Description of the illustration mbe_deploy_depends.png

The Dependencies page of the Deployment wizard is where you can review any dependencies of the artifact being deployed. The top of the image displays the Cancel button followed by the navigation links: Target, Dependencies, Impact, Policies, and Confirm. After the navigation links is the Next button.

Below the navigation links is the Deployment Dependencies section. After the section title is informational text telling the artifact depends on the artifacts listed in this section and that they must also be deployed. The mobile backend and all of its dependencies are listed and grouped by artifact type. Each artifact is listed by its name and version number. Text by each artifact informs you whether the artifact will be deployed in this operation or has already been deployed or if a conflict prevents an artifact from being deployed. If an artifact in the list has a dependency of its own, that dependency is called out after the deployment text.

This example lists the mobile backend, a realm, a custom API, an API implmentation, three connectors, a collection, and two roles.