to validate the certificates of the administration connector that are presented by the server(s). This path must be readable by the agent (and thus located in a file system that is accessible by the agent). The trust store must contain the public keys of the administration connector certificates. It must be in JKS format and must not be password protected.

Oracle Internet Directory (OID)/Oracle Access Manager (OAM)

Oracle Internet Directory (OID)/Oracle Access Manager (OAM) JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_weblogic_domian.json

  • displayName: WebLogic Domain Entity Display Name that is displayed in the Infrastructure Monitoring UI time zone.
  • Region: Time Zone (tz database time zones). For example: America/New_York.
  • port: Port used for the WebLogic Admin Server(Console)
  • protocol: The Protocol used for the WebLogic Server. For example: t3
  • admin_server_host: Fully qualified WebLogic Admin Server Host Name where the WebLogic Admin Server is installed.

Credential File: omc_weblogic_domain_creds.json

  • user_name: WebLogic Domain Entity User Name.
  • password: WebLogic Domain Entity Password.

Oracle Identity Manager (OIM)

Oracle Identity Manager (OIM) JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_weblogic_domian.json

  • displayName: WebLogic Domain Entity Display Name that is displayed in the Infrastructure Monitoring UI time zone.
  • Region: Time Zone (tz database time zones). For example: America/New_York.
  • port: Port used for the WebLogic Admin Server(Console)
  • protocol: Protocol used for the WebLogic Server. For example: t3
  • admin_server_host: Fully-qualified WebLogic Admin Server Host Name where the WebLogic Admin Server is installed.

Credential File: omc_weblogic_domain_creds.json

  • user_name: WebLogic Domain Entity User Name.
  • password: WebLogic Domain Entity Password.
Oracle Identity Manager (OIM) UI Fields
  • Entity Name: Name of this entity displayed in the Oracle Management Cloud console.
  • Port: Port used for the WebLogic Admin Server(Console)
  • Protocol: Protocol used for the WebLogic Server. For example: t3
  • Administration Server Host: Fully-qualified WebLogic Admin Server Host Name where the WebLogic Admin Server is installed.
  • Discover Coherence: Discover Oracle Coherence.
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where OIM is installed.

Monitoring Credentials (WebLogic Server Credentials)

  • Username: WebLogic Domain Entity User Name.
  • Password: WebLogic Domain Entity Password.

Oracle Clusterware (CRS)

Oracle Clusterware (CRS) JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_oracle_clusterware_sample.json

  • scan_name : Scan name for the cluster
  • cluster_name : Cluster name
  • scan_port : Scan port for the cluster
  • oracle_home : CRS home base directory
  • omc_sshd_port : SSH port value for remote monitoring
  • credential_ref : "credentialRefs":["remote_sshcreds"] → for SSH Key based authentication

Credential Files



  • SSHUserName: Your SSH user used to remotely log onto the listener host
  • SSHUserPassword : Your SSH host Password. Optional , if there is a passwordless SSH setup. In this case, provide a private key field
  • SSH_PVT_KEY: Path of your private key file. This private key is optional if the keys are generated at default location <user home>/.ssh
  • sshdHost: Your Cluster Host Name
  • sshdPort: SSH port

Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS)

Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_oracle_ebiz_sample.json

  • name: Oracle EBS Entity Name
  • displayName: This is Oracle EBS Entity Display Name shown in the Infrastructure Monitoring UI.
  • timezoneRegion: Time Zone Example: PDT, GMT, etc
  • omc_ebs_db_host: Fully-qualified Host Name where the Oracle Database is installed.
  • omc_ebs_db_port: Oracle Database port
  • omc_ebs_db_service_name: Oracle Database Service Name

Credential File: omc_oracle_ebiz_sample_creds.json

  • DBUserName: Oracle Database username
  • DBPassword: Oracle database user's password
  • user_name: WebLogic Domain Entity User Name
  • password: WebLogic Domain Entity Password
Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) UI Fields
  • Entity Name: Name of this entity displayed in the Oracle Management Cloud console.
  • Database Host Name: Host name of the database containing the EBS schema.
  • Database Port: Port used to connect to the database containing the EBS schema.
  • Database Service Name: Service name of the database containing the EBS schema.
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where EBS is installed.

Monitoring Credentials

Database Credentials

  • Username: Database user who has the necessary privileges on the underlying V$views such as moncs, or the monitoring user.
  • Password: Password used for authentication.
  • Database Role

WebLogic Server Credentials

  • Username: WebLogic Server user with at least the Monitor security role.
  • Password: WebLogic Domain Entity Password

Generic Metric Collector

Generic Metric Collector JSON Files and Properties

Definition File: omc_generic_metric_collector_collectd_auto_map_sample.json

  • name: Your name for the collectd collector. Eg. collectd-host1.example.com
  • displayName: Your display name for the collectd collector Eg. collectd-host1.example.com

Property Value Inputs:

  • host_name: Name of the host where collectd is installed. For example,host1.example.com
  • omc_query_interface_path: Location where collectdctl is installed. For example: "/opt/collectd/bin/collectdctl"
  • omc_filter_expression: "{$.[?(@.host=='<Value of the host field in the metric payload sent by collectd>')]}" For example: "{$.[?(@.host=='host1.example.com')]}"

Definition File: omc_generic_metric_collector_collectd_manual_map_sample.json

Additional Property Value Inputs(manual map case)

  • omc_mapping_metadata_file_path: Path to the mapping metadata json file. For example: /scratch/agent/gmc/mapping_metadata_processes.json

Oracle GoldenGate

Oracle GoldenGate JSON Files and Properties


Credentials are required for both Oracle GoldenGate Microservice and Oracle GoldenGate OCI architectures. No credentials are required for Oracle GoldenGate Classic architecture.

Definition Files




  • host_name: Fully-qualified Host Name where the Oracle GoldenGate is installed.
  • omc_port: Oracle GoldenGate Service Manager port (if Microservice architecture). Performance Metric port if available, else Manager Port (if Classic architecture). Port to connect to OCI GoldenGate Service instance (if OCI GoldenGate architecture).
  • omc_ogg_arch: Architecture - Microservice, Classic or OCI
  • omc_ogg_conn_timeout: Connection Timeout in Seconds (Default 15 sec)

Credential File: omc_oracle_goldengate_sample_creds.json

Credentials (Microservice and OCI architecture only)

  • Alias: Oracle GoldenGate Username
  • Password: Oracle GoldenGate Password
Oracle GoldenGate UI Fields


Credentials are required only for Oracle GoldenGate Microservice architecture. No credentials are required for Oracle GoldenGate Classic architecture.


  • Entity Name: Name of this entity displayed in the Oracle Management Cloud console.
  • Host Name: Fully-qualified Host Name where the Oracle GoldenGate is installed.
  • Port: Oracle GoldenGate Service Manager port (if Microservice architecture). Performance Metric port if available, else Manager Port (if Classic architecture). Port to connect to OCI GoldenGate Service instance (if OCI GoldenGate architecture)
  • Trust Any Server Certificate: False is recommended. You must import the storage server SSL certificate into the selected could agent before discovery. If you choose True instead, discovery will occur even for an untrusted or expired certificate.
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where Oracle GoldenGate is installed.


  • Entity Name: Name of this entity displayed in the Oracle Management Cloud console.
  • Host Name: Fully-qualified Host Name where the Oracle GoldenGate is installed.
  • Service Manager Port: Oracle GoldenGate Service Manager port (if Microservice architecture). Otherwise, Performance Metric port if available, else Manager Port (if Classic architecture)
  • Trust Any Server Certificate: False is recommended. You must import the storage server SSL certificate into the selected could agent before discovery. If you choose True instead, discovery will occur even for an untrusted or expired certificate.
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where Oracle GoldenGate is installed.

OCI GoldenGate

  • Entity Name: Name of this entity displayed in the Oracle Management Cloud console.
  • Host Name: Fully-qualified Host Name where the Oracle GoldenGate is installed.
  • Port: Port to connect to OCI GoldenGate Service instance, for example, 443.
  • Trust Any Server Certificate: False is recommended. You must import the storage server SSL certificate into the selected could agent before discovery. If you choose True instead, discovery will occur even for an untrusted or expired certificate.
  • Cloud Agent: Cloud agent monitoring the host where Oracle GoldenGate is installed. The agent needs to be version 1.60 or higher.

Monitoring Credentials (Oracle GoldenGate Credentials)

  • Username: Oracle GoldenGate Username
  • Password: Oracle GoldenGate Password