Description of the illustration funnels.png

The Funnels Report uses horizontal bar charts to show the conversion rates for each step in the workflow. The top of the Funnels Report window lists the selected funnel filters, or steps in the funnel, the global date range for the report, which you can click and change, and the date selection boxes, if you want to manually specify a date range. Next, the report renders a bar chart based on the funnel information for each funnel step. You can select a funnel step for more details. The bottom of the report lists the total number of users who began the process, and the percentage of users who completed the last step in the funnel. The sample report in this figure shows three filter steps that occurred over one week from September 21, 2015, to September 28, 2015 : Work Order Dispatched, Work Order Accepted, and Work Order Resolved. The total number of users who entered the funnel are 616, while only 35% completed the Work Ordered Received step.