API Overview

REST API for Oracle Management Cloud offers a simple API which contains the essentials to let you manage and monitor your entities:


  • An Association is a relationship between two entities. For example, if a host entity uses and depends on a web server entity, an association should be created between the web server and the host. Tags can also be defined when creating associations.

  • An Entity represents a monitored resource such as a database, a host, or an application server. Oracle Management Cloud collects configuration, availability and performance metrics for each entity and defines associations between different entities to represent their relationships.

  • An Entity Type describes the characteristics of the monitored resource. Each entity type can be defined and categorized with the use of the Metrics and Tags API.

  • Groups are an efficient way to organize, manage, and query the Entities in your environment. There are two types of groups: static groups contain a fixed list of entities managed by the user and dynamic groups have their list calculated dynamically based upon filters the user provides.
  • Metrics are how you evaluate your entities. Metrics are separated into two main categories: Configuration metrics represent slowly-changing data about an entity, this data is handled and configured by the user. Performance metrics are dynamic data about an entity which may change rapidly and is handled by the system.

  • Tags are the way Oracle Management Cloud categorizes, searches, sorts, and groups the resources attached to them. Resources that support the use of tags include: entities, associations, groups, and any service-specific resource.

Tag Information

The use of tags are a way to organize resources logically with properties defined by a user. Here is some relevant information you should know about tags.

  • A tag is a name value pair that does not have semantic meaning. Tags are interpreted as strings.

  • Tags offer enhanced categorizing, searching, sorting, and grouping capabilities for the resources it is attached to.

  • Tags give you the ability to query and assists in smarter rule creation for alerting, automation, and orchestration.

  • Each resource or resource group can have up to 15 tags.

  • There is a maximum tag key length of 128 characters and a maximum value length of 256 characters.

  • Tags are case-insensitive.

Tags are used with the following resources:

  • Entities: with modeled resources (E.g. Targets, Assessments, Rules , Workflows, etc) are able to use tags.

  • Groups: Oracle Management Cloud offers groups based on tags for dynamic group creation.


The Dashboard Collaboration API uses dashboard ids as a parameter for its endpoints. To get the dashboard id:
  1. Log in to Oracle Management Cloud.
  2. Open the dashboard you want to know the id of.
  3. The dashboard id will be shown as a query parameter in the URL in the following format:

    e.g: <OMC_URL>?dashboardid=5432361245

Table - Dashboard Action Table

Action Type Action Description Users who can perform this Action
PRIVILEGE_CHANGE SHARE_VIEW_PRIVILEGE Allow a specific user to view this dashboard. OMC Administrator or user who has MANAGE privilege.
PRIVILEGE_CHANGE REVOKE_VIEW_PRIVILEGE Revoke privileges to view this dashboard for the specific user. OMC Administrator or user who has MANAGE privilege.
PRIVILEGE_CHANGE SHARE_MANAGE_PRIVILEGE Allow a specific user to manage this dashboard. OMC Administrator or user who has MANAGE privilege.
PRIVILEGE_CHANGE REVOKE_MANAGE_PRIVILEGE Revoke privileges to manage this dashboard for the specific user. OMC Administrator or user who has MANAGE privilege.
DATA_CHANGE CREATE Creates a new dashboard. Any OMC user. A dashboard owner has MANAGE privilege by default.
DATA_CHANGE EDIT Updates an existing dashboard. OMC Administrator or user who has MANAGE privilege.
DATA_CHANGE DELETE Deletes a dashboard. OMC Administrator or user who has MANAGE privilege.
DATA_CHANGE CHANGE_OWNER Changes owner of a dashboard. OMC Administrator
DATA_CHANGE WIDGET_DELETE_OUTSIDE A widget inside a dashboard is deleted from the dashboard page. OMC Administrator or user who has MANAGE privilege to the deleted widget.
DATA_CHANGE WIDGET_NAMECHANGE_OUTSIDE A widget inside the dashboard is updated with a new name from the dashboard page. OMC Administrator or user who has MANAGE privilege to the deleted widget.