Description of the illustration apidesigner_wizard.png

Image shows the General page of the API Designer wizard where basic information is set for the custom API.

At the very top are the Upload a RAML Document icon and the Enter RAML Source Editor Mode icon.

Below the icons, the page is split vertically. On one side is the navigation bar with the wizard navigation links, General, Endpoints, Security, Schema, Types, Traits, and Documentation. Below the Documentation link are the Implementations and API Catalog links that take to the API Implementations page and the API Catalog, respectively.

Next to the navigation links the page is separated into two sections horizontally. The upper section shows an informational panel informing you that the API has been created and provides the following links: a link to the video tour of the API Designer, a link to guide describing best practices for designing RESTful APIs, and another link to the guide to learn more about RAML.

Below the informational panel are the following fields:

Below these fields is the API Catalog Properties section. An information panel is shown instructing you to provide a brief description of the API in the field below and to associate an icon to identify the API. The description and icon are not saved in the generated RAML document for the API and are not displayed in the Source view.

Below the information panel is the Short Description text field. The example text in the field shows Customer reports.

Below the Short Description field is a character limit indicator.

Below the character indicator is a default icon image for the API. Next to the image is the Select button. Clicking Select opens the Select Icon dialog where you can choose another icon image from a set of icons or upload an icon in PNG format to use to associate with the API. The dialog also has links to a quick start guide for downloading Photoshop to create your own icon and a link to the icon style guidelines.