OMCMobileBackendManager Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in OMCMobileBackendManager.h


The mobile backend manager is the entry point to the Oracle Mobile Cloud Service SDK. It is responsible for building and holding the various mobile backends.


The mobile backend manager’s default mobile backend. This is the mobile backend designated as the the “default” mobile backend in the OMC property list file (OMC.plist).

@property (readonly, nonatomic, nullable) OMCMobileBackend *defaultMobileBackend


The default mobile backend can be designated by adding a boolean flag named default to the corresponding mobile backend’s dictionary in the OMC property list file (OMC.plist) and setting its value to YES. The manager’s default mobile backend is undefined if more than one mobile backend is designated “default” or if no mobile backend is designated “default”.

Declared In



The mobile backend manager’s properties, as specified by the OMC property list file (OMC.plist).

@property (readonly, nonatomic) NSDictionary<NSString*id> *properties

Declared In



The mobile backend manager’s log level. This log level controls the volume of log entries produced by the Oracle Mobile Cloud Service SDK. The log level can be set to one of the following levels: none, error, warning, info, debug. This log level can be either initialized from the default property list file (OMC.plist) or set directly at runtime via this property. If it is not set explicitly, the log level is error.

@property (nonatomic) NSString *logLevel

Declared In


+ sharedManager

Returns the singleton mobile backend manager.

+ (OMCMobileBackendManager *)sharedManager

Declared In


– mobileBackendForName:

Returns the receiver’s mobile backend for the specified name, if present.

- (nullable OMCMobileBackend *)mobileBackendForName:(NSString *)name



The name of the mobile backend.


Returns nil if the receiver does not contain a mobile backend for the specified name.

Warning: Raises an NSInvalidArgumentException if name is nil.

Declared In


– addMobileBackendForName:properties:

Adds to the receiver and returns a new mobile backend for the specified name and initialized with the specified properties. The properties must be in the same form as the properties in the OMC property list file (OMC.plist).

- (OMCMobileBackend *)addMobileBackendForName:(NSString *)name properties:(NSDictionary<NSString*,id> *)properties



The name of the new mobile backend.


The new mobile backend’s initial properties.


If the receiver already contains a mobile backend with the specified name, replaces it with the newly created mobile backend.

If the specified properties indicate the new mobile backend should be the default mobile backend, the new mobile backend will replace the current default mobile backend.

If the receiver does not yet have a default mobile backend, the new mobile backend will become the default mobile backend, even if the specified properties do not indicate the new mobile backend should be the default.

Warning: Raises an NSInvalidArgumentException if either name or properties is nil.

Declared In


– removeMobileBackend:

Removes from the receiver the specified mobile backend.

- (void)removeMobileBackend:(OMCMobileBackend *)mobileBackend



The mobile backend.


Does nothing if the receiver does not contain the specified mobile backend.

Warning: Raises an NSInvalidArgumentException if mobileBackend is nil.

Declared In


– removeMobileBackendForName:

Removes from the receiver the mobile backend for the specified name.

- (void)removeMobileBackendForName:(NSString *)name



The name of the mobile backend.


Does nothing if the receiver does not contain a mobile backend for the specified name.

Warning: Raises an NSInvalidArgumentException if name is nil.

Declared In
