Description of the illustration connectors_all_arch.png

A diagram of the overall architecture of Oracle Mobile Cloud Service and how it works with mobile applications and enterprise services. There are three main boxes of varying sizes on the same horizontal plane. Those main boxes are displayed and labeled in this order: Mobile Applications (representing a mobile device), Mobile Backend (the largest of the main boxes), and On-Premises or Cloud Service (the smallest of the main boxes). The Mobile Applications main box has two parallel arrows. One arrow points to the Platform APIs sub-box within the Mobile Backend main box, and one arrow points to the Custom APIs sub-box, also within the Mobile Backend main box. Within the Platform APIs sub-box are two columns of small boxes. The first column has four small boxes, and the second column has four small boxes. The labels of the four boxes in the first column are Mobile User Management, Data Offline and Sync, Analytics, and App Policies. The labels of the four boxes in the second column are Storage, Notifications, Database, and Location. Below the Platform APIs sub-box are two more sub-boxes, one for Custom APIs and one for Connectors. An arrow from the Custom APIs sub-box points to the Platform APIs sub-box above it. Another arrow from the Custom APIs sub-box points to the Connectors sub-box. The Connectors sub-box contains four entries for SOAP, REST, ICS and Fusion Applications. The Connectors sub-box with all four entries is highlighted. An arrow from the Connectors sub-box points to the main box labeled On-Premises or Cloud Service.