15 Live Experience

Add Live Experience to Your Apps

Live Experience allows you to design secure digital customer engagements and include them in your apps. You can add video, audio, or screen share, as well as screen spotlighting and annotation during video and screen sharing sessions. These features enable communication with your customer service reps, repair techs, or anyone you’d like to have live interactions with.


Before you configure Live Experience in your environment, ask your Live Experience system administrator for the Live Experience endpoint, client ID, and client secret. The system administrator obtained the client ID and secret when the account was configured.

Configure Live Experience

You must configure Live Experience before you can enable backends to use it.

  1. In the Mobile Hub UI, click Settings > Credentials > Live Experience.

  2. Provide the Live Experience endpoint, client ID, and client secret that you obtained from your Live Experience system administrator.
    This image show the Live Experience credentials page with the URL Endpoint, Client ID, and Client Secret text boxes. All values are required.

Enable a Backend to Use Live Experience

To enable Live Experience for a backend:

  1. Go to Development > Backends and open the backend.

  2. Click Settings.

  3. Switch Live Experience on.
    This image shows the Fix it Fast backend opened and the Live Experience switch moved to the right indicating it is turned on.

Configure Your App to Connect It to Live Experience

  1. After your app authenticates with the backend, set AMCE_AUTH_TOKEN and BASE_URL.

  2. Use the Live Experience Integration REST API to get an access token for starting a Live Experience session:


    // Gets the Live Experience Access Token
      private void loginLiveExperience() {
        HttpURLConnection urlConnection = null;
        try {
          URL url = new URL("https://pmmobiledemo1-bots4saas.mobile.ocp.oraclecloud.com/mobile/platform/lx/token?client_type=LIVE_EXPERIENCE");
          urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
          mobileBackend = MobileManager.getManager().getMobileBackend(mCtx);
          urlConnection.setRequestProperty ("oracle-mobile-backend-id", mobileBackend.getConfig().getParser().getString("mobileBackendId"));
          urlConnection.setRequestProperty ("Authorization", mobileBackend.getAuthorization().getAccessToken());
          int status = urlConnection.getResponseCode();
          InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(urlConnection.getInputStream());
          String response = readStream(in);
          JSONObject jObj = new JSONObject(response);
          String access_token = jObj.getString("access_token");
          Log.i("Access token: ", access_token);
          SharedPreferences prefs = getSharedPreferences(Constants.LOG_TAG, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
          prefs.edit().putString(getString(R.string.access_token_live_experience), access_token).apply();
          // Pass access_token to the authentication method...
        } catch (Exception jse) {
          Toast.makeText(LoginActivity.this, "Exception: " + jse.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
        } finally {
          if (urlConnection != null) {


    // Gets the Live Experience Access Token
    let rqst = NSMutableURLRequest(url: URL(string: BASE_URL + "/mobile/platform/lx/token?client_type=LIVE_EXPERIENCE")!)
    let session = URLSession.shared
    rqst.httpMethod = "POST"
    rqst.addValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Accept")
    _ = session.dataTask(with: rqst as URLRequest,
        completionHandler: {data, response, error -> Void in
        guard let data = data, let _ = response, error == nil else { return }
        do {
          if let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data) as? 
                                                          [String: Any] {
            let access_token = json["access_token"] as? [[String: Any]] ?? []
            // Pass the access_token to the Live Experience authentication method.
         } catch let error as NSError {

    For details about the Live Experience Integration REST API, see REST API Reference for Oracle Mobile Hub - Platform APIs.

  3. Use the access token to start Live Experience, as described in Configure the Live Experience Mobile Android Component and Configure the Live Experience Mobile iOS Component.

  4. Once the app is configured, open it on a device and click the camera icon to launch a Live Experience session.