How do I share alerts with other users?

You can share alerts from the Alerts list screen and the Alert details screen.

  1. Tap Alerts from the navigation bar of the Oracle Management Cloud mobile application home screen.


    Accessing the alerts from the home screen directs you to a pre-filtered list of open alerts.
  2. To share an alert from the list, swipe an alert, and tap the Share button.

    To share the alert from the details page, tap the alert from the list, and then tap the Share button displayed on the upper right corner of the Alert details screen.

    The native device's (Android or iPhone) share window opens. The list of available share applications depends on the data you send and the applications you have installed on your device.

  3. From the native device's share window, select the application you want to use to share the alert, for example the "Message" application.

  4. Tap the application (from the share window). The selected application opens with the message/details populated within the application.

  5. Specify the name of the recipient and tap Send.

    The recipient receives the latest alert event message with link(s) below the message.

    • On an Apple mobile device, if the recipient taps the first link (omc://open), the Oracle Management Cloud mobile application will open, showing the Alert details page.


      This feature is unavailable in Android mobile devices.
    • If the recipient taps the second link, the mobile browser will open, showing the Alert details or the Alerts list page within the Oracle Management Cloud desktop application.