Description of the illustration api_manage_impls.png

This image shows the Implementations and Deployments section on the APIs landing page for a selected API. The top of the page shows the name and version of selected API, and its Published or Draft state. The example shows the FIF Incident Reports API, version 1.0, and that it is Published. Below the API name are the Open, Test, Publish, and Deploy buttons. After the Deploy button is the More menu.

Below the command is the Implementations section showing the implementations associated with the API. At one side of the Implementations title field is the Manage button, which takes you to the API. The examples shows two implementations, the incident report 1.0.1 implementation and the Mock Service 1.0 implementation. The incident report implemntation is called out as the default.

Below the Implementation section is the Deployment section showing the environments containing the API. The example shows the API exists in the Development environment using the incident report 1.0.1 implementation, and the Staging environment, also using the incident report 1.0.1 implementation.