OMCMobileObject Class Reference

Inherits from OMCMobileResource : NSObject
Declared in OMCMobileObject.h


Class that represents an object returned by a custom code API. Enables access to strongly typed object properties.

– jsonObject

The underlying JSON representation of the object, typically an NSDictionary or NSArray.

- (_Nullable id)jsonObject

Return Value

The JSON object (returns local/offline edited copy if found; otherwise returns persistent state/server copy)

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– jsonObjectPersistentState

Returns the server version (persistent state) of the object. This method is useful when the conflict resolution policy is PRESERVE_CONFLICT and a conflict occurs. You can use this method to get the current server version of the object, use the jsonObject() method to get the device’s local cache version of the object, and then resolve the conflict programmatically. For example you can merge the two objects, or you can let user choose which version to persist.

- (_Nullable id)jsonObjectPersistentState

Return Value

JSON object that represents the persistent state (server copy) of the object.

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– addOrUpdateJsonProperty:propertyValue:

Adds or updates the property in the JSON object. To persist the added/updated property to the OMCMobileObject object, you must invoke the saveResource method.

- (void)addOrUpdateJsonProperty:(NSString *)propertyName propertyValue:(NSString *)value



key cannot be nil


value of the property

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– saveResourceOnSuccess:OnError:

If the device is online, sends all the changes made to the object to the server. If the device is offline, the behavior depends on the resource’s (or for an add, the configuration file’s or default) update policy.

- (void)saveResourceOnSuccess:(OMCObjectSuccess _Nullable)successBlk OnError:(OMCSyncErrorBlock _Nullable)errorBlk



block that will be called after the request has successfully finished with the mobile resource.


block that will be called after the request has finished with an error.


If the device is online, then the changes are sent to the server, regardless of the policy setting. After the HTTP request that is sent to the server (PUT/POST/DELETE) completes successfully, the successBlk is called. If the HTTP response is not 2XX, 409 or 412, or if the SDK detects an error, such as timeout, then the errorBlk is called.

If the device is offline and the update policy is QUEUE_IF_OFFLINE, then the successBlk is called after the changes are written to the local cache. The changes are then queued to be sent to the server when the device goes online.The errorBlk is called only if there is an error when writing to the local cache, such as exceeding the maxStoreSize.

If the device is offline and the update policy is UPDATE_IF_ONLINE, then the errorBlk is called.

Note that you can override the resource’s update policy setting by calling saveResource with the saveIfOffline parameter.

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– saveResource:OnSuccess:OnError:

If the device is online, sends all the changes made to the object to the server. If the device is offline, the behavior depends on saveIfOffline parameter value.

- (void)saveResource:(BOOL)saveIfOffline OnSuccess:(OMCObjectSuccess _Nullable)successBlk OnError:(OMCSyncErrorBlock _Nullable)errorBlk



If the device is online, this parameter has no effect because all saves are sent to the server. If the device is offline and this option is true, then the method caches the updates locally, and, when the device goes online, it sends the changes to the server. If the device is offline and this option is false, then the save fails.

Note: The use of this function overrides any update policy set elsewhere, such as the resource’s update policy for an update or delete, or the configuration file or default policy for an add. This parameter is useful is when you must ensure that a new or updated object is sent to the server immediately, and you need to know the results (error or success) instaneneously so that you can act on the result.


Block that is called after the request completes successfully.


Block that is called after the request completes with an error.


If the device is online, then the changes are sent to the server, regardless of the policy setting. After the HTTP request that is sent to the server (PUT/POST/DELETE) completes successfully, the successBlk is called. If the HTTP response is not 2XX, 409 or 412, or if the SDK detects an error, such as timeout, then the errorBlk is called.

If the device is offline and saveIfOffline is true, then the successBlk is called after the changes are written to the local cache. The changes are then queued to be sent to the server when the device goes online.The errorBlk is called only if there is an error when writing to the local cache, such as exceeding the maxStoreSize.

If the device is offline and saveIfOffline is false, then the errorBlk is called.

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– deleteResourceOnError:

Deletes the object. Caches the deletion locally if offline. Unlike deleteResource: with it’s deleteIfOffline parameter, this method is always influenced by the Update Policy setting

- (void)deleteResourceOnError:(OMCSyncErrorBlock _Nullable)errorBlk



Block that is called after the request completes with error.

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– deleteResource:OnError:

Deletes the object.

- (void)deleteResource:(BOOL)deleteIfOffline OnError:(OMCSyncErrorBlock _Nullable)errorBlk



If true and the device is offline, caches the deletion locally and sends the DELETE request to the server when the device goes online. If false, then calls the errorBlk. This parameter overrides the resource’s update policy.


Block that is called after the request completes with error.

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