Database Access REST Endpoints

Database Access
The Database Access API provides operations to add, update, view, and delete rows in a database table. When you add a row, the API implicitly creates the table if it doesn't exist. The API also provides an operation for executing SQL statements. For security reasons, you can access these operations only from custom API implementations by using the custom code SDK. You can't make direct requests from client applications. This API is included in this reference merely to describe the request and response bodies for the custom code SDK calls.
Add or Update Rows
Method: put
Path: /mobile/platform/database/objects/{table}
Add Rows
Method: post
Path: /mobile/platform/database/objects/{table}
Delete a Row with a 1-Column Key
Method: delete
Path: /mobile/platform/database/objects/{table}/{id}
Delete a Row with a 2-Column Key
Method: delete
Path: /mobile/platform/database/objects/{table}/{id}/{id2}
Delete a Row with a 3-Column Key
Method: delete
Path: /mobile/platform/database/objects/{table}/{id}/{id2}/{id3}
Delete a Row with a 4-Column Key
Method: delete
Path: /mobile/platform/database/objects/{table}/{id}/{id2}/{id3}/{id4}
Execute SQL (POST)
Method: post
Path: /mobile/platform/database/sql
Get a Row with a 1-Column Key
Method: get
Path: /mobile/platform/database/objects/{table}/{id}
Get a Row with a 2-Column Key
Method: get
Path: /mobile/platform/database/objects/{table}/{id}/{id2}
Get a Row with a 3-Column Key
Method: get
Path: /mobile/platform/database/objects/{table}/{id}/{id2}/{id3}
Get a Row with a 4-Column Key
Method: get
Path: /mobile/platform/database/objects/{table}/{id}/{id2}/{id3}/{id4}
Get Rows
Method: get
Path: /mobile/platform/database/objects/{table}