Expand Monitoring with collectd

collectd is an open source tool used to collect metric data from various sources (such as operating systems, applications, external devices, and log files). .

When installed, collectd expands the scope of Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring by increasing the number and type of metrics that can be collected via collectd’s large and ever increasing open source plugin library.

Enabling collectd for Oracle Management Cloud, involves configuring collectd to send metric data to the Cloud Agent. collectd metrics can be automatically mapped to Oracle Management Cloud metrics. When collectd auto-mapping has been performed, a new entity type is created for each plugin.

When viewing these auto-created entities from the Oracle Management Cloud console, you can determine whether Oracle Management Cloud is receiving the collectd metrics through the following entity availability states:

  • UP: Oracle Management Cloud is receiving metrics from collectd.

  • DOWN: Oracle Management Cloud is not receiving metrics from collectd.

You can modify these auto-created entity types via REST API.


REST API documentation access is currently limited to approved customers. Contact your Oracle Support or Sales Representative for more information about accessing and using REST API documentation.

Auto-created entities require a Standard Edition/Enterprise Edition license. For more information, see Enabling License Editions for Oracle Management Cloud and Oracle Management Cloud Offerings.

The following steps illustrate how to use collectd with Oracle Management Cloud.

Important: All tasks shown within step examples are required unless otherwise noted.

Step Illustrative Example
1. Configure READ plugins to read data into collectd. Example Read Plugin — Processes Plugin
2. Integrate collectd with the Cloud agent. Here, you configure collectd to send metrics to the Cloud agent receiver over HTTPS and the permit the Cloud agent to monitor it using collectdctl. Example: Configuring collectd
3. Add a generic metric collector entity to Oracle Management Cloud. Example: Generic Metric Collector Entity Type (Auto-mapping)