Oracle® Cloud

What's New in Autonomous Mobile Cloud Enterprise

Release 18.2.5


June 2018

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What’s New in Autonomous Mobile Cloud Enterprise

As soon as an Oracle Autonomous Mobile Cloud Enterprise (AMCe) update becomes available to Oracle data centers, your instance of AMCe is upgraded accordingly. You don’t need to request an upgrade to be able to use the new features — they come to you automatically.

Release 18.2.5 — June 2018

Feature Role Find Out More
Worried about what happens when your bot can’t handle a user request? The Agent Integration framework solves that problem. Your bot can seamlessly hand off the entire chat history to a human agent, then return back to the bot once the request has been addressed. This release features built-in integration with Oracle Service Cloud (OSC) to foster communication specifically between your bot and OSC customer support reps, but other integrations are coming soon. Developer Agent Integration
Want to take advantage of the latest Node.js 8 features ? This release adds support for Node 8 for your custom code, so any new APIs you create will automatically be at this version. If you have existing APIs, you can opt in to Node.js 8 simply by setting a policy. Developer

Release 18.2.3 — May 2018

Feature Role Find Out More
Oracle Autonomous Mobile Cloud Enterprise (AMCe) empowers you to build engaging multichannel experiences across web, mobile, and bots, powered by a conversational AI platform. This first release of AMCe runs on Oracle Classic Infrastructure (OCI), Oracle’s latest enhancement to our award-winning Cloud infrastructure. AMCe is Oracle-managed, which means Oracle takes care of all Cloud administration tasks for you, including backups, patching, high availability, and more. All
If you want to build a bot that surfaces FAQs or other knowledge-based documents, the Q&A framework is for you. Simply upload your FAQ in a CSV file, modify it a bit to ensure that all flavors of a question will produce the correct response, train the bot, test it, and you’re good to go! Developer Q&A guides you through the process.
With the new Composite Bag entity type, you can create robust entities that include other custom and built-in entities, essentially creating an “uber-entity” that helps you better recognize what your bot user wants in his or her request. Developer Custom Entity Types
To make it easier to send and receive data from an external service, AMCe can now generate code that exposes the methods of your connector API, and provides a default implementation that you can supplement in the API Designer. This means that you need to write little to no code to get to the data you need. Developer Generating Custom APIs

Oracle Cloud What's New in Autonomous Mobile Cloud Enterprise, Release 18.2.5


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