Environment Resources REST Endpoints

Environment Resources
The Environment Resources API lets you retrieve from (or update) information about other resources in the system environment
Get Application Performance Index thresholds
Method: get
Path: /serviceapi/apm.dataserver/api/v1/getApDexThresholds
Get IP address masking
Method: get
Path: /serviceapi/apm.dataserver/api/v1/getIpMasking
Get Session Health weights
Method: get
Path: /serviceapi/apm.dataserver/api/v1/getSesHealthWeights
Set Application Performance Index thresholds
Method: post
Path: /serviceapi/apm.dataserver/api/v1/setApDexThresholds
Set IP Masking value
Method: post
Path: /serviceapi/apm.dataserver/api/v1/setIpMasking
Set Session Health weights
Method: post
Path: /serviceapi/apm.dataserver/api/v1/setSesHealthWeights