Source: mcs-module.js

* Copyright© 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

"use strict";

 * MCS module.
 * @namespace mcs
var mcs = {};

mcs._utils = new Utils();
mcs._logger = new Logger();

var sync = g.mcs && g.mcs._sync ? g.mcs._sync : undefined;

 * The entry-point into the Oracle Mobile Cloud Service SDK. The MobileBackendManager has a singleton from which MobileBackend
 * objects can be accessed, which in turn provide access to Analytics, Storage, Auth and other capabilities.
 * @memberof mcs
 * @type {MobileBackendManager}
mcs.mobileBackendManager = new MobileBackendManager(mcs._logger, mcs._utils, sync);

mcs.mobileBackendManager.platform = new BrowserPlatform(mcs.mobileBackendManager, mcs._logger, mcs._utils);

 * The entry-point into the Oracle Mobile Cloud Service SDK. The MobileBackendManager has a singleton from which MobileBackend
 * objects can be accessed, which in turn provide access to Analytics, Storage, Auth and other capabilities.
 * @deprecated Replaced with {@link mcs.mobileBackendManager}
 * @memberof mcs
 * @type {MobileBackendManager}
mcs.MobileBackendManager = mcs.mobileBackendManager;

 * Class that holds an analytics event.
 * @type {AnalyticsEvent}
mcs.AnalyticsEvent = AnalyticsEvent;

 * Platform class for browser applications. Derives from [Platform]{@link Platform}.
 * @type {BrowserPlatform}
mcs.BrowserPlatform = BrowserPlatform;

if(typeof CordovaPlatform !== 'undefined') {
   * Platform class for Cordova applications. Derives from [BrowserPlatform]{@link BrowserPlatform}.
   * @type {CordovaPlatform}
  mcs.CordovaPlatform = CordovaPlatform;

 * Class that provides network response details.
 * @type {NetworkResponse}
mcs.NetworkResponse = NetworkResponse;

 * Class that provides network response details.
 * @memberof mcs
 * @type {NetworkResponse}
mcs.NetworkStorageObject = NetworkStorageObject;

 * Class that represents a storage object resource that can be used to store data.
 * @memberof mcs
 * @type {StorageObject}
mcs.StorageObject = StorageObject;


mcs.logLevel = LOG_LEVEL;

if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
  // AMD
  define([], mcs);
} else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
  // CommonJS
  module.exports = mcs;
} else {
  // Browser globals
  g.mcs = mcs;