2 Create Your Service Instance

From the Infrastructure Console you can provision instances of Mobile Hub.

Create an Instance of Mobile Hub

  1. Sign in to your Oracle Cloud account.

  2. From the Infrastructure Console, click the navigation menu Navigation menu in the top left corner, expand Platform Services, then click Mobile Hub.

  3. Click Instances.

  4. Click Create Instance.

  5. In the Details section of the Instance area, fill in the following details:

    • Instance Name: Enter a name that reflects usage of the environment, for example, for a development environment, call it dev1.

      You can use a name of up to 20 characters. It must start with a letter, and can contain only letters, numbers and hyphens (-). It cannot end with a hyphen (-).

      Use a different name for each environment you create.

    • Description: (Optional) Enter a brief description of the stack that describes what the stack is used for.

    • Notification Email: The notification email address comes from the log in account. Status reports are sent to this email.

    • Region: A region is a localized geographic area. Select the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure region in which you want to deploy the service, or keep the default if you don’t have a preference.

      If Region is not visible it means that there isn't the capacity to create your instance. Contact Oracle Support who can help you get your Mobile Hub provisioned as soon as possible. See Get Support.

    • Tags: (Optional) Add tags and assign tags to this service.

  6. If you have a placement tag from Oracle:

    1. In the Special Instructions section of the Instance area, select the I have special instructions from Oracle checkbox.
    2. Input your placement tag.
  7. Click Next.

  8. Review the instance details, then click Create.

    There will be a short wait before you receive an email confirming that your Mobile Hub is ready for you to sign into.


    If you are having trouble provisioning an instance of Mobile Hub after following these instructions, contact Oracle Support who can help you get your Mobile Hub provisioned as soon as possible. See Get Support.