Source: storage/storage-collection.js

 * Copyright© 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

 * Class that holds the StorageCollection resource. StorageCollections contain Storage objects
 * which can be used to persist data in Oracle Mobile Cloud Service.
 * @constructor
 * @global
function StorageCollection(name, userId, userIsolated, backend, utils, logger, platform) {
  var HEADERS = utils.HEADERS;

  var _backend = backend;
  var _storage =;
  var _userId = utils.validateConfiguration(userId);
  var _data;

  var storageCollection = this;

  this._getBackend = function(){
    return _backend;

  this.getUserIsolated = function(){
    return _data ? _data.userIsolated : userIsolated;

   * Returns storage object for current storage collection.
   * @return storage object data for current storage collection.
  this.getStorage = function(){
    return _storage;

   * Returns user ID for current storage collection.
   * @return user ID for current storage collection.
  this.getUserId = function(){
    return _userId ;

   * Returns data for current storage collection.
   * @return storage object data for current storage collection.
  this.getData = function(){
    return _data;

   * The ID of the StorageCollection.
   * @type {String}
   */ = utils.validateConfiguration(name);

   * The description of the StorageCollection.
   * @type {String}
   * @deprecated Will be deleted in next version. Use {@link StorageCollection#getDescription} instead.
  this.description = _data ? _data.description : undefined;

   * The description of the StorageCollection.
   * @type {String}
   * @deprecated Will be deleted in next version. Use {@link StorageCollection#getDescription} instead.
  this.getDescription = function(){
      return _data.description;
    } else {
      logger.warn('Collection metadata was not loaded yet, please use StorageCollection.loadMetadata to load metadata.');

   * Load collection metadata
   * @returns {Promise<StorageCollection|NetworkResponse>}
  this.loadMetadata = function(){
    var _this = this;
    var headers = _backend.getHttpHeaders(utils.MODULE_NAMES.STORAGE);

    return platform.invokeService({
      method: utils.HTTP_METHODS.GET,
      url: _backend.getPlatformUrl("storage/collections/" +,
      headers: headers

    function invokeServiceSuccess(response) {
      _data =;
      _this.description =;
      return _this;

   * Callback invoked after successfully fetching a StorageCollection.
   * @callback StorageCollection~getObjectsSuccessCallback
   * @param objects {Array} An array of StorageObjects downloaded from the service.
   * @deprecated Use promises instead

   * Callback invoked on error.
   * @callback StorageCollection~errorCallback
   * @param statusCode {Number} Any HTTP status code returned from the server, if available.
   * @param message {String} The HTTP payload from the server, if available, or an error message.
   * @deprecated Use promises instead

   * Returns a list of StorageObjects from the collection starting from the offset and up to the limit. The service may return fewer objects.
   * 1. If the collection is a shared collection, then it returns all the objects.
   * 2. If the collection is a user-isolated collection and allObjects is false, then it returns the objects which belong to the current user.
   * 3. If the collection is user-isolated collection, and allObjects is true, then it returns all the objects in the collection.
   * The objects might belong to other users. And the current user MUST have READ_ALL or READ_WRITE_ALL permission.
   * @param offset {Number} The offset at which to start. Must be greater than 0.
   * @example offset: "3"
   * @param limit {Number} The max number of StorageObjects to return. Must be non-negative.
   * @example limit: "2"
   * @param allObjects {Boolean} whether to return all the objects in the list.
   * @param [successCallback] {StorageCollection~getObjectsSuccessCallback} Callback invoked on success (deprecated use promises instead).
   * @param [errorCallback] {StorageCollection~errorCallback} Callback invoked on error (deprecated use promises instead).
   * @return {Promise.<Array.<StorageObject>|NetworkResponse>}
  this.getObjects = function(offset, limit, allObjects, successCallback, errorCallback) {

    var headers = _backend.getHttpHeaders(utils.MODULE_NAMES.STORAGE);

    // TODO: remove the if in next version
    if(typeof allObjects === 'function'){
      logger.warn('getObjects method without allObjects parameter is deprecated in next version, please add allObjects parameter.');
      errorCallback = successCallback;
      successCallback = allObjects;
      allObjects = false;

    var url = "storage/collections/" + + "/objects";

    if(!!offset) {
      url += url.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" : "&";
      url += "offset=" + offset;

    if(!!limit) {
      url += url.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" : "&";
      url += "limit=" + limit;

    if (storageCollection.getUserIsolated() && allObjects) {
      url += url.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" : "&";
      url += "user=*";
    } else if(!!storageCollection.getUserIsolated() && !!storageCollection.getUserId()){
      url += url.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" : "&";
      url += "user=" + storageCollection.getUserId();

    return platform.invokeService({
      method: HTTP_METHODS.GET,
      url: _backend.getPlatformUrl(url),
      headers: headers
    }).then(invokeServiceSuccess, invokeServiceError);

    function invokeServiceSuccess(response) {
      var objects = [];
      var objectsJson =;
      for(var i = 0; i < objectsJson.items.length; i++) {
        objects[objects.length] = new StorageObject(storageCollection, objectsJson.items[i], utils, platform);

      if (successCallback) {
      return objects;

    function invokeServiceError(response) {
      if(errorCallback) {
      } else {
        return Promise.reject(response);

   * Callback invoked after successfully fetching a StorageObject.
   * @callback StorageCollection~storageObjectSuccessCallback
   * @param object {StorageObject} The StorageObject downloaded from the service.
   * @deprecated Use promises instead

   * Returns a StorageObject given its ID. The contents of the object will be downloaded lazily.
   * @example StorageCollection.getObject(id,successCallback,errorCallback,objectType);
   * @param id {String} The ID of the Storage Object to return.
   * @example id: "00e39862-9652-458b-9a82-d1a66cf1a0c7"
   * @param [successCallback] {StorageCollection~storageObjectSuccessCallback} Callback invoked on success (deprecated use promises instead).
   * @param [errorCallback] {StorageCollection~errorCallback} Callback invoked on error (deprecated use promises instead).
   * @param objectType {object} responseType for the XMLHttpRequest Object. Default response type if not defined is json.
   * @return {Promise.<StorageObject|NetworkResponse>}
   * @example <caption>Example usage of StorageCollection.getObject("00e39862-9652-458b-9a82-d1a66cf1a0c7","blob")</caption>
   * @example StorageCollection.getObject("00e39862-9652-458b-9a82-d1a66cf1a0c7","blob");
   * StorageCollection.getObject("00e39862-9652-458b-9a82-d1a66cf1a0c7", "blob").then(
   * function(StorageObject){
   * },
   * function(NetworkResponse){
   * });
   * @example StorageCollection.getObject("00e39862-9652-458b-9a82-d1a66cf1a0c7","arraybuffer");
   * StorageCollection.getObject("00e39862-9652-458b-9a82-d1a66cf1a0c7","arraybuffer").then(
   * function(StorageObject){
   * },
   * function(NetworkResponse){
   * });
   * @example StorageCollection.getObject("00e39862-9652-458b-9a82-d1a66cf1a0c7","document");
   * StorageCollection.getObject("00e39862-9652-458b-9a82-d1a66cf1a0c7", "document").then(
   * function(StorageObject){
   * },
   * function(NetworkResponse){
   * });
   * @example StorageCollection.getObject("00e39862-9652-458b-9a82-d1a66cf1a0c7","text");
   * StorageCollection.getObject("00e39862-9652-458b-9a82-d1a66cf1a0c7","text").then(
   * function(StorageObject){
   * },
   * function(NetworkResponse){
   * });
  this.getObject = function(id, successCallback, errorCallback, objectType) {
    // TODO: remove assign when callbacks is replaced with promises
    if(typeof successCallback !== 'function'){
      objectType = successCallback;

    var storageObject = new StorageObject(this, _backend, utils, platform); = id;

    return storageObject
      .then(readPayloadSuccess, readPayloadError);

    function readPayloadSuccess() {
      if (successCallback && typeof successCallback === 'function') {
      return storageObject;

    function readPayloadError(response) {
      if(errorCallback) {
      } else {
        return Promise.reject(response);

   * Creates a new StorageObject in the collection.
   * @param storageObject {StorageObject} The StorageObject to create.
   * @example storageObject:
   * {
   * "id": " 213ddbac-ccb2-4a53-ad48-b4588244tc4c", // A service generated ID for the StorageObject. The ID is unique in the StorageCollection.
   * "name" : "JSText.txt", // A user provided name for the StorageObject. A StorageCollection may have multiple StorageObjects with the same name.
   * "contentLength": 798", // The length of data content in bytes stored in the StorageObject.
   * "contentType" : "text/plain ", // The media-type associated with the StorageObject.
   * "createdBy" : "DwainDRob", // The name of the user who created the StorageObject
   * "createdOn": "Sat, 17 Oct 2015 10:33:12", // Server generated timestamp when the StorageObject was created.
   * "modifiedBy": "DwainDRob", // The name of the user who last updated the StorageObject.
   * "modifiedOn": "Sat, 17 Oct 2015 10:33:12" //  Server generated timestamp when the StorageObject was last updated.
   * }
   * @param [successCallback] {StorageCollection~storageObjectSuccessCallback} Callback invoked on success (deprecated use promises instead).
   * @param [errorCallback] {StorageCollection~errorCallback} Callback invoked on error (deprecated use promises instead).
   * @return {Promise.<NetworkResponse|NetworkResponse>}
  this.postObject = function(storageObject, successCallback, errorCallback) {
    return this._postOrPutStorageObject(storageObject, true, successCallback, errorCallback);

   * Updates an existing StorageObject in the collection.
   * @param storageObject {StorageObject} The StorageObject to update.
   * @param [successCallback] {StorageCollection~storageObjectSuccessCallback} Callback invoked on success (deprecated use promises instead).
   * @param [errorCallback] {StorageCollection~errorCallback} Callback invoked on error (deprecated use promises instead).
   * @return {Promise.<NetworkStorageObject|NetworkResponse>}
  this.putObject = function(storageObject, successCallback, errorCallback) {
    return this._postOrPutStorageObject(storageObject, false, successCallback, errorCallback);

  this._postOrPutStorageObject = function(storageObject, isPost, successCallback, errorCallback) {

    var headers = _backend.getHttpHeaders(utils.MODULE_NAMES.STORAGE);
    headers[HEADERS.ORACLE_MOBILE_NAME] = encodeURI(storageObject.getDisplayName());
    headers[HEADERS.CONTENT_TYPE] = storageObject.contentType;

    var url = "storage/collections/" + + "/objects";
    if(!isPost) {
      url += "/" +;

      if(!!storageObject._eTag) {
        headers[HEADERS.IF_MATCH] = storageObject._eTag;

    if(!!storageCollection.getUserIsolated() && !!storageCollection.getUserId()) {
      url += "?user=" + storageCollection.getUserId();

    return platform.invokeService({
      url: _backend.getPlatformUrl(url),
      headers: headers,
      data: storageObject.getPayload()

    function invokeServiceSuccess(response) {
      var object = new StorageObject(storageCollection,, utils, platform);

      if (successCallback) {
        successCallback(response.statusCode, object);
      return new NetworkStorageObject(response.statusCode, object);

    function invokeServiceError(response) {
      if(errorCallback) {
      } else {
        return Promise.reject(response);

   * Callback invoked after a successful operation.
   * @callback StorageCollection~storageCollectionSuccessCallback
   * @deprecated Use promises instead

   * Checks the service if a StorageObject with the given ID exists in the collection.
   * @param id {String} The ID of the StorageObject to check.
   * @example id: "00e394532-9652-458b-9a82-d1a47cf1a0c7"
   * @param [successCallback] {StorageCollection~storageCollectionSuccessCallback} Callback invoked on success (deprecated use promises instead).
   * @param [errorCallback] {StorageCollection~errorCallback} Callback invoked on error (deprecated use promises instead).
   * @return {Promise.<NetworkResponse|NetworkResponse>}
  this.contains = function(id, successCallback, errorCallback) {
    var headers = _backend.getHttpHeaders(utils.MODULE_NAMES.STORAGE);

    var url = "storage/collections/" + + "/objects/" + id;
    if(!!storageCollection.getUserIsolated() && !!storageCollection.getUserId()) {
      url += "?user=" + storageCollection.getUserId();

    return platform.invokeService({
      method: HTTP_METHODS.HEAD,
      url: _backend.getPlatformUrl(url),
      headers: headers

    function invokeServiceSuccess(response) {
      if (successCallback) {
      return response;

    function invokeServiceError(response) {
      if(errorCallback) {
      } else {
        return Promise.reject(response);

   * Deletes a StorageObject from a collection.
   * @param id {String} The ID of the StorageObject to delete.
   * @example id: "00e394532-9652-458b-9a82-d1a47cf1a0c7"
   * @param [successCallback] {StorageCollection~storageCollectionSuccessCallback} Callback invoked on success (deprecated use promises instead).
   * @param [errorCallback] {StorageCollection~errorCallback} Callback invoked on error (deprecated use promises instead).
   * @return {Promise.<NetworkResponse|NetworkResponse>}
  this.deleteObject = function(id, successCallback, errorCallback) {

    var headers = _backend.getHttpHeaders(utils.MODULE_NAMES.STORAGE);
    headers[HEADERS.IF_MATCH] = "*";

    var url = "storage/collections/" + + "/objects/" + id;
    if(!!storageCollection.getUserIsolated() && !!storageCollection.getUserId()) {
      url += "?user=" + storageCollection.getUserId();

    return platform.invokeService({
      method: HTTP_METHODS.DELETE,
      url: _backend.getPlatformUrl(url),
      headers: headers

    function invokeServiceSuccess(response) {
      if (successCallback) {
      return response;

    function invokeServiceError(response) {
      if(errorCallback) {
      } else {
        return Promise.reject(response);