Source: storage/storage.js

 * Copyright© 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

 * Class that provides cloud-based storage capabilities. Callers should use
 * MobileBackend's [Storage()]{@link MobileBackend#Storage} property.
 * @constructor
 * @global
function Storage(backend, utils, platform, logger) {

  var _backend = backend;
  var storage = this;

     * Callback invoked after successfully fetching a StorageCollection.
     * @callback Storage~getCollectionSuccessCallback
     * @param storageCollection {StorageCollection} The downloaded StorageCollection instance.
     * @deprecated Use promises instead

     * Callback invoked on error.
     * @callback Storage~errorCallback
     * @param statusCode {Number} Any HTTP status code returned from the server, if available.
     * @param message {String} The HTTP payload from the server, if available, or an error message.
     * @deprecated Use promises instead

     * Returns a StorageCollection with the given name from the service associated with the user. Subsequent accesses to StorageObjects in the
     * StorageCollection will only return StorageObjects owned by the user.
     * @param name {String} The name of the StorageCollection.
     * @example name: "JSCollection"
     * @param userId {String} Optional, the ID of the user retrieved from the UI.
     * @example userId: "e8671189-585d-478e-b437-005b7632b8803"
     * @param [userIsolated] {Boolean} - indicate if collection is in isolated mode, used in combination with lazyLoad and userId.
     * This parameter is not required in case lazyLoad is not provided.
     * @param [lazyLoad] {Boolean} - indicate not to load collection metadata
     * @param [successCallback] {Storage~getCollectionSuccessCallback} Callback invoked on success (deprecated use promises instead).
     * @param [errorCallback] {Storage~errorCallback} Callback invoked on error (deprecated use promises instead).
     * @return {Promise.<StorageCollection|NetworkResponse>}
  this.getCollection = function(name, userId, userIsolated, lazyLoad, successCallback, errorCallback) {

    // TODO: remove when callbacks are removed
    if(typeof userIsolated === 'function'){
      errorCallback = lazyLoad;
      successCallback = userIsolated;
      lazyLoad = false;
      userIsolated = undefined;

    var collection = new StorageCollection(name, utils.validateConfiguration(userId), userIsolated, _backend, utils, logger, platform);
      return Promise.resolve(collection).then(invokeServiceSuccess, invokeServiceError);
    } else {
      return collection.loadMetadata().then(invokeServiceSuccess, invokeServiceError);

    function invokeServiceSuccess(collection) {
      if(successCallback) {
      return collection;

    function invokeServiceError(response) {
      if(errorCallback) {
      } else {
        return Promise.reject(response);