Source: authorization/oauth-authorization.js

 * Copyright© 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * Created by ddrobins on 7/28/15.

 * Class used to authorize a mobile user against Oracle Mobile Cloud Service. Callers should use
 * MobileBackend's [authorization]{@link MobileBackend#authorization} property.
 * Derives from {@link Authorization}.
 * @constructor
 * @global
function OAuthAuthorization(config, backend, appKey, utils, platform, logger) {, backend, appKey, utils, platform, logger);

  var HEADERS = utils.HEADERS;

  var _clientId = utils.validateConfiguration(config.clientId);
  var _clientSecret = utils.validateConfiguration(config.clientSecret);

    var _tenantName = utils.validateConfiguration(config.userIdentityDomainName);

  var _tokenExpiredTime = null;
  var _authorizedUserName = null;

  var _this = this;

   * Returns the username of the current authorized user if any, null otherwise.
   * @type {String}
  this.getAuthorizedUserName = function(){
    return _authorizedUserName;

   * Returns the client ID for the current backend.
  this.getClientId = function(){
    return _clientId;

   * Returns the tenant name for the current backend.
  this.getTenantName = function(){
    return _tenantName;

   * Returns the client secret for the current backend.
  this.getClientSecret= function(){
    return _clientSecret;

   * Authenticates a user with the given credentials against the service. The user remains logged in until logout() is called.
   * @param username {String} The username of the credentials.
   * @param password {String} The password of the credentials.
   * @param [successCallback] {Authorization~authenticateSuccessCallback} Optional callback invoked on success (deprecated use promises instead).
   * @param [errorCallback] {Authorization~authenticateErrorCallback} Optional callback invoked on failure (deprecated use promises instead).
   * @return {Promise.<NetworkResponse|NetworkResponse>}
  this.authenticate = function (username, password, successCallback, errorCallback) {


    if(!username || !password){
      logger.error("Wrong username or password parameter");
        errorCallback(400, 'Bad Request');
        return undefined;
      } else {
        return Promise.reject(new NetworkResponse(400, 'Bad Request'));

    var authorizationToken = "Basic " + utils.encodeBase64(this.getClientId() + ":" + this.getClientSecret());
    var requestBody = urlEncodeComponent(username, password);

    var headers = {};
    headers[HEADERS.CONTENT_TYPE] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8';
    headers[HEADERS.AUTHORIZATION] = authorizationToken;
    headers[HEADERS.ORACLE_MOBILE_APPLICATION_KEY] = this._getApplicationKey();

    if(typeof _this.getTenantName() !== 'undefined'){
      headers[HEADERS.X_USER_IDENTITY_DOMAIN_NAME] = _this.getTenantName();

    return platform.invokeService({
        url: backend.getOAuthTokenUrl(),
        method: utils.HTTP_METHODS.POST,
        headers: headers,
        data: requestBody
      .then(invokeServiceSuccess, invokeServiceError);

    function invokeServiceSuccess(response){
      _authorizedUserName = username;

      if (successCallback) {
      return response;

    function invokeServiceError(response){
      if (errorCallback) {
      } else {
        return Promise.reject(response);

     * Authenticates an anonymous user against the service. The user remains logged in until logout() is called.
     * @param [successCallback] {Authorization~authenticateSuccessCallback} Optional callback invoked on success (deprecated use promises instead).
     * @param [errorCallback] {Authorization~errorCallback} Optional callback invoked on failure (deprecated use promises instead).
     * @return {Promise.<NetworkResponse|NetworkResponse>}
    this.authenticateAnonymous = function (successCallback, errorCallback) {

    var authorizationToken = "Basic " + utils.encodeBase64(this.getClientId() + ":" + this.getClientSecret());
    var headers = {};
    headers[HEADERS.CONTENT_TYPE] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8';
    if (typeof _this.getTenantName() !== 'undefined') {
      headers[HEADERS.X_USER_IDENTITY_DOMAIN_NAME] = this.getTenantName();

    return this._authenticateAnonymousInvoke(authorizationToken,
      .then(invokeServiceSuccess, invokeServiceError);

    function invokeServiceSuccess(response) {
      _tokenExpiredTime = + * 1000;

      if (successCallback) {
      return response;

    function invokeServiceError(response) {
      if(errorCallback) {
      } else {
        return Promise.reject(response);

  this._anonymousTokenResponseConverter = function(response){
    return { orgResponse: response.orgResponse, anonymousAccessToken: };

   * Checks to see if the OAuth token is null, undefined, NaN,an empty string (""), 0,or false. It also checks the timestamp
   * for when the token was first retrieved to see if it was still valid.
   * @returns {Boolean}
  this.isTokenValid = function () {

    if (this.getAccessToken() || this._getAnonymousAccessToken()) {
      logger.verbose("Token is not null or empty");

      var currentTime =;
      if (currentTime >= _tokenExpiredTime) {"Token has expired");
        return false;
      else {
        logger.verbose("Token is still valid");
        return true;
    } else {
      return false;

   * Logs out the current user and clears credentials and tokens.
  this.logout = function() {

     * For OAuth, the SDK can not refresh because it does not persist client credentials.
     * This function only exists here because it inherits from the Authorization object, which is also used for other types of authentication in which the token can expire.
     * @param successCallback {Authorization~authenticateSuccessCallback} Optional callback invoked on success (deprecated use promises instead).
     * @param errorCallback {Authorization~errorCallback} Optional callback invoked on failure (deprecated use promises instead).
     * @return {Promise.<String|NetworkResponse>}
    this.refreshToken = function(successCallback, errorCallback) {

    var isTokenValid = this.isTokenValid();

    if (isTokenValid && !this.getAccessToken() && this._getIsAnonymous()) {
      if (successCallback) {
        logger.error("Anonymous token is valid, you do not need to refresh.");
        successCallback(200, this._getAnonymousAccessToken());
      return Promise.resolve(new NetworkResponse(200, this._getAnonymousAccessToken()));
    } else if (isTokenValid && !this._getAnonymousAccessToken() && !this._getIsAnonymous()) {
      if (successCallback) {
        logger.error("Authenticated token is valid, you do not need to refresh.");
        successCallback(200, this.getAccessToken());
      return Promise.resolve(new NetworkResponse(200, this._getAnonymousAccessToken()));
    } else {
      logger.error("Token has expired or user has not been authenticate with the service.");
      if (errorCallback) {
        errorCallback(401, "Please use the authenticate with username/password combination or authenticateAnonymous function before using refreshToken.")
      return Promise.resolve(new NetworkResponse(401, "Please use the authenticate with username/password combination or authenticateAnonymous function before using refreshToken."));

  var baseClearState = this._clearState;
  this._clearState = function(){;
    _authorizedUserName = null;
    _tokenExpiredTime = * 1000;

  function urlEncodeComponent(user,pass){

    var username;
    var password;

    if(user.indexOf("@") > -1){
      username = encodeURIComponent(user).replace(/%20/g,'+');
      username = encodeURIComponent(user).replace(/%5B/g, '[').replace(/%5D/g, ']');

    if(pass.indexOf("&") > -1){
      password = encodeURIComponent(pass).replace(/%20/g,'+');
      password = encodeURIComponent(pass).replace(/%5B/g, '[').replace(/%5D/g, ']');

    return "grant_type=password&username=" + username +"&password=" + password;

  this._getHttpHeaders = function (headers) {
    if (this.getAccessToken() !== null && typeof this.getAccessToken() == "string") {
      headers[HEADERS.AUTHORIZATION] = "Bearer " + this.getAccessToken();
    headers[HEADERS.ORACLE_MOBILE_APPLICATION_KEY]= this._getApplicationKey();

  this._getAnonymousHttpHeaders = function (headers) {
    if (this._getAnonymousAccessToken() && typeof this._getAnonymousAccessToken() == "string") {
      headers[HEADERS.AUTHORIZATION] = "Bearer " + this._getAnonymousAccessToken();
    headers[HEADERS.ORACLE_MOBILE_APPLICATION_KEY] = this._getApplicationKey();


OAuthAuthorization.prototype = Object.create(Authorization.prototype);
OAuthAuthorization.prototype.constructor = OAuthAuthorization;