List Widget Privileges



Get all users and their privileges for the widget with assigned searchId.


Path Parameters
  • The id of the widget. The id of a widget is displayed as a query parameter in the URL while using Oracle Management Cloud through the user interface.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Successful operation
Body ()
Root Schema : SuccessfulWidgetOperation
Type: object

Describes the status of a successful dashboard privilege job.

Show Source
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This cURL call will get all privileges for the widget with searchId: 224539289422508326854773742250788775317:

curl -u ${OMC_USERNAME}:${PASSWORD} -X PUT -H "Content-Type:application/json" "https://{OMC_URL}/serviceapi/savedsearchModel/privilege/searches/224539289422508326854773742250788775317

Example of Response

The following shows an example of the response body.

    "id": "224539289422508326854773742250788775317",
    "searchId": "224539289422508326854773742250788775317",
    "userName": "demouser11",
    "privilegeType": 1,
    "sharePublic": 0
    "id": "275296792035496777079871095615163281208",
    "searchId": "224539289422508326854773742250788775317",
    "userName": "demouser12",
    "privilegeType": 1,
    "sharePublic": 0
    "id": "16438695726700466074624371628058196045",
    "searchId": "224539289422508326854773742250788775317",
    "userName": "demouser12",
    "privilegeType": 0,
    "sharePublic": 0
    "id": "77706015873064916931271251334886964675",
    "searchId": "224539289422508326854773742250788775317",
    "userName": "demouser12",
    "privilegeType": 0,
    "sharePublic": 1
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