Host Prerequisite Validation

When installing a Cloud agent on a host, prerequisite validation checks are run. This can result in agent installation error messages shown in the following table.

Error Code Message Cause Effect Remedy


OMCAGNT-4500: Host (Linux): Error occurred during prerequisite check process.

Unexpected Error during validation code execution

Validations didn't run



OMCAGNT-4501: This operating system [os] is not supported for host monitoring.

Is the OS supported for monitoring?

No validations for unsupported OS.



Host (Linux): The file [filePath] required by metric group MG cannot is either unavailable or the user agentUser doesn't have read permissions.

Host (Solaris): The file [filePath] required by metric group MG cannot is either unavailable or the user agentUserdoesn't have read permissions.

Host (AIX): The file [filePath] required by metric group MGcannot is either unavailable or the user agentUserdoesn't have read permissions.

agentUser cannot access file given by path filePath.

Collection of metric group MG would be affected

Make sure agentUser can read filePath


Host (Linux): The command [command] required by metric group MGis either unavailable or the user agentUser doesn't have execute permissions.

Host (Solaris): The command [command] required by metric group MG is either unavailable or the user agentUser doesn't have execute permissions.

Host (AIX): The command [command] required by metric group MG is either unavailable or the user agentUser doesn't have execute permissions.

Host (Windows): The command [command] required by metric group MG is either unavailable or the user agentUser doesn't have execute permissions.

agentUsercannot execute command

Collection of metric group MG would be affected

Make sure command is installed on the system andagentUser can execute it


Host (Linux): The execution of command [command] required by metric group MG has failed due to invalid parameters.

Host (Solaris): The execution of command [command] required by metric group MGhas failed due to invalid parameters.

Host (AIX): The execution of command [command] required by metric group MGhas failed due to invalid parameters.

Host (Windows): The execution of command [command] required by metric group MG has failed due to invalid parameters.

command execution failed because of invalid parameters provided

Collection of metric group MG would be affected

(This should not happen)



Host (Linux): The execution of command [command] required by metric group MG has timed out.

Host (Solaris): The execution of command [command] required by metric group MGhas timed out.

Host (AIX): The execution of command [command] required by metric group MG has timed out.

Host (Windows): The execution of command [command] required by metric group MG has timed out.

command validation failed because of time outThe execution didn't complete within 2mins.

Collection of metric group MG may be affected if the agent collection task times out.



Host (Windows): The service Windows Management Instrumentation(WMI) required by windows host monitoring is not in running state.

WMI Service is not running

None of the Windows Host metrics would be collected

Start WMI service -


Host (Windows): Failed to get status of service Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) required by windows host monitoring.

Failing to get WMI service status

Validations not run.



Host (Windows): The WMI class [class] required by metric group MG is not available for user agentUser.

WMI command class class is not available for the use ragentUser

Collection of metric group MG would be affected

Reload performance counters

Lodctr /R

More details at:


Host (Windows): The check for WMI class [class] required by metric group MG has timed out.

WMI class class validation timed out. The execution didn't complete within 2 minutes.

Collection of metric group MG may be affected if the agent collection task times out.