Get Started With Log Analytics

Oracle Log Analytics REST API is a unified, integrated cloud solution that lets you monitor, aggregate, index, analyze, search, explore, and correlate all log data from your applications and system infrastructure.

Query Language

A query string is a series of commands delimited by a pipe (|) character. The first white-spaced string following the pipe character identifies the command to be used. The pipe character indicates results from the prior command should be used as input for the next command. Commands are used to retrieve data as well as to perform some manipulation on that data. For example, commands exists for filtering unwanted log events, calculating statistics, reordering or grouping results, creating charts and so on.

The first (and implicit) command in a query is the search command. The search command consists of a series of keywords, phrases and field name/value pairs that identify the data to retrieve. This data can then be passed as input to another command using the pipe character.


For more information on the Query Language Commands, see Commands.