Ajax Call Metrics REST Endpoints

Ajax Call Metrics
The Ajax Call Metrics API lets you retrieve information and performance metrics about Ajax Calls from your Pages in your monitored application servers
Get Ajax call by ID
Method: get
Path: /serviceapi/apm.dataserver/api/v1/ajaxCalls/{id}
Get Ajax call summary for a page ID
Method: get
Path: /serviceapi/apm.dataserver/api/v1/pages/{id}/ajaxCallsSummary
Get Ajax calls
Method: get
Path: /serviceapi/apm.dataserver/api/v1/ajaxCalls
Get Ajax calls for a page ID
Method: get
Path: /serviceapi/apm.dataserver/api/v1/pages/{id}/ajaxCalls
Get geographical data for an Ajax call
Method: get
Path: /serviceapi/apm.dataserver/api/v1/ajaxCalls/{id}/dataSeries
Get pages for a ajax call ID
Method: get
Path: /serviceapi/apm.dataserver/api/v1/ajaxCalls/{id}/pages
Get requests for Ajax call ID
Method: get
Path: /serviceapi/apm.dataserver/api/v1/ajaxCalls/{id}/requests
Get time series data for an Ajax call
Method: get
Path: /serviceapi/apm.dataserver/api/v1/ajaxCalls/{id}/timeSeries