Quick Start

You can use the tooling API to manipulate your instance's assets. For example, you can:

  • Add and maintain custom API definitions and implementations

  • Add and maintain backends

  • Add and maintain storage collections

  • Import and export packages

  • Add and maintain policies

  • Get information about the environment

  • Purge and trash assets


You also can use a command-line interface to create and maintain APIs and backends, as well as set environment policies. See CLI Reference for Oracle Mobile Hub.

You access the API through backends. You must complete the following tasks before you can make REST calls to the operations.

Prerequisite More Information

Obtain a user account.

Manage Your Account and Services

Create a backend.

Creating and Populating Backends in Developing Applications with Oracle Mobile Hub.

You use information from the backend to get the token that you need for the Authorization header as described in Authorization.