Description of the illustration generic_admin_view.png

The left side shows the Development, Staging, and Production environment tabs wit the Development tab selected.

The image shows a generic display of the Administration view. The top of the image shows the name of the view, Administration. Below the name, are the indicators for the numbers of gigabytes of storage and the number of notifications sent.

Below the indicators, the view is divided into two parts, the environment selection column and the environment data area. The environment selection area shows three environments tabs. Only the environments configured for the specific instance of MCS are listed. In this example, three environments have been configured and are displayed in the following order: Development, Staging, and Production. The Development environment tab is selected.

The data area shows the data for the Development environment. At the top of the environment data area is a chart showing the request and response counts for artifacts in the selected environments. Below the chart are indicators for pending requests and the HTTP 400 and 500 errors incurred during the last hour.

Below the indicators is the Policies area. A help icon appears next to the Policies title. Within the Policies area is the Export button to export the environment policies for the selected environment and a field where you can either click the Import a policies file link to import an environment policies file or drag the file into the field to import it.

Next to the the indicators are links to view the Request History, Logs, Deployed Artifacts, the Developer Cloud Service Git Integration, and Deleted Artifacts. At the bottom of the image is the Keys and Certificates button to view or create CSF keys, or Web or SSL certificates.