5 Manage Orchestration Workflows

When managing Orchestration workflows a user can Create, Read, Update or Delete (CRUD) a workflow or set of workflows. These CRUD operations support the complete lifecycle management of workflows. Further management actions such as Deactivate, Schedule and Download can also be performed.

These operations, can be achieved within the main Workflow Library page under Orchestration.

  • Author (Create):

    To author a new workflow in the Workflow Library, select the My Workflows tab. This tab will show all your Active and Inactive workflows. Click on the + icon on the top left corner and follow the steps in Author Workflows Using UI to create a new workflow.

  • Submit (Run):

    To submit a workflow in the Workflow Library, select the My Workflows tab. Search for the workflow you wish to run, click the drop-down menu on the left-hand side and click on Run.

  • Publish:

    Workflows in draft first need to be published before the can be submitted for execution. Navigate to the workflow library and select the Drafts tab. Select the workflow to publish, click the drop-down menu on the left-hand side and click on Publish. The workflow will now be visible under the My Workflows tab ready to be submitted.

  • Update:

    To update a workflow, navigate to the workflow library and select the workflow you wish to edit. Click on the drop down menu on the left hand side and click on Update. This will take you to the Workflow Editor page where you will perform the updates. Be aware that you will also need to update the version number within the JSON Definition to be able to save or submit the updated workflow.

  • Deactivate:

    To deactivate a workflow in the Workflow Library, click on the Deactivate command by clicking the drop-down menu on the left-hand side. This disables the user from making any future submissions. A deactivated workflow will need to be activated in order to allow any future submission.

  • Delete:

    To delete a workflow in the Workflow Library, select the My Workflows tab and click the drop-down menu on the left-hand side of the workflow to delete and select Delete. Deletions are permanent and unrecoverable.

  • Download:

    To download a workflow in the Workflow Library, select the workflow to download by clicking the drop-down menu on the left-hand side and click on Download. This will download the JSON syntax.

  • Schedule:

    To schedule a workflow in the Workflow Library, start by selecting a workflow and clicking Submit from the drop down menu. This will take you to the Workflow Submission screen, here you can set the schedule to be One time, Recurring or CRON expression. Recurring you can choose from 15 minutes, 30 minutes, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Custom Interval. For CRON expression details review: CRON Expressions.