Upgrade Multiple Agents by AgentId



Upgrade the selected agents to the latest version.


  • gateway
  • cloudagent
  • datacollector


Path Parameters
  • The type of the agent. The value is case-insensitive. Values: gateway | cloudagent | datacollector
Body ()

This is the object you must send in the body to process multiple agents. These agents should be of the same agent type as provided in the path parameter.

Root Schema : ProcessMultipleAgentJSON
Type: object

This is the object you must send in the body to process multiple agents. These agents should be of the same agent type as provided in the path parameter.

Show Source
Nested Schema : entities
Type: array
An array containing the Agent IDs.
Show Source
"agentId1", "agentId2", "agentId3"
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Supported Media Types

202 Response

Accepted - All entities accepted for processing

206 Response

Partial Accepted - Partial list of entities accepted for processing

400 Response

Bad Request.

404 Response

Not Found - Agent not available in database

409 Response

Conflict - Entity upgrade already in progress.

412 Response

Pre-condition failed - Pre-requisite checks failed

500 Response

Internal Server Error - Unexpected exception occured
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