Before You Begin

Here are some of the common terms and basic concepts for Oracle Management Cloud.

Term Description
Alert rules The alert rules are a set of rules that define the conditions under which alerts are generated and notifications sent when an alert is raised. Alert conditions consist of a set of parameters, a comparison operator and triggering threshold values.
Alert notifications Information generated when threshold values, defined in alert rules, are met. Alerts, also known as notifications, can be delivered using various channels of communication such as email and SMS.
APM Agent A lightweight agent, which runs in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) of a web application and collects performance monitoring data for Java web applications running in your data center or in the cloud.
Application definition The criteria used to describe each application listed when viewing metrics for a group of server requests in Application Performance Monitoring.
Application request An application request is typically an HTTP request sent by the client application to the server.
Application server An application server is a server on which applications and services are installed, hosted and operated. It is part of the middle-tier in a three tier architecture.
Association Associations (association instances) define a relationship between two managed entities. The association type that you define, either via the user interface or based on a written document Oracle provides, determines how data is correlated and visualized in Oracle Management Cloud. In many cases, associations are defined automatically by Oracle Management Cloud.
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) is a group of web technologies used to implement asynchronous web applications that communicate with a server in the background, without interfering with the current state of pages.
Cloud agent A cloud agent collects the host, entity, and log data from the host where you deploy the cloud agent. It can connect to Oracle Management Cloud directly or through a gateway.
Data Collector A data collector is an agent that reads data from the customer’s on-premises Oracle Management Repository and uploads it to Oracle Management Cloud. A data collector also collects log information from entities.
Entities Entities are monitored technical assets or resources such as databases, host servers, compute resources, or application servers. Entities can reside on-premises or in cloud environments.
Gateway A gateway is an agent that acts as a channel between Oracle Management Cloud and data collector or cloud agents. Multiple data collector or cloud agents can communicate with Oracle Management Cloud through a single gateway.
Group A Group is a single logical unit that can include entities of the same type (for example, all your production databases
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Oracle Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is a standard Java-compatible environment that runs any pure Java application. It supports the standard Java binary format and the standard Java APIs.
JSON JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) allows data to be concisely and precisely defined in a format that is both human and machine-readable. Oracle provides sample JSON files for defining entities. JSON files are then edited with your own custom parameters and are passed on to agents. This configuration step defines the entities with that agent and Oracle Management Cloud.
License Editions License editions are pre-defined categories of Oracle Management Cloud offerings.
Log entity A log entity is the actual name of a log file.
Log source A log source is a named group of log files. The files that belong to this group can be configured using patterns such as /var/log/ssh*. A log source can be associated with one or more parsers.
Metrics The metrics are generated from a set of parameters and values measured and collected periodically for a particular system for tracking performance and availability.

For a complete list and description of all metrics collected for each entity, see List of Supported Entities in Metric Reference for Oracle Infrastructure Monitoring.

OMCLI Oracle Management Cloud agent control command line interface utility (omcli) is used to interface with cloud agents and define entities using customized JSON files.
Oracle Cloud Instance An Oracle Cloud instance is a virtual machine, or a set of virtual machines, with CPU and memory resources, running a specific operating system and hosting a specific Cloud service offering.
Parser A parser is a named entity used to define how to parse all log entries in a log source and extract field information. It uses one or multiple parse expressions and a log entry delimiter to parse all log entries in a log source. It also specifies how the parsed content is converted into fields.
Saved Search This feature allows you to save and share your log searches as a widget for reuse at a later time, either by you or by other users.
Server request A server request is an application server request that can come through HTTP or some other service. A server request might be called by an HTML page, an AJAX request, or another server request.
Thresholds Thresholds are boundary values that the monitored metric values are compared against. If a metric value crosses a set threshold, then, an alert is raised.
Violations The specific issues discovered during an evaluation of a Ruleset against an Entity.